mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
edited March 2014 in Ovarian Cancer #1
Had ovarian stage 1C in 2000 - complete hysterectomy, omentum and lymph nodes, 6 months (every 21 days) of chemo. Changed my diet, exercise, many other things. Feeling good until 7 days ago - started with loose stools, lower abdominal discomfort. Thought it might be virus. Diarhhea mostly occurs within 1 hour after eating. But feel fullness in the lower abdomen all the time. No blood in stool from what I can see. Question: what would be the symptoms of cancer recurrence even though the ovaries have been removed? I've talked on the chat line and they've all been helpful and tried to console me. Doctor won't be back in till Tuesday. Any thoughts on this? Thank you all for listening.


  • heike
    heike Member Posts: 3
    How are you doing - did you get to see your doctor? I am in a very similar situation, I was also diagnosed with stage 1C ovarian cancer in September of 1999, exactly 4 years ago, while I was pregnant with my first child, and I have often wondered about the symptoms of recurrence. I have had lower abdominal discomfort and feelings of fullness at several times in the past few years, but so far at least I have been ok. I am starting to get nervous again, however, because my next check-up is coming up in November, plus we are in the process of adopting a baby girl from China.
    So please let me know how you are doing, and I hope everything will be all right, that it really is just an irritated bowel or something like that. I will be thinking about you,
  • msouders
    msouders Member Posts: 5
    Hi Mopar - 1C/2001 here. I have wondered the same thing often since the end of my treatment. Pre-OVCA these symptoms probably would not have alarmed you. I know since having 3 abdominal surgeries in less than one year in addition to my chemo, I celebrate every bowel movement!! I sincerely hope your symptoms are not related and I will be thinking about you!! I would think that something would have shown up during a check-up if it were serious but, hey, what do I know? Please post after you see your doc!! You are not alone! Recurrence is my first thought each time I have a gas pain. FYI: A test for blood in the stool is available over the counter - super easy to use.
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    heike said:

    How are you doing - did you get to see your doctor? I am in a very similar situation, I was also diagnosed with stage 1C ovarian cancer in September of 1999, exactly 4 years ago, while I was pregnant with my first child, and I have often wondered about the symptoms of recurrence. I have had lower abdominal discomfort and feelings of fullness at several times in the past few years, but so far at least I have been ok. I am starting to get nervous again, however, because my next check-up is coming up in November, plus we are in the process of adopting a baby girl from China.
    So please let me know how you are doing, and I hope everything will be all right, that it really is just an irritated bowel or something like that. I will be thinking about you,

    Thank you, both of you! That must have been so difficult for you, Heike to be diagnosed while pregnant. And I agree with you, msouders, that everything seems to be MAJOR now. You just never seem to be able to know when to pursue it or not. Anyway, doctor requested a stool sample. I am awaiting culture results (24-48 hours). He wants to start there. I must say I feel better this past 24 hours. Everything I ate for 8 days would pass right through me within 1 hour of eating. So I switched to my protein shakes (something I did during my chemo days) and tolerated that very well. I am still concerned about the abdominal pain, so the doc said to check this out first. But thank you both so much for your thoughts and support. Good luck, Heike with your next check-up. And congrats on the upcoming adoption! msourders, how are you doing these days? Well, I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Certainly I don't go off the deep end when something comes up, but it's quite natural to always think of the big C when something comes up. I'll keep my chin up and my eyes toward Heaven and will let you both know. Prayers and good thoughts!
  • mirtle
    mirtle Member Posts: 32 Member
    Mopar, I was diagnosed with stage3C in 1993. I had the hysterectomy, et al., followed by six rounds of taxol/cisplatin cocktails. Since that time, I have religiously gone to the doctor every three months and gotten blood test (CA125). When my CA125 started to rise (1997 to present), I had laproscopes, ct scans, etc. I asked the doctor if I should be looking for symptoms. He said "NO". When my CA125 finally went over 1000 (December 2001), a CT scan revealed some small lesions. I started treatment for recurring OV/CA in January 2002. I guess what I am telling you is that there are no symptoms. I am still in treatment. The lesions have been shrinking and when one treatment becomes ineffective, they try another one. Please keep up the fight and let me know how you are doing. If you would like to email me, please feel free to do so. I feel like an old hand at this now. My email address is By the way, I asked the question about why OV/CA comes back when you don't have ovaries. The answer is that is what type of cancer it is and it comes back in the same area.
  • mopar
    mopar Member Posts: 1,972 Member
    msouders said:

    Hi Mopar - 1C/2001 here. I have wondered the same thing often since the end of my treatment. Pre-OVCA these symptoms probably would not have alarmed you. I know since having 3 abdominal surgeries in less than one year in addition to my chemo, I celebrate every bowel movement!! I sincerely hope your symptoms are not related and I will be thinking about you!! I would think that something would have shown up during a check-up if it were serious but, hey, what do I know? Please post after you see your doc!! You are not alone! Recurrence is my first thought each time I have a gas pain. FYI: A test for blood in the stool is available over the counter - super easy to use.

    Stool culture came back negative - meaning no nasty intestinal/bowel virus. Symptoms had subsided, but still don't feel up to par. Next step would be a colonoscopy (yuk!). Will keep in touch with the doc. Hope everyone else is doing okay, as well as one possibly can! Sending thoughts your way!
  • msouders
    msouders Member Posts: 5
    mopar said:

    Stool culture came back negative - meaning no nasty intestinal/bowel virus. Symptoms had subsided, but still don't feel up to par. Next step would be a colonoscopy (yuk!). Will keep in touch with the doc. Hope everyone else is doing okay, as well as one possibly can! Sending thoughts your way!

    Hi Mopar - I'm so happy to hear about your culture!! Keep up with those "not up to par" symptoms. Don't let your doc drop the ball. A colonoscopy isn't fun but you can tough it out. I always hope when I go for testing that involves "that area" that I don't run into someone I know!!! Hang in there!! - Mary Souders
  • norita
    norita Member Posts: 1
    mirtle said:

    Mopar, I was diagnosed with stage3C in 1993. I had the hysterectomy, et al., followed by six rounds of taxol/cisplatin cocktails. Since that time, I have religiously gone to the doctor every three months and gotten blood test (CA125). When my CA125 started to rise (1997 to present), I had laproscopes, ct scans, etc. I asked the doctor if I should be looking for symptoms. He said "NO". When my CA125 finally went over 1000 (December 2001), a CT scan revealed some small lesions. I started treatment for recurring OV/CA in January 2002. I guess what I am telling you is that there are no symptoms. I am still in treatment. The lesions have been shrinking and when one treatment becomes ineffective, they try another one. Please keep up the fight and let me know how you are doing. If you would like to email me, please feel free to do so. I feel like an old hand at this now. My email address is By the way, I asked the question about why OV/CA comes back when you don't have ovaries. The answer is that is what type of cancer it is and it comes back in the same area.

    Hi mirtle, my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last November 2002. I am her youngest daughter and her care giver. I am 36 years old. My mom is at level 3C she has had 6 chemos before her surgery and another 4 more. Just last week we went in for a CA 125 and a CT SCAN . Her doctor met with us and gave my mom some bad news . She said that she found some new tumors resting on top of her liver. Her doctor wants to try a drug called DOXAL ? have you heard of it? Any way this is my first time on line and I'am looking for support . please respond
  • TealRibbon
    TealRibbon Member Posts: 44 Member
    norita said:

    Hi mirtle, my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last November 2002. I am her youngest daughter and her care giver. I am 36 years old. My mom is at level 3C she has had 6 chemos before her surgery and another 4 more. Just last week we went in for a CA 125 and a CT SCAN . Her doctor met with us and gave my mom some bad news . She said that she found some new tumors resting on top of her liver. Her doctor wants to try a drug called DOXAL ? have you heard of it? Any way this is my first time on line and I'am looking for support . please respond

    Hi Norita,

    So sorry about your Mom's situation. I was diagnosed 3C Sept. 29th 2002. I also had chemo (5 rounds)prior to my surgery because of the extent of my cancer. Then more chemo after the surgery. Now on maintenance Taxol for a year. 8 treatments to go.

    Tell your MOM not to give up! I have never been in remission but I just keep plugging along.

    I was depressed and had to go on Paxil. That seemed to help quite a bit.

    Anytime you want to talk, I am here for you.
  • momof5
    momof5 Member Posts: 16
    Hello, all! I am Gina and a 9 mos. survivor of cervical cancer. I too have recently had a horrible bloated feeling, change in bowel movements, extreme gas without result, and alternate of diarhhea and week long constipation. I researched some recurrence symptoms and seem to match them all. I do not however have blood in my stools. Just look huge (bloated 3 inches in two weeks)! But what I was getting to was that gynecological cancers tend to recur in the colon. Especially listed as a risk is ovarian cancer, please see a doctor and allow yourself a little bit of paranoia. I try not to go over the deep end and try to remember what I thought and did "Pre-Cancer". But that is difficult. Other SURVIVORS, like all of you are my saving grace! Thanks
  • mirtle
    mirtle Member Posts: 32 Member
    norita said:

    Hi mirtle, my mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer last November 2002. I am her youngest daughter and her care giver. I am 36 years old. My mom is at level 3C she has had 6 chemos before her surgery and another 4 more. Just last week we went in for a CA 125 and a CT SCAN . Her doctor met with us and gave my mom some bad news . She said that she found some new tumors resting on top of her liver. Her doctor wants to try a drug called DOXAL ? have you heard of it? Any way this is my first time on line and I'am looking for support . please respond

    Hi Norita. I was getting Doxil for nine months. The most significant side effect was the skin changes. My hands and feet became very sensitive and crackly. I protected my feet by wearing soft, white socks with all my shoes. My hands I coated with utter cream (you can find it in any Walmart). I had no hair loss and no nausea. After nine months, it became ineffective and I am currently taking taxol/carbo which has significant side effects. If I can be of any help, please let me know. I have been on chemo for almost two years. My original diagnosis was in 1993. I'm still here to talk about it!!! Best of luck to your mom and you.
  • LittleRascal
    LittleRascal Member Posts: 3
    mirtle said:

    Hi Norita. I was getting Doxil for nine months. The most significant side effect was the skin changes. My hands and feet became very sensitive and crackly. I protected my feet by wearing soft, white socks with all my shoes. My hands I coated with utter cream (you can find it in any Walmart). I had no hair loss and no nausea. After nine months, it became ineffective and I am currently taking taxol/carbo which has significant side effects. If I can be of any help, please let me know. I have been on chemo for almost two years. My original diagnosis was in 1993. I'm still here to talk about it!!! Best of luck to your mom and you.

    HI Mirtle! My mom was diagnosed with Stage 3C in Feb 03. FOllowing her restaging surgery (just two weeks ago), the doc wants to begin her next chemo sessions with Doxil. His list of side effects mimic your message...interestingly, right now my mom is very depressed (and medicated for it) about not having to go to chemo as often with Doxil...she really got used to the group she had chemo with and was looking forward to being with them again. What led your doctor in making the decision to try Doxil?
  • LittleRascal
    LittleRascal Member Posts: 3
    mirtle said:

    Hi Norita. I was getting Doxil for nine months. The most significant side effect was the skin changes. My hands and feet became very sensitive and crackly. I protected my feet by wearing soft, white socks with all my shoes. My hands I coated with utter cream (you can find it in any Walmart). I had no hair loss and no nausea. After nine months, it became ineffective and I am currently taking taxol/carbo which has significant side effects. If I can be of any help, please let me know. I have been on chemo for almost two years. My original diagnosis was in 1993. I'm still here to talk about it!!! Best of luck to your mom and you.

    HI Mirtle! My mom was diagnosed with Stage 3C in Feb 03. FOllowing her restaging surgery (just two weeks ago), the doc wants to begin her next chemo sessions with Doxil. His list of side effects mimic your message...interestingly, right now my mom is very depressed (and medicated for it) about not having to go to chemo as often with Doxil...she really got used to the group she had chemo with and was looking forward to being with them again. What led your doctor in making the decision to try Doxil?