Intamacy- Sex after Treatment

PBman Member Posts: 2

Those who have gone throught the HPV+ treatments and now submitting to the annual PET scans. THose who are clean after 1,2,3,4 plus years. Are you still having sex? Are you taking any precautions?



  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member
    1+ years post...

    Uh...yeah.  Why go through all that crap if you can't get busy afterwards?  

    Seriously though, if you are in a committed relationship then your partner has already been exposed to HPV...and likely already kicked it.  No need to change or do anything differently.

    If you are dating, you should use standard precautions such as condoms and such until you are in a more committed relationship where you and your partner can discuss with a medical professional.

    Happy trails (and endings)!


  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 383 Member
    Protection, yes, I had a

    Protection, yes, I had a vasectomy after our youngest was born.  Both children eventually caused brain damage, especially when the youngest rear-ended the semi (he "didn't see it"  (Me: "How can you NOT see a SEMI")).  That one is now an ER Doc.

    More seriously, there is probably a higher correlation of susceptibility due to age than your prior condition.  You can reduce that by dating twenty years olds, but that gets expensive.  The older ones will settle for air conditioning and new appliances.

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    Why wouldn't you? Why'd you

    Why wouldn't you? Why'd you ever stop to begin with? Was never an issue for my wife and I.

    If you were in a committed relationship at the time of diagnosis, there is no way of knowing who exposed HPV to whom first. In fact, the both of you have probably been exposed to HPV long before you met each other. My wife is HPV negative and we've been married for 20 years. She obviously has fought HPV off many times. 

    I may have contracted HPV when I was a teenager.

    If you're single, the odds are huge that any partner you may have already has HPV or has been exposed many times and cleared it out of their system.

    I don't understand why fretting about it. Go on with life. Until 75% or more of the population is taking the HPV vaccine, it's going to run rampant within society.

  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 383 Member
    Don't hold out for a lot from

    Don't hold out for a lot from the vaccine,  my chemo onc says they are seeing maybe a 20% effective rate.  It's a start, but it's not going to be the end.

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member

    Don't hold out for a lot from

    Don't hold out for a lot from the vaccine,  my chemo onc says they are seeing maybe a 20% effective rate.  It's a start, but it's not going to be the end.

    Doctors are often no

    Doctors are often no different than your average Joe on the street. Their opinions are based on their pespective and bias. My team told my wife and I they find the vaccine (if given before an individual has become sexually active) is about 80-90% effective - so, the complete opposite of what you were told. That said, my wife's primary care doctor was so uneducated about HPV she thought when I was diagnosed that that meant I had had an affair recently.

  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    HPV Dormant

    My wife and I have been married 28 years now.  25 years ago she was diagnosed with HPV and had an operation to remove part of her uterus or she would have gotten ovarian cancer.  All the symptoms went away and have not returned although we know it never goes away.  I did not come out positive for it at the time of DX.  How the heck did I not get it? 

    Don't worry about stuff you cannot change and just move forward.  We have no fear of ever seeing the virus pop up again. Go forth and try to mulitply!

  • Chicklette
    Chicklette Member Posts: 225
    We never stopped

    My husband and I have been married for almost six years.  We continued to be intimate all along.  I mean, there was a short time when we didn't becuase he was not feeling well, but a year out we are back to enjoying a regualr sex life.  If you are not in a committed relationship, then certainly you should use protection, but that is what I would tell anyone.  :)

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 443 Member

    Protection, yes, I had a

    Protection, yes, I had a vasectomy after our youngest was born.  Both children eventually caused brain damage, especially when the youngest rear-ended the semi (he "didn't see it"  (Me: "How can you NOT see a SEMI")).  That one is now an ER Doc.

    More seriously, there is probably a higher correlation of susceptibility due to age than your prior condition.  You can reduce that by dating twenty years olds, but that gets expensive.  The older ones will settle for air conditioning and new appliances.



    I don't think I was ever "that" bad:)

  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 383 Member
    SuzJ said:



    I don't think I was ever "that" bad:)

    As a twenty year-old, or at

    As a twenty year-old, or at rear-ending large trucks?   I suggested Neurosurgery when he was looking at Residencies, I still have a brain fault when I think of the semi dialog.  ER docs are all jocks, by the way.  Three of them, all former raft guides, are now renting an old large gristmill to live in.  None of their girl friends will live there (the g.f.'s choice).  As to older women, well they certainly have sorted out their priorities (brushed stainless).  Costco actually stopped taking orders on induction ovens for a while earlier this year, the demand was way larger than supply.