Happy Holidays-- small update :)


I had my third appointment for my recurrence.  My third round of Doxil is Friday.  Just minor mouth sores, that's it.  My CA-125 "ticked up" a bit.  I "look" good according to the doctor.  My pleural effusion is finally GONE (like completely gone), he could not find my largest tumor, and no more fluid near my liver (that he could feel).  Is the "tick up" of CA-125 something to be worried about?  He told me that January would tell me for sure?  My therapist said that this is the best I have looked the entire ordeal.


  • LorettaMarshall
    LorettaMarshall Member Posts: 662 Member
    Jodi~Hints 2 help prevent mouth sores & 2016 Christmas greetings

    Hi Jody:

    Hope “Merry Christmas” isn’t offensive, but I’ve been saying that ever since I was old enough to see a Christmas tree and woke up on Christmas morning to find that Santa Clause had come during the night and left presents for me.  Nope I never saw him, but I stayed awake as long as I could watching and waiting.  I never heard any prancing and pawing on the rooftops and sometime during the night I fell asleep from exhaustion and exhilaration no doubt.  But oh the joy of waking up Christmas morning and finding surprises!  Now I have to admit that as I got older, unbeknown to my mom, I scoured the closets and under the beds to see if there were any hidden gifts that I wasn’t supposed to know about.  And my inquisitive nature paid off when I found the “hidden” things that would only be for me.  But then when I woke up Christmas morning, I was a bit disappointed to realize that indeed I had spoiled my own surprise, by finding EVERYTHING, and there was no new thing that I hadn’t already found earlier. 

    Even though the reality of Santa dawned upon me at an older age, I’ve never lost the magic of those memories, have relived them with my own children, and grandchildren, and now great grandchildren.  So some things never change for me.   Those are precious memories.  And even the ability to “remember” is a gift from God because I have some in my family who have Alzheimer’s and memories “are a thing of the past” for them.  I remember Nancy Reagan was once being interviewed by Larry King.  He asked Nancy what was the hardest thing about caring for her husband, Ronald, since his diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.  She thought for a moment, and with a tear in her eye, and a quiver in her voice, she said, “HAVING NO ONE TO SHARE YOUR MEMORIES WITH!  So I thank God for the ability to still remember, because one day I may not have that.  So all gifts are not necessarily wrapped up in a shiny box with glittering bows.  Sometimes we take the most awesome gifts for granted. 

    And I have much to thank God for every day of the year, and to live to see and experience another Christmas is for me a delight.  Christmas back in 2012 for me was being a patient in the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.  That year the biggest “surprise” came as a result of Exploratory surgery that revealed I not only had “Peritoneal Carcinomatosis, but also had Ovarian Cancer Stage IV.  So for me life could have ended soon after, but by His grace, I am still here.  And so, like many on this forum, and others that I know personally who have cancer, every day is a “gift”.  It’s exciting to see family and friends and renew our love for one another, always felt, but not always spoken as often as it should be. 

    But back to the reason I’m writing you this “short note”.  I can’t begin to comment on the uptick in your CA125 but I can offer some things that might help your mouth sores if you’ve not already tried them.  For one thing, my oncologist told me not to eat anything hot or spicy for at least the first 24 hours after my chemo treatments.  He told me to suck on ice-chips, popsicles, eat ice cream, or anything cold.  He also told me that I could make up a solution of a teaspoon of baking soda to a cup of water, and gargle it often during the day and even at night if I wake up.  I have done that for all my treatments, and I’m now due for my 4th treatment of a 6-week regimen of Carboplatin and Taxol.  Chemo dries out the saliva and the mouth should be kept moist at all times. 

    Just prior to beginning my 3rd round of treatments in October, I went to the dentist for a checkup.  He knew I was going to begin another series, and he gave me several samples of a solution called Biotene.  It is an oral rinse.  He also gave me samples of Biotene gel that comes in a tube.  This can be rubbed in the mouth, and not rinsed out.  It’s okay if some is swallowed, although I don’t swallow the Biotene rinse.  It is to be gargled for at least 30 seconds, and at least every 4 hours.  And then he also gave me some Biotene toothpaste.  So between that and the hints by my oncologist, so far I haven’t had any issues.  I do brush my teeth with a soft toothbrush 2 or 3 times a day. 

    As a pre-emptive strike, should I feel my gums or throat feeling sore, he has prescribed a solution.   It is a prescription called “CLACK’S SOLUTION – 150 ML’S

                                      Here is the info on the bottle. 

    “Swish & swallow 5 milliliters by mouth four times a day if needed for mouth sore pain”

    The formula on the bottle reads thus: 



    So Jody, if your doctor hasn’t already prescribed something, you might want to discuss this solution prescription.  The Biotene products are OTC.  And of course, the water and baking soda solution is something you would stir up yourself. 

    Now I hope you have a good appetite and that your mouth sores will disappear altogether just like your Pleural effusion.  Wishing you every success, and may all your holidays be filled with good cheer.

    Loretta (aka Mrs. Santa Claus) age 77


    1.  https://www.biotene.com/dry-mouth-products

    Company ad touting the benefits of an oral rinse that my dentist recommended

    2.   http://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/chemotherapy/expert-answers/magic-mouthwash/faq-20058071

     “I have mouth sores from receiving chemotherapy. I've heard that something called "magic mouthwash" might help. What is it? - Answers from Timothy J. Moynihan, M.D.

    Magic mouthwash is the term given to a solution used to treat mouth sores (oral mucositis) caused by some forms of chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

    Oral mucositis can be extremely painful and can result in an inability to eat, speak or swallow. Magic mouthwash provides some relief.

     There are several versions of magic mouthwash. Some are available in pre-measured kits (First-Mouthwash BLM, First-BXN Mouthwash) that can be mixed together by pharmacists, while others are prepared to order by a pharmacist. If it's determined that magic mouthwash might be helpful, your doctor will write a prescription.

     Magic mouthwash usually contains at least three of these basic ingredients:

    • An antibiotic to kill bacteria around the sore
    • An antihistamine or local anesthetic to reduce pain and discomfort

    • An antifungal to reduce fungal growth

    • A corticosteroid to treat inflammation

    • An antacid that helps ensure the other ingredients adequately coat the inside of your mouth…”


      _______________________End of references_________________ 

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    edited December 2016 #3
    Jodi, this is sounding very

    Jodi, this is sounding very positive.  Glad to hear that you are tolerating the chemo well.  Thank you for updating.



  • rejoycew
    rejoycew Member Posts: 36
    edited December 2016 #4


    After 4 treatments of doxil, my 'up ticking' CA125 has finally gone down a bit.  We had already scheduled a CT scan to look at the tumors for tomorrow. (nice way to end this year!) We had been discussing a change of treatments but now we'll see.  I had 5th treatment of doxil on Tuesday. Next blood draw next month.   I have felt good with the treatments except for small pesky mouth sores.  The biotene toothpaste and mouth mouth rinse has helped me as well as not eating spicy foods (even foods that once were not spicy somtimes now are).  So bottom line be patient improvement may still occur.  Keeping a positive outlook is important for all of us.