New Here

Lynnhome Member Posts: 3


I was diagnosed with Stage 0 DCIS almost 2 weeks ago.  I know how lucky I am.  I am now waiting on appointments with my oncologists.  I have had a lumpectomy already, so I am waiting to see if they are going to do more surgery or only radiation.  

My question is this.  Is it normal to feel very tired and nauseated alot at this point before any of the treatment has been started?  I'm just wondering how other people have felt at this point.


Thank you all so very much for any comments you can post and also, I have been reading this board for a while now so thank you for all of the information I have gathered so far.


Lynn Homeier






  • Teach76
    Teach76 Member Posts: 354 Member
    edited October 2016 #2

    Hi, Lynn

         Welcome to the neighborhood!   I can not speak about the nausea, but feeling tired would be expected after any surgery.  Try to get lots of fresh veges and fruit, and as difficult as it may be, try to exercise (even just a 10 minute walk) every day.  Please visit often.  The folks here are AWESOME!  No question is too trivial, and you will be surprised at how many share in your same symptoms.  


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    Don't underestimate emotional impact

    Welcome, Lynn -

    Regarding feeling tired and tummy troubles:  Of course you should bring this up with your surgeon or oncologist at your next visit to get their opinion, but I also want to say that we should never underestimate the emotional impact of being told "you have cancer."

    You've received a scary diagnosis, you've been through tests and biopsies and surgery, you now have frequent doctors' appointments that you didn't have before with doctors who are using words you'd probably never heard before, and you have to learn a whole new vocabulary.  No matter how positive the prognosis, all that still has an impact on our spirits and how we feel.

    Please be gentle with yourself right now, get extra rest and gentle exercise, and be sure to make time for little things that lift your spirits and bring you joy.


  • Sasu
    Sasu Member Posts: 39

    Welcome to this club no one wants to belong  to.  Ditto to what Traci said. It all seems a bit overwhelming, but you can do this. 

  • RozHopkins
    RozHopkins Member Posts: 578 Member
    edited October 2016 #5
    I too think Tracey got it one

    I too think Tracey got it one.  Good advice.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I too had DCIS 0

    I too had DCIS 0


    I was never tired , even during radiation! I am thinking just mental stress-can do a # on exhaustion and just being overwhelmed.



  • Lynnhome
    Lynnhome Member Posts: 3
    edited October 2016 #7
    Thank you!

    Thank you everyone for responding!  I met with the Medical Oncologist and she said I might just need to have more surgery and be on Tamoxofin for 5 years.  No radiation.  Still have to meet with Radiation Oncologist to talk about that.  She also did blood work up to see if I have a vitimin deficincy that might be causing me to be so tired.  

    Once again thank you for responding and I hope you are all doing well.

  • Lynnhome
    Lynnhome Member Posts: 3

    I too had DCIS 0

    I too had DCIS 0


    I was never tired , even during radiation! I am thinking just mental stress-can do a # on exhaustion and just being overwhelmed.



    Questions about DCIS 0

    What type of treatment did you have?  Also, did they remove any lymph nodes?  

    Thank you!
