SSD denied

scoot108 Member Posts: 19



I am am looking for advice on this from anyone who might have gone thru this problem.  I was diagnosed April 2012 esophageal cancer stage 3 just before I turned 49.  I worked a very physical job as a tool and die maker from 18 until diagnosis.  I underwent the pre op chemo and radiation and had a Transhiatial esopghagectomy September 2012.  I was approved for and started drawing SSD in August 2012.  My approval stated improvement possible and a review in October 2015.  I had lots of the usual issues.  A leak and infection at the upper reattachment that left me on a feeding tube for 3 months.  After 25 dialations I am left with a throat size  of 6-8 mm.  I get food stuck and work it back up and throw up daily.  I never eat out.  Someone would be calling 911 and trying to heimlich me everyday if I did.  I still have dumping issues daily.  Sweating, low sugars, cramping, diareahha.  I still do 6 meals a day and can not eat within several hours of bedtime.  I still get reflux and sleep elevated or in a chair.  I can not bend below the waist or lay flat.  I am diabetic on insulin and have neuropathy in my feet and hands.  I still have fatigue and headaches.  All this is documented.  SSD just finished my review and has denied my continuing benefits saying my health is improved and I am fit to do tool and die work again.  I am going to appeal and am looking for help.  My primary Doctor is sending me a statement that I can not do meaningful work.  My oncoligist will not not provide one because I am only doing follow up with him and not treatment.  I am waiting to hear back from my surgeons office to see if they will help.  SSD is only looking back for 12 months and saying since I am not receiving any current treatment I am all better I guess.  I feel that I am way worse off than when I had my original diagnosis.  I am in Michigan if that means anything.  Anyone had this problem?  Thank you.  Scott 


  • Deathorglory
    Deathorglory Member Posts: 364 Member
    edited June 2016 #2
    Sorry to Hear

    Hello Scott,

    I have many of the same conditions as you, but fortunately I haven't had any difficulties with Disability yet.  I also am diabetic with frequent low blood sugar issues (my wife has had to call 911 about 5 times in the last 2-3 years).  Diarrhea has been my constant companion for about 5 years.  I can't lie down /sleep flat either.  I also have neuropathy in my hands and feet, but from folfox chemo, not the diabetes.  I think/hope that your PCP's recommendation will be enough to continue your Disability.  I was put on "permanent" disability b/c I was considered terminal with my last diagnosis.  Fortunately (for me) the diagnosis wasn't correct.  I think that's why I haven't had problems when my disability situation was reviewed.

    Sorry I'm not offering any suggestions, just a sympathetic ear,


  • scoot108
    scoot108 Member Posts: 19

    Sorry to Hear

    Hello Scott,

    I have many of the same conditions as you, but fortunately I haven't had any difficulties with Disability yet.  I also am diabetic with frequent low blood sugar issues (my wife has had to call 911 about 5 times in the last 2-3 years).  Diarrhea has been my constant companion for about 5 years.  I can't lie down /sleep flat either.  I also have neuropathy in my hands and feet, but from folfox chemo, not the diabetes.  I think/hope that your PCP's recommendation will be enough to continue your Disability.  I was put on "permanent" disability b/c I was considered terminal with my last diagnosis.  Fortunately (for me) the diagnosis wasn't correct.  I think that's why I haven't had problems when my disability situation was reviewed.

    Sorry I'm not offering any suggestions, just a sympathetic ear,


    Appeal filed



    Thank you.  I filed my appeal paperwork.  I got a statement from the surgeons office stating I had the surgery and complications and deferring to my oncologist and primary dr.  I got my oncologist notes listing all my issues/complications at each visit.  I got a letter from my primary care dr that sure seems pretty ironclad.  Turned that in with appeal.  Now they said they will review it again and there could be a reversal on the decision and I might not even have to go to the disability hearing officer.  Have to wait 45 days to find out.  Thanks again and good luck to you.  Take care.  


  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 619 Member
    Glad you appealed

    My brother--in-law had nasopharyngeal cancer treatment about six years ago and filed for disability.  He was originally rejected, but we appealed and he was given the disability, backdated to his original application.  He remains on it to this day.  We successfully argued, and his doctors furnished documentation to the effect, that his radiation treatment resulted in nerve and hearing damage to one side of his body due to the size and location of the tumor.  He has been in more or less constant pain as a result and needs to take relatively industrial strength pain meds to make it through the day.  Some of the main, documented side effects of his meds are a loss in memory and problems with consistent motor function, both of which make it hard to get and retain work.

    Good luck with your appeal!