Family history?

Double Whammy
Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member

I recently learned and have talked with a second cousin who is currently in the midst of radiation for a recurrence of endometrial cancer.  She doesn't know what type of endo cancer she was initially diagnosed with 3 years ago but had chemo and radiation then, so it was certainly a higher stage/grade than mine.  I can't help but think about the "what if's".  She was 82 at diagnosis and she had post menopausal bleeding.  I had no symptoms, just some NORMAL endometrial cells on a routine pap smear which warrented further investigation.  Makes me wonder about a family history connection and had I not had that routine well woman exam but instead had symptoms, what the stage and grade of mine would have been.  Anyone else have any family history?  She is a SECOND cousin, not a first degree relative, but it still makes me wonder.   Sort of goes along with my non-medical theory that those reproductive organs just sit there and fester the longer we have them!!



  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,482 Member
    The only thing I could find

    The only thing I could find in my family was my great grandma, Eldri, who died of colon cancer at the age of 71.  Her obituary just said she hadn't been feeling well so I doubt she even had treatment.  Those old Norwegians were a stoic bunch and I bet she just suffered in silence.



  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,812 Member
    My sister had endometrial

    My sister had endometrial cancer 3 years before mine showed up. A cousin on my maternal side of the family was also just diagnosed with it. Still waiting to learn what her stage and grade are. We all three tested positive for Lynch Syndrome. Both my Grandmother and Mother had hysterectomies in their late 20s / early 30s so my guess is they would have carried Lynch as well and most likely gotten cancer.  My sister's daughter did not test positive for Lynch but she had cervical cancer 5 years ago at 35 years old.  So, from my perspective... lots of us have had to deal with it.  I'm with you! I think they should just rip it all out at 50!!!!! :-)

    Love and Hugs,


  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    My mother

    My mother was diagnosed with adenosquamous endometrial cancer when she was 80, not the same cancer I had.  She also had breast cancer when she was 70.  There have been several different types of cancer on my dad's side of the family, multiple myeloma, a great aunt and a cousin had breast cancer, and my grandfather had bone cancer in his 80's, but no one else had any uterine cancers.  I have tested negative for Lynch syndrome.

  • Loquitur
    Loquitur Member Posts: 4
    My father's sister died about

    My father's sister died about twenty years ago from cancer in her late 70's. I just found out recently from my sister that it was endometrial when I told her about my issues. We don't know any of the details of her disease except that she was a Christian Scientist and never went to conventional doctors.  Susan  

  • Charissa
    Charissa Member Posts: 129 Member
    My dad had a rare sarcoma

    My dad had a rare sarcoma tumor in his leg 30 years ago. He went through chemo and radiation and is still alive today with no recurrences. My grandmother (my dad's mom) got breast cancer in her later years (80's). And, my aunt (my dad's sister) got cervical cancer in her twenties and had a full hysterectomy.  I guess I'd have to say, I get cancer from my father's side. I don't know anyone on my mother's side with cancer.

  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571
    edited November 2016 #7
    Familial cancer

    My mother had uterine cancer at age 72yrs and died from it. I was diagnosed at age 52 yrs (in 2009)with uterine cancer. Maternal great grandmother likely died in mid fifties of "stomach" cancer.  Maternal great aunt died of cance. Maternal aunt died of pancreatic cancer. My sister had hysterectomy in her 40s so not sure if she would have developed it or not. My sister's daughter's daughter was diagnosed at 11 months with brain cancer. My father's brother died of bone cancer and my paternal grandfather had  throat cancer.... so I guess cancer is on both sides of my family. I am suspicious of Lynch Syndrome genetic tie on maternal side of family.

  • rcdeman
    rcdeman Member Posts: 263 Member
    edited November 2016 #8
    History of cancer in my family

    My dad passed away from liver cancer 3 years ago at age 63. :( His mother, my grandmother, also passed away from liver cancer at age 52. My grandfather on my mom's side had separate cases of both colon cancer and stomach cancer at different times in his life, but my grandmother on my mom's side seemed to be fine. Now my mom has UPSC. None in her family has had this. None of us has been tested for Lynch, etc.