Gall Bladder Cancer Help required


On 25 may 2014 my mother had symptoms of jaundice after ultrasound the doctor suggested ERCP in which a stent was placed in CBD, because there was blockage or you can say contraction of CBD. After ERCP doctor show his opinion that she had a cancer and he suggested CT scan. In CT scan every thing was clear. then open surgery was planned to remove the gall bladder because there was stones in the gall bladder. on 12 june 2014 open surgery was done to remove gall bladder, successfully.

In her histo pathology report there was a tumour in the gall bladder in which serosa involvement was clear. After that we had suggested to go through from PET CT scan. In that scan conclusive findings are 'Finding favoring FGD avid residual disease in CBD and Porta Hepatic Nodes. Hypermetabolic ill defined focus in liver hepatic metastasis.'


The doctors said that it is a stage 4 cancer and cant be surgically removed. where radio therapist said there is no proven role of radiation in this case. Chemo therapist told us not to disturb at that moment. Because thanks God that my mother is fine and there is no problem apparently. The chemo therapist said when she had any pain then chemo therapy can be given.


Now the last hope that remains is palliative treatment that improves the quality of her life. I shall be very thankful to all of you who help me in suggesting some tips that will improve her life quality. Looking to hear from you people. Than I will place more questions.







  • Silviasaravo123
    Silviasaravo123 Member Posts: 3
    How is your mom?

    thank you 


  • illfight
    illfight Member Posts: 6
    My mom is diagnosed with

    My mom is diagnosed with advanced ca gall bladder stage 4 two weeks back... i hv visited all the best surgeons in india but no one is ready to operate as people have nihilistic approach towards it . Now mom had 1 chemo with gemcitabine and oxiplatin..... she developed jaundice so had PTBD. ..... i am a doctor myself but this cancer ditched me.... as my mother was asymptomatic 2 weeks back...... 

  • Rose1946
    Rose1946 Member Posts: 1

    my granddaughter is 30 years old they did an alsound on her and she has a polyd on her gallbladder 3.3 mm.

    please tell me if this is cancer is it big enough to spread to other organs. She goes to specialist next wednesday they haven't told her anything yet.