Another Y90 update



  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    carrieh said:

    The 20th? I Missed Something

    Is it Tuesday? I missed a post or something...just wanted to check on you and saw something about the 20th.

    You  are in my thoughts a couple of cheesy puns for you...courtesy of me having too much coffee before bed.


    I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger...then it hit me.

    When William joined the army he disliked the phrase, "Fire At Will."

    Police were called to a daycare when a three year old was resisting a rest.


    Hope you smiled. Your friend, Carrie


    Carrie thanks for making me laugh.

    here's one for you:

    What do you call a nun who sleepwalks?     A Roamin' Catholic  ba dumdum

  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Thank you all

    First I want to say that all of you are amazing.  This board is so supportive.  I appreciate all of you.

    Yes, I had the next part of my Y90 procedure yesterday, May 20.  The doctor was very pleased with the procedure, it went very smoothly.  I was happier with this part because the sedation was better and I felt no pain.  The initial part, where they map the arteries, the sedation wasn't as good and the doctor kept having to tell the nurse to give me more.   I had a different nurse this time. After they implanted the radioactive beads, they took me up for a scan which revealed that the bead were placed perfectly.  Very good news.

    After laying in recovery for six hours without moving, a very difficult task I might add, but necessary to keep the artery from bleeding, the doctor came in to tell me he was very pleased.  So the next part of this journey....since I had a liver resection in March 2013, my liver has regenerated to the original size so they are treating it as if I have two lobes.  In two weeks, I will go in for blood work.  If the bloodwork show normal liver function, then about three weeks from now, they will implant beads into my second tumor.  So I am hoping and praying for good results.

    Overall, today I am a bit tired, but I am finding it difficult to rest.  It is a beautiful day here and I want to get out and go.....who wants to take a day off work to just lay around!  So I am thankful that it is beautiful and that I am feeling well.  I will update more later.

  • CammieS
    CammieS Member Posts: 43
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thank you all

    First I want to say that all of you are amazing.  This board is so supportive.  I appreciate all of you.

    Yes, I had the next part of my Y90 procedure yesterday, May 20.  The doctor was very pleased with the procedure, it went very smoothly.  I was happier with this part because the sedation was better and I felt no pain.  The initial part, where they map the arteries, the sedation wasn't as good and the doctor kept having to tell the nurse to give me more.   I had a different nurse this time. After they implanted the radioactive beads, they took me up for a scan which revealed that the bead were placed perfectly.  Very good news.

    After laying in recovery for six hours without moving, a very difficult task I might add, but necessary to keep the artery from bleeding, the doctor came in to tell me he was very pleased.  So the next part of this journey....since I had a liver resection in March 2013, my liver has regenerated to the original size so they are treating it as if I have two lobes.  In two weeks, I will go in for blood work.  If the bloodwork show normal liver function, then about three weeks from now, they will implant beads into my second tumor.  So I am hoping and praying for good results.

    Overall, today I am a bit tired, but I am finding it difficult to rest.  It is a beautiful day here and I want to get out and go.....who wants to take a day off work to just lay around!  So I am thankful that it is beautiful and that I am feeling well.  I will update more later.


    Good news for you! I hope the next steps go well, too.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thank you all

    First I want to say that all of you are amazing.  This board is so supportive.  I appreciate all of you.

    Yes, I had the next part of my Y90 procedure yesterday, May 20.  The doctor was very pleased with the procedure, it went very smoothly.  I was happier with this part because the sedation was better and I felt no pain.  The initial part, where they map the arteries, the sedation wasn't as good and the doctor kept having to tell the nurse to give me more.   I had a different nurse this time. After they implanted the radioactive beads, they took me up for a scan which revealed that the bead were placed perfectly.  Very good news.

    After laying in recovery for six hours without moving, a very difficult task I might add, but necessary to keep the artery from bleeding, the doctor came in to tell me he was very pleased.  So the next part of this journey....since I had a liver resection in March 2013, my liver has regenerated to the original size so they are treating it as if I have two lobes.  In two weeks, I will go in for blood work.  If the bloodwork show normal liver function, then about three weeks from now, they will implant beads into my second tumor.  So I am hoping and praying for good results.

    Overall, today I am a bit tired, but I am finding it difficult to rest.  It is a beautiful day here and I want to get out and go.....who wants to take a day off work to just lay around!  So I am thankful that it is beautiful and that I am feeling well.  I will update more later.

    Happy day!

    I am so happy to hear that first, the surgery went ahead, and second, it went well. I am happy to know that you are home, and being taken care of. 

    Thank you so much for the detailed account. You know how much it helps others who are facing the same procedure. 

    I thought of you all day yesterday, and will continue to think of you as you recover. I hope you get a bit of time outdoors, though PLEASE don't overdo it. I got told off after my liver ablation for wanting to get going straight away. 

    Take good good care. 


  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Trubrit said:

    Happy day!

    I am so happy to hear that first, the surgery went ahead, and second, it went well. I am happy to know that you are home, and being taken care of. 

    Thank you so much for the detailed account. You know how much it helps others who are facing the same procedure. 

    I thought of you all day yesterday, and will continue to think of you as you recover. I hope you get a bit of time outdoors, though PLEASE don't overdo it. I got told off after my liver ablation for wanting to get going straight away. 

    Take good good care. 




    I think we are cut from the sme cloth!  I am resting now and I promised my daughter I won't do anything for an hour and a half!

    the challenge is on!


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Lisa2012 said:



    I think we are cut from the sme cloth!  I am resting now and I promised my daughter I won't do anything for an hour and a half!

    the challenge is on!


    That is great news Lisa.

    That is great news Lisa.

  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142

    Just an updat

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Wonderful Update


    UPDATE JUNE 8th - it has been just about here weeks since I had the radioactive beads implanted.  In my experience, he only side effect of this procedure has been fatigue.  I had the procedure on a Tuesday and I returned to work full time the following Monday.  I have tried to avoid taking pain meds but have used maybe one or two daily, typically to sleep.  I went for bloodwork to analyze liver function and all the results came back normal.  The doctor is pleased and has ordered the beads for the second tumor.  I will have that  procedure the week of June 16th assuming that the radiation dosage is at the correct level.   

    What a wonderful update. 

    I missed reading it on the 8th, so I hope you don't mind me copy and pasting it as part of my post. 

    I am so happy that you are feeling so well, and that you will be ready to have the other procedure done so soon. Keep on keeping us updated, and I will certainly keep you in my prayers. 

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Wonderful Update


    UPDATE JUNE 8th - it has been just about here weeks since I had the radioactive beads implanted.  In my experience, he only side effect of this procedure has been fatigue.  I had the procedure on a Tuesday and I returned to work full time the following Monday.  I have tried to avoid taking pain meds but have used maybe one or two daily, typically to sleep.  I went for bloodwork to analyze liver function and all the results came back normal.  The doctor is pleased and has ordered the beads for the second tumor.  I will have that  procedure the week of June 16th assuming that the radiation dosage is at the correct level.   

    What a wonderful update. 

    I missed reading it on the 8th, so I hope you don't mind me copy and pasting it as part of my post. 

    I am so happy that you are feeling so well, and that you will be ready to have the other procedure done so soon. Keep on keeping us updated, and I will certainly keep you in my prayers. 

    Thanks for the update Lisa,

    Thanks for the update Lisa, and thanks for the reply to the PM I sent you. It was real helpful.

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    Lisa2012 said:


    Just an updat


    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this sends you in the right direction and you become NED!

    Get a lot of rest and take care of yourself.

    Keep us posted!


  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Just an update

    So far so good!   See detail in original post

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Just an update

    So far so good!   See detail in original post

    Happy news.

    Wel, not the long journey home, that must have been terribly frustrating. But I am happy that the planting went well, and even happier that you are feeling good about it. 

    Get as much rest as your body needs and keep posting the positive progress reports.

  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Trubrit said:

    Happy news.

    Wel, not the long journey home, that must have been terribly frustrating. But I am happy that the planting went well, and even happier that you are feeling good about it. 

    Get as much rest as your body needs and keep posting the positive progress reports.

    Thanks Sue

    You are the BEST!

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thanks Sue

    You are the BEST!

    That is great news Lisa, and

    That is great news Lisa, and I lover your positive attitude. It will take you far.

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    I don't know anything about

    I don't know anything about it but I'm excited that you're excited, way to feel good!  It's a good feeling to kick cancer!  I've been sending so many good vibes into the atmosphere lately that the world should be filled with cancer fighting juju.  Can't wait to hear that you're on the NED bandwagon. 

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    lp1964 said:

    Dear Lisa,

    I don't know anything about that procedure, but wanted to send my support and wish you the best luck with it.


    No liver resection?  Hope

    No liver resection?  Hope this treatment works for you. I may be interested in it.  Xeloda, oxy and irrotecan and Folfri have not worked for me either.   

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    Helen321 said:

    I don't know anything about

    I don't know anything about it but I'm excited that you're excited, way to feel good!  It's a good feeling to kick cancer!  I've been sending so many good vibes into the atmosphere lately that the world should be filled with cancer fighting juju.  Can't wait to hear that you're on the NED bandwagon. 

    What great news. I will be

    What great news. I will be checking into this myself. Thanks! 

  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Nana b said:

    No liver resection?  Hope

    No liver resection?  Hope this treatment works for you. I may be interested in it.  Xeloda, oxy and irrotecan and Folfri have not worked for me either.   

    Liver resection


    yes I had a liver resection in 2013.  They removed the entire right lobe of my liver.


  • Lisa2012
    Lisa2012 Member Posts: 142
    Thanks all

    Your support is so appreciated.   I went back to work today bu only last from 8 to 1 before I decided that a nap,was in my best interest.  I am feeling well, just tired and some nagging pain in my midsection.  I am getting up and doing something everyday, I have big plans for the 4th so I need to get back to normal.

    the doctors called today and I will do my bloodwork and a CTScan after the 17th of July.  Until then, I will work on leading a "normal" life.   Blessings to all of you and thanks for your support.


  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Lisa2012 said:

    Thanks all

    Your support is so appreciated.   I went back to work today bu only last from 8 to 1 before I decided that a nap,was in my best interest.  I am feeling well, just tired and some nagging pain in my midsection.  I am getting up and doing something everyday, I have big plans for the 4th so I need to get back to normal.

    the doctors called today and I will do my bloodwork and a CTScan after the 17th of July.  Until then, I will work on leading a "normal" life.   Blessings to all of you and thanks for your support.


    Rest up good for the 4th and enjoy yourself. I will be recovering from y90 on the 4th. Then as you know i have big plans 10 days after y90 flying from virginia to seattle so i will be getting plenty of rest before then.

    I am glad you are an active part of this community. You have helped and inspired many including me. And thats pretty hard to help and inspire a grizzled long time survivor like me.