
kathmarx Member Posts: 2

I'm writing for a friend planning to have bilateral mastectomy and considering NOT having reconstruction after the surgery.  She has a few questions, and would really appreciate input from others who have been in this situation: 

  • What if you had a larger breast size before surgery... is it possible to adjust after mastectomy without reconstruction and without prosthesis?
  • If you went through a mastectomy and did not have reconstruction, did you have any regrets? 

Thank you so much for your help.  Surgery planned for the end of June, 2014. 


  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    I chose not to do

    I chose not to do reconstruction for a number of reasons.

    I had a double  mastectomy.   I have prosthetics,  but I do not always wear them, actually I hardly bother.  I know most people I am around the most know my situation, and so I just don't feel the need to always wear them.  It does depend on what I am wearing and where I am going.  I can minimize the fact I have leeft "the girls" home by what I wear.

    Losing the two, my body is not out of balance.  Some who have lost just one find that it bothers their backs, if they don't do something to replace that weight on that side.  I do know someone like that.

    You just have to decide what you are comfy doing.  Sometimes that takes time.

    I tend to wear to work (school) shirts/blouses that are textured and/or "busy."  If I don't want to wear my fakes, I wear tops that button and do not need to be tucked in.  A bit of looseness is good. 

    Hope this helps.


  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    No regrets

    I had a UMX  without recon and I have never regretted it at all.  

    Immediate recon was not an option for me being IBC and orriginally I had thought when the year passed and I could have it I would but I decided it wasn't worth doing more surgery that could possibly result in complications.

    I am one who always wears my pros and never have any thoughts about it.  We are all so different in what is right forus individually.  Of course it is possible to 'adjust' after UMX or BMX, with or without recon - we all do.  Not all choosing the same route but rather what we believe is best for us.

    Winyan - The Power Within


  • tasha_111
    tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072

    Hi there,   I had a set of 44Ds before cancer, then I had a partial mast on the right. that was in 2007/8.    Last year I decided upon augmentation, that is when they discovered another abnotmality and dxd me st 4.  So glad I had it done tho,  a lot more balanced now,  PLUS now I know what stage I am at............ No Regrets


  • cinnamonsmile
    cinnamonsmile Member Posts: 1,187 Member
    I had a double mastectomy on

    I had a double mastectomy on 1/11/11. I am totally ok with it. I have prosthetics, but due to pain issues, I can't wear them.

    Yes, it is possible for people to adjust after a mastectomy. I had larger breasts before the BMX and I love not having those big things!

    I have no regrets at all. I love not having to wear a bra.

    There is a forum called Living Without Reconstruction After a Mastectomy on I highly suggest you check that site out, also.

    Also try a webiste called It is written by and for women who chose/choose no reconstruction and very very informative.m 

    Every once in a great while I would miss them for sexual reasons a for about a year, but since my sex life has been kaput for about two years now, I guess I have no reason to miss them anymore!!!

  • CyndiJW
    CyndiJW Member Posts: 53
    I don't know your friend's

    I don't know your friend's age, her private relationship status or her medical prognosis. So all I can offer is this :  I was diagnosed at 55.  My husband of 15 yrs at that time was beside me all the way.  Regardless of our ages we were/are still sexually attracted to each other and my sexuality/womanhood was very important to me/us.  So I didn't hesitate to jump at the chance of a bi-lateral mastectomy & reconstruction.  Luckily, my cancer was small enough & located just so, that I was a great candidate for NSS (Nipple Skin Sparing) surgery.  The mastectomy saved me from having to undergo radiation & chemo.  

    It's been nearly two years now since my original diagnosis, & BMX & Recon.  I've had my complications & strange things go on during this time, but at NO TIME have I regretted my decision for BMX and total recon w/silicone implants.

    just my experiences and my opinion, FWIW. 

    *Hugs - And Good Luck to your Friend*


  • sweetvickid
    sweetvickid Member Posts: 459 Member
    no regrets

    Had a double with no reconstruction.  Just couldn't see putting myself thru that to have 2 bumps on my chest.  Rarely wear the foobs.

  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I have had to lumpectomies

    I have had to lumpectomies (same side) my 2nd surgeon keeps suggesting a PS-to use fat to reshape that side. I am not going to anything in regards to shape. I have a huge phobia of stitches etc (though many many surgeries over the years-it does not get better)


    I was very small/ flat prior to cancer-but I think the tamoxifen has something to do with my chest (not sure if Drs would agree) size a bit bigger-enough for family to notice. I thought from weight gain from steriods-but I have now been off them for over 2 yrs. (6 yr post cancer)



  • kathmarx
    kathmarx Member Posts: 2
    many thanks

    Thank you to all who commented on my initial post.  It's incredibly helpful to hear that any decision can be the right decision, depending on the person.  I'll pass your advice and comments on to my friend.  Thank you!

  • Survive2013
    Survive2013 Member Posts: 1

    I chose not to do

    I chose not to do reconstruction for a number of reasons.

    I had a double  mastectomy.   I have prosthetics,  but I do not always wear them, actually I hardly bother.  I know most people I am around the most know my situation, and so I just don't feel the need to always wear them.  It does depend on what I am wearing and where I am going.  I can minimize the fact I have leeft "the girls" home by what I wear.

    Losing the two, my body is not out of balance.  Some who have lost just one find that it bothers their backs, if they don't do something to replace that weight on that side.  I do know someone like that.

    You just have to decide what you are comfy doing.  Sometimes that takes time.

    I tend to wear to work (school) shirts/blouses that are textured and/or "busy."  If I don't want to wear my fakes, I wear tops that button and do not need to be tucked in.  A bit of looseness is good. 

    Hope this helps.



    I have just recently found a new company that makes garments for woman who have not had reconstruction. I have been unhappy with what I found in the market prior to now. Great, soft fabrics And fashionable. Just thought I'd share. I have all 3 styles of the cami and am in love. 

    Thought I would share...

  • 24242
    24242 Member Posts: 1,398
    Bi Lateral

    I decided at the age of 36 if I was going to go through treatments I would do everything I could and pushed for things like radiation when they thought it would have little affect.  Any percentage of better results was what I had decided on.

    After diagnosis of stage 3 IDC and didn't know at that time about triple negative that didn't come till years later, I had to worry about the cancer the rest mattered little to me.  My grandmother had had breast cancer so I knew how bad she looked and I ended up looking nothing like her.  I had side affects even from having surgery so decided against putting myself through more than I had to so after a year had my second breast removed.  The doctor and my nurse mother both advised against having double mastectomy since so hard on the body and I had to worry about the cancer first so I did not have bi lateral something very common in America more so than Canada.

    I have never regreted my decision and decided having less surgery was better for me since having so many problems.  Actually no one even really notices but I do not spend any time at a swimming pool or gym for those places hard enough when I had breasts.  I have met many beautiful women who also chose not to have reconstruction and wearing black or dark T shirts help to hide the flatness it seems.  I wear tight shirts and care little about what people think never did.  I have to say like a model once said after he cancer fight and loosing all her female parts to is, "I feel like a woman more than I ever have."

    I wish your friend Wellness and your a very good friend,
