One road ends, another begins

Well folks, tomorrow (Friday 2/1) I wlll have had my last Rad.  I had a meeting with my ONC today and he predicted that the next two weeks will be the worst of the journey but slowly, after that I should see some easing of symtoms.  This last week has been pretty rough starting with the Thrush, then a significant ramp up in throat pain and now, starting to get mucous deep in my throat and having trouble bringing it up.  All of that aside, it will be really nice to be done and have that mask taken off for the last time.  So, if I don't expire from trying to get my airway clear, next time I talk to you guys I'll be someone done with treatment!


Joe Cortney

Dallas, TX


  • NJShore
    NJShore Member Posts: 429 Member
    A Long Road...


    i remember reading your first post.. And now you are going to say - done! You are a warrior, you've fought hard.. The next two weeks are rough... Saline soak inside and out.. It helps.. Hydration has never counted more.. And any nutrition, you need lots of energy to heal faster.. In two weeks, you will see improvement, albeit as everyone told Dan and I ... It's by weeks, not days, so always think back a week, and you'll see it!

    congrats...A  huge accomplishment here.. I'll be dancing for you tomorrow!


  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member
    NJShore said:

    A Long Road...


    i remember reading your first post.. And now you are going to say - done! You are a warrior, you've fought hard.. The next two weeks are rough... Saline soak inside and out.. It helps.. Hydration has never counted more.. And any nutrition, you need lots of energy to heal faster.. In two weeks, you will see improvement, albeit as everyone told Dan and I ... It's by weeks, not days, so always think back a week, and you'll see it!

    congrats...A  huge accomplishment here.. I'll be dancing for you tomorrow!



    Ring that bell proudly tomorrow! I too was told the two weeks following would be bad but was pleasantly surprised that they were not. Hope the same for you.


  • sassysrice
    sassysrice Member Posts: 117
    YEAH Dan

    Jeff finished today and taking the mask off that last time was so sweeet. Everytime we went we had to swipe a pink card on the computer to check in.. today they KEPT the card. Congrats for tomorrow. His Dr alSO SAID THE SAME ABOUT THE NEXT TWO WEEKS AND BE JUST AS NEW THE THIRD. i HOPE, BUT SOME OTHERS SAY MAYBE LONGER. i WILL KEEP POSTING AND FOLLOWING YOU the next few weeks to see how we all do on this new road.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    the road is clear ahead



    Early congratulations on a treatment well done.  You sound just as strong coming out as you did going in.  The side effects are not over, but shortly after tomorrow they should peak and you will head to the “new normal” (unless that Skiffin persuaded you to join the “abi-normal” clan).  You know the drill, keep drinking water and stay hydrated. 


    Don’t be too hard on your taste buds, they feel bad enough, they fought hard, but the rads were just too much for them.  Good luck through this next phase “to infinity and beyond” (rad brain)






    Will ring my bell for you tomorrow!

  • jcortney
    jcortney Member Posts: 503
    CivilMatt said:

    the road is clear ahead



    Early congratulations on a treatment well done.  You sound just as strong coming out as you did going in.  The side effects are not over, but shortly after tomorrow they should peak and you will head to the “new normal” (unless that Skiffin persuaded you to join the “abi-normal” clan).  You know the drill, keep drinking water and stay hydrated. 


    Don’t be too hard on your taste buds, they feel bad enough, they fought hard, but the rads were just too much for them.  Good luck through this next phase “to infinity and beyond” (rad brain)






    Will ring my bell for you tomorrow!

    Thanks all

    Any you too Matt :)  Actually, abi-normal sounds about right.


    Actually, it's not my taste buds that have me messed up.  It's this damn mucous down in my throat that I managed to avoid on this whole trip that I can't seem to figure out how to deal with.  My wife is trying to get me to swallow a Musinex.  I told her if it had ever worked on this it be on this board somewhere. Besides, I don't have many swallows per day, don't want to waste one:)


    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

  • Dr.Ed
    Dr.Ed Member Posts: 22
    jcortney said:

    Thanks all

    Any you too Matt :)  Actually, abi-normal sounds about right.


    Actually, it's not my taste buds that have me messed up.  It's this damn mucous down in my throat that I managed to avoid on this whole trip that I can't seem to figure out how to deal with.  My wife is trying to get me to swallow a Musinex.  I told her if it had ever worked on this it be on this board somewhere. Besides, I don't have many swallows per day, don't want to waste one:)


    Joe Cortney

    Dallas, TX

    post rad

    congrats jeff, and early congrats joe. for me the mucus got pretty intense for a while now its just a faint bother. I agree that progress is best measured in weeks rather than days. maybe your doc meant that it could feel pretty bad for 2 weeks, then you'll start noticing a difference.everyone is different and may not be bad at alll. If you ever wonder if you have or will make will. Caphasol was a prescription wash that helped loosen the mucus for me, dont know if anyone else used it. say good-bye and good riddence to the mask, Done with that.

  • PapaPaul
    PapaPaul Member Posts: 33
    Dr.Ed said:

    post rad

    congrats jeff, and early congrats joe. for me the mucus got pretty intense for a while now its just a faint bother. I agree that progress is best measured in weeks rather than days. maybe your doc meant that it could feel pretty bad for 2 weeks, then you'll start noticing a difference.everyone is different and may not be bad at alll. If you ever wonder if you have or will make will. Caphasol was a prescription wash that helped loosen the mucus for me, dont know if anyone else used it. say good-bye and good riddence to the mask, Done with that.

    Contratulations for reaching

    Contratulations for reaching this level of your recovery.  I am looking so forward to March 19, baring any further delays, that should be my last rad. I already have a strong dislike for my mask and can't wait to take it off for the last time!

    Papa Paul

    Ft Worth TX

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    the road is clear ahead



    Early congratulations on a treatment well done.  You sound just as strong coming out as you did going in.  The side effects are not over, but shortly after tomorrow they should peak and you will head to the “new normal” (unless that Skiffin persuaded you to join the “abi-normal” clan).  You know the drill, keep drinking water and stay hydrated. 


    Don’t be too hard on your taste buds, they feel bad enough, they fought hard, but the rads were just too much for them.  Good luck through this next phase “to infinity and beyond” (rad brain)






    Will ring my bell for you tomorrow!


    JC, you might try something like ginger ale or club soda to break up some of that mucous...


  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Your doctor is right in ----

    Saying it may get worse before it gets better for a few weeks after completion. I think most of us experienced this to different degrees. Always good to see others coming out the other side.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716

    the bell will be ringing for you!!!  Ok, so it does get worse before it gets better....but you don't have to get up and head to radiation can kick that mask around your basement, or run it over with your car....gotta admit that might be the ticket to feeling better!! Laughing 

    Sorry you have to battle the mucous....miserable stuff....I'm glad I missed that part of things.  Still....doing the last rad was more fun than even finishing the last chemo....

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    U da man. so glad to see you on the other side. you inspire me with your sure footed step wise approach. Surely as I near the CRT date I will remember the day by day head down plow alone approach. What about the mucous? ISn't there some suck machine for that?  don