Had lung biopsy today

What a way to start a day at 6:30 in the morning. Got to wear the "**** Gown" and this time when they gave me Demarol I didn't dance to the bathroom showing y butt like I literally did the last time. They had me under twilight which I really like bacause sometimes you can awaken and see what they are doing before they knoock you out again. I did get to watch them with the camera (that was interesting) however when they bit out a sample I twitched (it hurt) and they knocked me back into never never land. They do not suspect cancer but should know on Thursday. The Dr is very concerned with the amount of mucus that surrounds my laranyx. I understyand it completely; the muscles that move food along as you eat simply do not work in my throat thus the mucus gathers at their favorite meeting place...my voice box.

Oh well glad to have a very competent and inquisitive pulmonary specialist eveluating me.

I forgot that last week they put me on Dulera which is a nebulizer that is meant for asthma patients. Don't think I have asthma but the darn stuff seems to be working on my shortness of breath so that is a giant step forward for me.

Hope to know more in 48 hours.


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Holding good thoughts for you.
    All will be well. Believe... (C'mon Kent, chime in here.)

  • blackswampboy
    blackswampboy Member Posts: 341
    damn. I had a biopsy two weeks ago on necrosis in the throat--and they gave me a general. which suited me just fine. call me a wimp, but not big on knowing what they are doing in there. *shudder* just knock me out, and do your worst.

    anyway, here's to a big negative for cancer on thursday. mine came back negative, and we're pulling for you too.
  • fisrpotpe
    fisrpotpe Member Posts: 1,349 Member
    knock knock
    who's there? NED..... i am your buddy and will be for a long time.

    NED will be there for your party thursday. Believe all will be fine and it will be.

  • ToBeGolden
    ToBeGolden Member Posts: 695
    Thanks For The Info
    I need all the info I can get. A lung biopsy is very likely in my near future. I think I'll opt for a general. At least with my larynx removed and my airway ending with a hole in my neck, I am easy to intubate. I can do it to myself.

    Hope your biopsy is negative as expected. Lung Cancer is a trip you want to avoid. Well H&N Cancer is a trip you want to avoid. With everyone wanting to avoid these trips soo much, how come I see so many on the road. Well take it easy (if you can). Rick.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Have you guys in my thoughts Denny...let us know the reults please...

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    I'm With You
    I'd love to be aware of what's happening when I have "procedures". For my colonoscopy, I asked if I'd be out or not, and they told me that they didn't know - some folks go under, some stay at "twilight". Turns out, I'm in the out cold group.

    Hoping for verification of doc's prognosis Thursday. Also hoping they can help get the mucous sorted.
  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,724 Member
    good luck

    Never a dull moment here at the H&N forum. I am hoping that your biopsy comes back negative and your team pushes you in the healing direction “**** gown” and all.


  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    CivilMatt said:

    good luck

    Never a dull moment here at the H&N forum. I am hoping that your biopsy comes back negative and your team pushes you in the healing direction “**** gown” and all.



    Thinking of you doing this
    Thinking of you doing this stressful time and hoping that all comes back well.

  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913
    Positive thoughts....
    Keeping good and positive thoughts your way..
  • cureitall66
    cureitall66 Member Posts: 913

    damn. I had a biopsy two weeks ago on necrosis in the throat--and they gave me a general. which suited me just fine. call me a wimp, but not big on knowing what they are doing in there. *shudder* just knock me out, and do your worst.

    anyway, here's to a big negative for cancer on thursday. mine came back negative, and we're pulling for you too.

    Glad yours came back negative....great news!
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Hey there !
    I've been on Dulera for a few months and it does help. I have an inhaler (2 puffs 2x a day). Hoping for great news on that biopsy ! Will be thinking only positives ! Katie
  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Hey there !
    I've been on Dulera for a few months and it does help. I have an inhaler (2 puffs 2x a day). Hoping for great news on that biopsy ! Will be thinking only positives ! Katie

    Green and Golden ...
    Thinking of / whispered a prayerr for both of you on the lung issues...BSB ...great to hear yours was negative...

    Just finished two days of a marathon here in Boise...colonoscopy yesterday, hernia surgery today. I'm hungry and hurting ... :) but I go home tomorrow to recliner and fireplace and I am happy about that :)


  • Tim6003
    Tim6003 Member Posts: 1,514 Member

    Hey there !
    I've been on Dulera for a few months and it does help. I have an inhaler (2 puffs 2x a day). Hoping for great news on that biopsy ! Will be thinking only positives ! Katie

    Green and Golden ...
    Thinking of / whispered a prayerr for both of you on the lung issues...BSB ...great to hear yours was negative...

    Just finished two days of a marathon here in Boise...colonoscopy yesterday, hernia surgery today. I'm hungry and hurting ... :) but I go home tomorrow to recliner and fireplace and I am happy about that :)


  • yensid683
    yensid683 Member Posts: 349
    I had a VATS (video assisted throascopic surgery) lung biopsy in 2011 and there is no way that I'd want to ever be able to be cognizant during it. I had 4 wedge resections taken from the lower lobe of my right lung that fortunately did not turn out to be cancer, but something rather rare, Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia. I woke up with two drainage tubes in my chest and I have to say, compared to EVERYthing I've experienced fighting the beast, they were the most painful items that I've ever had inflicted on me. Here's hoping that your biopsy comes back negative!
  • Greend
    Greend Member Posts: 678
    The doctor told me I had "two germs" in the bad parts of my lungs, both are bacteria. One was e-coli but that didn't seem to concern him while the other germ that I can't even start to spell could have been part of the cause of my frequent pneumonia. He prescribed an antibiotic that should take care of it. Now he wants me to do a modified barium swallow to see how much I ingest is going into the lungs. Every doctor I have seen has commented on the "excessive mucus" I have in my throat...as my grandson says "well duh!" I've known this for years and think the mucus build-up is a large part of my difficulty breathing sometime. The pulmonary doctor says I don't have a paralyzed vocal cord but I find this almost impossible to believe based in my speech and the fact that the laranyx specialist at UAB (he is the guru in my opinion) said I only had 20% usage of my right vocal cord. Unfortunately my wife heard what this doctor said, and I hope he is right, and now thinks my voice can be mended. I just hate for her to get her hopes up too far. Well I'm going to enjoy my family for Thanksgiving and hope everyone has a great and wonderful holiday.
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Greend said:

    The doctor told me I had "two germs" in the bad parts of my lungs, both are bacteria. One was e-coli but that didn't seem to concern him while the other germ that I can't even start to spell could have been part of the cause of my frequent pneumonia. He prescribed an antibiotic that should take care of it. Now he wants me to do a modified barium swallow to see how much I ingest is going into the lungs. Every doctor I have seen has commented on the "excessive mucus" I have in my throat...as my grandson says "well duh!" I've known this for years and think the mucus build-up is a large part of my difficulty breathing sometime. The pulmonary doctor says I don't have a paralyzed vocal cord but I find this almost impossible to believe based in my speech and the fact that the laranyx specialist at UAB (he is the guru in my opinion) said I only had 20% usage of my right vocal cord. Unfortunately my wife heard what this doctor said, and I hope he is right, and now thinks my voice can be mended. I just hate for her to get her hopes up too far. Well I'm going to enjoy my family for Thanksgiving and hope everyone has a great and wonderful holiday.

    That's Good News....
    LOL, well for what you have been through, it's ggod they found something...even better if they can kill it with you taking a minor hit.

  • luvofmylif
    luvofmylif Member Posts: 344
    Skiffin16 said:

    That's Good News....
    LOL, well for what you have been through, it's ggod they found something...even better if they can kill it with you taking a minor hit.


    Well, not that I am happy
    Well, not that I am happy that you have bacteria in your lungs, but glad it's not something more sinister. Hope that you will be doing better soon and that you are enjoying the day with your family.

  • luv4lacrosse
    luv4lacrosse Member Posts: 1,410 Member
    Prayers and positve mojo from my family to yours.

    It wil all work out.

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Greend said:

    The doctor told me I had "two germs" in the bad parts of my lungs, both are bacteria. One was e-coli but that didn't seem to concern him while the other germ that I can't even start to spell could have been part of the cause of my frequent pneumonia. He prescribed an antibiotic that should take care of it. Now he wants me to do a modified barium swallow to see how much I ingest is going into the lungs. Every doctor I have seen has commented on the "excessive mucus" I have in my throat...as my grandson says "well duh!" I've known this for years and think the mucus build-up is a large part of my difficulty breathing sometime. The pulmonary doctor says I don't have a paralyzed vocal cord but I find this almost impossible to believe based in my speech and the fact that the laranyx specialist at UAB (he is the guru in my opinion) said I only had 20% usage of my right vocal cord. Unfortunately my wife heard what this doctor said, and I hope he is right, and now thinks my voice can be mended. I just hate for her to get her hopes up too far. Well I'm going to enjoy my family for Thanksgiving and hope everyone has a great and wonderful holiday.

    Great News!
    Hope your turkey day was grand. Like the others, kinda creepy that I'm happy you have nasty, nasty germs in your lungs. Hoping the antibiotic does its job quickly, and that the pulmonary doc is on the money, and can help you get your voice back.
  • katenorwood
    katenorwood Member Posts: 1,912
    Greend said:

    The doctor told me I had "two germs" in the bad parts of my lungs, both are bacteria. One was e-coli but that didn't seem to concern him while the other germ that I can't even start to spell could have been part of the cause of my frequent pneumonia. He prescribed an antibiotic that should take care of it. Now he wants me to do a modified barium swallow to see how much I ingest is going into the lungs. Every doctor I have seen has commented on the "excessive mucus" I have in my throat...as my grandson says "well duh!" I've known this for years and think the mucus build-up is a large part of my difficulty breathing sometime. The pulmonary doctor says I don't have a paralyzed vocal cord but I find this almost impossible to believe based in my speech and the fact that the laranyx specialist at UAB (he is the guru in my opinion) said I only had 20% usage of my right vocal cord. Unfortunately my wife heard what this doctor said, and I hope he is right, and now thinks my voice can be mended. I just hate for her to get her hopes up too far. Well I'm going to enjoy my family for Thanksgiving and hope everyone has a great and wonderful holiday.

    Good news
    Hello !
    Infections....wow. I hope they figure this out for you, as reoccurring pneumonia just plainly stinks ! Good luck on that swallow test. Please keep us updated. Katie