
hope4thebest Member Posts: 108
edited October 2012 in Breast Cancer #1
I am in the final phase of reconstruction, over a year ago they put the expanders in after my bmx. So much time has passed, the implants went in in Nov 2011 and by now, have sunken lower and I do not like them. They are too small. At my support group and at work, they know I am going in for more surgery on Nov 14. Everyone thinks that I am going in for implants, but really it is scheduled only for the nipples. Now, I am definitely thinking they should be bigger. It has taken so long to get to this point, to find my reconstructed chest is not what I hoped--it is still uncomfortable, even to hug someone! Without some kind of padding, I feel pretty vulnerable. I am wondering if anyone else can relate? I have an appt with PS next week to hear about my options. I am 42, still dating and this bc is cramping my style.
Before, was an A, now am barely a B, wanting to go larger.
Not sure about this. I appreciate your advice, Thanks,


  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    dont sugar coat
    Talk to your surgeon and clearly explain what you are unhappy about, if they move too much tell them, if they hurt tell them, if you feel they should be larger by all means express that. Unless you make it clear that you are not pleased with the results your surgeon will assume you are fine. I lived with a breast that shifted to my underarm every time i laid down, was somewhat mishapened and had no nipple for two years, it was not until I told my surgeon (tears and all) how displeased I was that he clearly got it and redid my breast to my satisfaction. Please do not settle, you deserve to like the end results!


  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
    RE said:

    dont sugar coat
    Talk to your surgeon and clearly explain what you are unhappy about, if they move too much tell them, if they hurt tell them, if you feel they should be larger by all means express that. Unless you make it clear that you are not pleased with the results your surgeon will assume you are fine. I lived with a breast that shifted to my underarm every time i laid down, was somewhat mishapened and had no nipple for two years, it was not until I told my surgeon (tears and all) how displeased I was that he clearly got it and redid my breast to my satisfaction. Please do not settle, you deserve to like the end results!



    ... just a few helpful suggestions
    take pain medication when necessary.
    Multiple pillows in various, sizes help with sleeping on your back.
    Many Sisters in PINK find it comforting to sleep in a re-cylinder for
    a while.

    Please have cups, saucers, plates at arm level - as well as re-arranging your fridge for more commonly used items at arm levels. Tide/Downy small container sizes - also at arm level. Reaching up and grabbing heavy items -- will tear your stitches, as well as hurt your arms. Muscles and tissue in breast, as well as arm areas will be cut,moved and sewn back together.

    I tried to take a bath ..but hence could not pull myself out of the our spa tub, no muscles or strength in my arms after bilateral mastectomy.. It took my husband, and daughter some time to pull me out of the tub == without hurting me. Not a pretty time, or sight to say the least. So I opted to shower ...My husband removed our shower head, and replaced it with a flex hose type so I could shower maneuvering the flex hose from waist down, as well as place shower water under my arms.

    Lastly, please make sure you do your exercises as prescribed by Plastic Surgeon, and Physical Therapist.

    Strength, Courage, Hope and Speedy recovery.

    Vicki Sam
  • debsweb18
    debsweb18 Member Posts: 191 Member
    RE said:

    dont sugar coat
    Talk to your surgeon and clearly explain what you are unhappy about, if they move too much tell them, if they hurt tell them, if you feel they should be larger by all means express that. Unless you make it clear that you are not pleased with the results your surgeon will assume you are fine. I lived with a breast that shifted to my underarm every time i laid down, was somewhat mishapened and had no nipple for two years, it was not until I told my surgeon (tears and all) how displeased I was that he clearly got it and redid my breast to my satisfaction. Please do not settle, you deserve to like the end results!



    Thanks Re
    Thanks for your post. I went to my PS today. I've already had 4 surgeries this last year-1. lumpectomy 2. Mastectomy with immediate silicone implant 3. Nipple reconstruction and lift on other breast 4. Replaced implant for better symmetry.

    I almost quit after #3. But I didn't stick out as much from the implant. It really bothered me. I was much happier after #4. They're pretty much the same size now (I increased about 1/2 cup size). However, the implant has more on the top and the other side still sags more and doesn't have as much on top. But I didn't know if I wanted more surgery. I talked to my PS about it today. She said she could do a "tighter" lift pushing more to the top. If it wasn't going to last more than a few years, why bother (I'm 59). She told me it could last 10 years. Now that sounds like it might be worth it. Due to radiation, my skin is tight around the implant, so it's not going anywhere! I think after all we go through, why not get something good out of it. What's one more surgery to get the best result? I've been putting off the nipple tattoo until I'm sure. It will make a difference as to how they'll place the tattoo regardless of where the reconstructed nipple is.

    Re- I think you said it, we shouldn't settle, we deserve to like the end results! Your post is helping me make my decision. Thanks!

    Now the question is when. We're moving at the end of the year. My husband wants me to wait so I won't be recovering while we should be packing. If I do it, I want to get it done and be finished!