Surprising numbers

Boobits Member Posts: 28
Today I met with my colorectal surgeon for my 3 month exam. During our conversation he held up four fingers and said that in the past two weeks he diagnosed four new cases of anal cancer...all in women. Pretty scary, huh? All are early stage.

I remember how I felt when I found out and will be keeping these patients in my prayers.


  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    Thanks goodness it's being found at an early stage
    Thank you Boobits - that's very interesting. Soon I'm going to see my colo-rectal surgeon - I'm going to ask her too how many cases she's treated and whether or not she's seen an upturn. My guess is that the answer will be yes, that there have been more and more cases of anal cancer. I'll let you all know what she says. Gonna to ask my oncologist (in April) the same question. I'm afraid it's the silent epidemic that's going to to burst into light in the very near future.

    May we all stay healthy and be proud that we faced this with courage and determination. I kinda feel like we're the novices in a forthcoming saga.
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    RoseC said:

    Thanks goodness it's being found at an early stage
    Thank you Boobits - that's very interesting. Soon I'm going to see my colo-rectal surgeon - I'm going to ask her too how many cases she's treated and whether or not she's seen an upturn. My guess is that the answer will be yes, that there have been more and more cases of anal cancer. I'll let you all know what she says. Gonna to ask my oncologist (in April) the same question. I'm afraid it's the silent epidemic that's going to to burst into light in the very near future.

    May we all stay healthy and be proud that we faced this with courage and determination. I kinda feel like we're the novices in a forthcoming saga.

    More cases
    I agree, Rose. I think this disease is becoming more and more prevalent. Hopefully, that will get the attention of doctors and the general public.
  • Dog Girl
    Dog Girl Member Posts: 100
    increase in anal cancer
    Everyone please remember to mention this site (and perhaps the Rare Cancer Alliance site) to your colorectal, oncologist and radiation doctors to pass along to others that are starting or have been in treatment. Neither one of my doctors were aware of this site. It wasn't up when I was going through tx in 2009, but it's been helpful to me even being so far out of tx.

    Also, please discuss the Guardisil vaccine with your friends and family with preteen/teen boys and girls. I have one friend that is hesitant to have her son and daughter vaccinated because she thinks it might be construed as tacit permission to have sex. My response is you don't want your children to suffer through the tx I went through.
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    Dog Girl said:

    increase in anal cancer
    Everyone please remember to mention this site (and perhaps the Rare Cancer Alliance site) to your colorectal, oncologist and radiation doctors to pass along to others that are starting or have been in treatment. Neither one of my doctors were aware of this site. It wasn't up when I was going through tx in 2009, but it's been helpful to me even being so far out of tx.

    Also, please discuss the Guardisil vaccine with your friends and family with preteen/teen boys and girls. I have one friend that is hesitant to have her son and daughter vaccinated because she thinks it might be construed as tacit permission to have sex. My response is you don't want your children to suffer through the tx I went through.

    Please also remember that the HPV and Anal Cancer Foundation has a very informative website.
  • cap630
    cap630 Member Posts: 151 Member
    My onogolist said he is seeing more and more as well.
  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    cap630 said:

    My onogolist said he is seeing more and more as well.

    I had an appointment with physical therapy today because I'm still having a lot of pain when I walk more than about 200 feet. She said she is also seeing more anal cancer patients.
  • sandysp
    sandysp Member Posts: 868 Member
    What are we going to do about it?
    Does anyone know of any HPV cancer awareness campaign of any sort?
  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    RoseC said:

    Thanks goodness it's being found at an early stage
    Thank you Boobits - that's very interesting. Soon I'm going to see my colo-rectal surgeon - I'm going to ask her too how many cases she's treated and whether or not she's seen an upturn. My guess is that the answer will be yes, that there have been more and more cases of anal cancer. I'll let you all know what she says. Gonna to ask my oncologist (in April) the same question. I'm afraid it's the silent epidemic that's going to to burst into light in the very near future.

    May we all stay healthy and be proud that we faced this with courage and determination. I kinda feel like we're the novices in a forthcoming saga.

    So I went to see my
    So I went to see my colo-rectal surgeon today for my 3 1/2 year checkup. All's well (hooray!). DRE and anoscope clear.

    I asked her if she had seen an upturn in anal cancer cases - she said no, but what she has noticed is an increase in the awareness of anal cancer. She said a lot of people confuse anal cancer with rectal cancer, but in recent times she's noticed a greater awareness of anal cancer.

    She's one of the few doctors I have on my team that is familiar with the side effects of pelvic radiation. She's a great doctor. I had been having issues with very soft bowel movements and pain when sitting. She told me that with pelvic radiation we can expect periodic changes to occur, that it was a good thing I came in to have it checked but that everything was fine. (Sometimes we just gotta hear it from the doc.)
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    RoseC said:

    So I went to see my
    So I went to see my colo-rectal surgeon today for my 3 1/2 year checkup. All's well (hooray!). DRE and anoscope clear.

    I asked her if she had seen an upturn in anal cancer cases - she said no, but what she has noticed is an increase in the awareness of anal cancer. She said a lot of people confuse anal cancer with rectal cancer, but in recent times she's noticed a greater awareness of anal cancer.

    She's one of the few doctors I have on my team that is familiar with the side effects of pelvic radiation. She's a great doctor. I had been having issues with very soft bowel movements and pain when sitting. She told me that with pelvic radiation we can expect periodic changes to occur, that it was a good thing I came in to have it checked but that everything was fine. (Sometimes we just gotta hear it from the doc.)

    Congrats Rose!
    I'm glad you got the all clear on your follow-up appt. today! That's great! I am at the 3 1/2 year mark too and so far, so good!
  • pjs62
    pjs62 Member Posts: 95
    sandysp said:

    What are we going to do about it?
    Does anyone know of any HPV cancer awareness campaign of any sort?

    Sandy....I came across this
    Sandy....I came across this website so you may want to check it out.
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    pjs62 said:

    Sandy....I came across this
    Sandy....I came across this website so you may want to check it out.

    Anal Cancer Foundation
    Yes, I encourage all of you to check out this website--there's lots of good information there on the disease and resources. I haven't been on the site for awhile, but I am the smiling face clear to the left on their homepage. Please read the Almada's story and why they started this organization.
    AZANNIE Member Posts: 445 Member
    RoseC said:

    So I went to see my
    So I went to see my colo-rectal surgeon today for my 3 1/2 year checkup. All's well (hooray!). DRE and anoscope clear.

    I asked her if she had seen an upturn in anal cancer cases - she said no, but what she has noticed is an increase in the awareness of anal cancer. She said a lot of people confuse anal cancer with rectal cancer, but in recent times she's noticed a greater awareness of anal cancer.

    She's one of the few doctors I have on my team that is familiar with the side effects of pelvic radiation. She's a great doctor. I had been having issues with very soft bowel movements and pain when sitting. She told me that with pelvic radiation we can expect periodic changes to occur, that it was a good thing I came in to have it checked but that everything was fine. (Sometimes we just gotta hear it from the doc.)

    Congrats, Rose!
    Glad you received great news at your check up! Now you can do a happy dance!
