Uncle just diagnosed need Info please!

My uncle was just diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma Esophageal Cancer and is undergoing some tests tomorrow. I've been reading online and the things I have read are very grim. Are there survivors of this disease? So far he has lost a TON of weight. He didn't realize it was bad since he was watching what he ate and was working really hard at his job. He's been about 250 most of his life and now he's well below 200 in a matter of a couple months. He has a lump at the bottom of his chest near his stomach that he can feel and see when he lays down. He has no difficulty swallowing yet but has no appetite whatsoever. I'm hoping someone can just give me information if they know from this small bit of symptoms I have how far along his cancer is. Thank you and blessings.


  • sangora
    sangora Member Posts: 213
    Welcome To Our Group
    I am glad you found us but so sorry that you need to be here. Before our group can share much, it will be important for us to know several things which you want know until all the test are complete and you all have a plan. In a nutshell, Stage I-III's are generally surigical candidates unless there are other issues with the persons health. Stage IV's are not curable and rec. palative care. I am one of those. Stage IV's can live from a few months to a number of years depending on how they handle treatments and radiation. This will be a bumpy road reguardless, but we are all here to help you thru. Sam Stage IV
  • davya
    davya Member Posts: 5
    I'm in remission!
    I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago with stage IIb. I underwent chemo/radiation and surgery. I had some complications that put me through some interesting times. The treatments and the surgery worked and I am now finally doing well.

    Attitude is everything with this...you gotta be strong, brave and positive...I lost a lot of weight and went through a lot but I made it!! I'm finally gaining weight again.

    It's a long hard road to be sure, but YESSS there are surviviors!!

    Hang in there!!
  • mardigras
    mardigras Member Posts: 215 Member
    Hello Shay
    Welcome to our group Shay.
    I am so sorry that you find yourself here.
    I understand absolutely what you are feeling and how hard the road
    home from this awful condition can be.
    I can only speak from a carer's point of view, but I have been going through
    the endless tests, Chemo and now the operation with my husband. Every day is
    a new trial, but you have to remain positive. It really is so important.
    Try not to read too much into all the statistics, everyone is different.
    I guess first is the diagnosis and then if you are American a staging.
    Staging is not something to popular in the UK, but I do know that stage 3 is
    operable. My husband is stage 3.
    The tests are normally, endoscopy, ultrasound, bloood tests, and scans. Rob had
    all the scans from CT, normal exrays MRI and Petscans.
    As long as the tumour has not spread to other organs, they will usually operate
    at stage 3. The operation is a big one, but lots have survived to tell the tale.
    If you want some more help, let me have your e-mail address and I will mail you
    anything I can on this disease.
    Try to stay strong and positive, easy to say I know only too well.
    I wish you peace, love and prayers,
    Marci x
  • captdave
    captdave Member Posts: 153
    There are survivors! I was
    There are survivors! I was diagnosed stage 1. I did not need chemo or radiation just surgery. I had a THE January 6th and am heading back to work on Friday cured of EC the doc's say. I have had two cousins one stage 2 and one stage 3/4 that are both survivors. there are a couple of very important factors in surviving this disease. One is getting second opinions and getting care and treatment at a center of excellence for EC. The second is attitude. you have to be willing to do battle, never give up and know going in that you will win.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father.

  • sped
    sped Member Posts: 1
    Esophageal Cancer
    Sounds like the same cancer I had in 2004. I had chemo and radiation and an esophagectomy and am doing great today. There are survivors out there. I was overweight and lost about 50 lbs. My being overweight was a blessing. If I only weighted 120, I would not have survived. It is a rough road but I am still here.