Anyone due for scans?



  • mxperry220
    mxperry220 Member Posts: 493 Member
    mp327 said:

    Yesterday's appt.
    I just wanted to post a short note that my exam with the colorectal doc went very well yesterday. She says everything looks great! I will have a colonoscopy in June.

    Thank you to everyone for the good wishes and prayers--it always helps!

    Great News
    Glad to hear the good news. I know you are relieved. Good luck on the colonosopy in June. I had my colonoscopy in November and everything looked fine. The colorectal surgeon removed two precancerous polyps. My mom's side of the family has a history of polyps. My next colonoscopy will be in three years.
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Great News
    Glad to hear the good news. I know you are relieved. Good luck on the colonosopy in June. I had my colonoscopy in November and everything looked fine. The colorectal surgeon removed two precancerous polyps. My mom's side of the family has a history of polyps. My next colonoscopy will be in three years.

    Thanks Mike!
    I am hoping for good news on my upcoming colonoscopy like you got. Congrats! I wish my doc would put me on a 3-year schedule for those! Maybe after the one in June.
  • Phoebesnow
    Phoebesnow Member Posts: 600 Member
    mp327 said:

    Hi torrance
    That's great of you to speak at that conference. There is nothing like hearing from someone who has been there, done that. I'm sorry you are dealing with depression. Come here anytime to find lots of broad shoulders. I wish you a good day and a nice weekend.

    Have you seen your doctor about the depression. I too am often on the brink. I have other health issues now. Acceptance has become a dirty word.I am really struggling with my physical decline. I am working with several doctors, who treat me as if it is in my head, but when I fall down on the floor it is hard to ignore.

    The mental aspect really affects the physical, my therapists is helping me cope.

    Work hard to rise above adversity it is worth it.

    All the best to u.

    P.s. I succumbed and got the cane yesterday, almost broke my heart. Last week I was swinging like a pendulum at the top of two flight of stairs, when I got to the bottom of the stairs, I was so out of breath, I had to hold onto the valets booth to get myself together so I could move on. As I jerked my way across the street in my white pants, white high heels, and sailor jacket, swinging drunkenly about a group of young men catcalled to me as they drove by. I experienced Beverly hills a little differently than normal. It hurt, there's even more to this story, I had purchased a group on for mani pedi and when I arrived the receptionst asked if I was drunk. I wish one of these episodes would take place at the doctors office and not the beauty salon.
  • Boobits
    Boobits Member Posts: 28
    Visited my oncologist today.
    Visited my oncologist today. My abdominal and pelvic scans were fine, but he said there were a couple of tiny spots at the bottom of my left lung. He did not seem concerned, said we would keep a close watch on them. I did have a bad sinus infection that went to my chest this past week, lots of coughing, so that could be it, maybe bits of phlegm.

    Next stop, the colorectal surgeon next week for that followup, then to the radiologist the following week.
  • sephie
    sephie Member Posts: 650 Member

    Have you seen your doctor about the depression. I too am often on the brink. I have other health issues now. Acceptance has become a dirty word.I am really struggling with my physical decline. I am working with several doctors, who treat me as if it is in my head, but when I fall down on the floor it is hard to ignore.

    The mental aspect really affects the physical, my therapists is helping me cope.

    Work hard to rise above adversity it is worth it.

    All the best to u.

    P.s. I succumbed and got the cane yesterday, almost broke my heart. Last week I was swinging like a pendulum at the top of two flight of stairs, when I got to the bottom of the stairs, I was so out of breath, I had to hold onto the valets booth to get myself together so I could move on. As I jerked my way across the street in my white pants, white high heels, and sailor jacket, swinging drunkenly about a group of young men catcalled to me as they drove by. I experienced Beverly hills a little differently than normal. It hurt, there's even more to this story, I had purchased a group on for mani pedi and when I arrived the receptionst asked if I was drunk. I wish one of these episodes would take place at the doctors office and not the beauty salon.

    wear tennis shoes
    hey, your outfit sounded lovely but do not wear high heels. you can still dress in a very chic way with them on. sephie
    AZANNIE Member Posts: 445 Member
    Wishing everyone good news!
    Wishing everyone good news - scans, dr. appts! I see my colorectal dr Wednesday for another 3 month check up. Another scan in May...
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    AZANNIE said:

    Wishing everyone good news!
    Wishing everyone good news - scans, dr. appts! I see my colorectal dr Wednesday for another 3 month check up. Another scan in May...

    Good luck, AZANNIE!
    I hope all goes well for you on Wednesday!
  • cap630
    cap630 Member Posts: 151 Member
    Thinking of you today
    Praying all goes well for you today. I see the surgeon and radation ongologist this week too. ~Carol
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    cap630 said:

    Thinking of you today
    Praying all goes well for you today. I see the surgeon and radation ongologist this week too. ~Carol

    Hi Carol!
    Best wishes to you too on your appts. this week. May you hear all good news!
  • shirlann54
    shirlann54 Member Posts: 162
    Good luck on your scans ,I have my colonoscopy next friday.I,m at my 14 month mark.My prayers will be with you.
  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    mp327 said:

    Yesterday's appt.
    I just wanted to post a short note that my exam with the colorectal doc went very well yesterday. She says everything looks great! I will have a colonoscopy in June.

    Thank you to everyone for the good wishes and prayers--it always helps!

    I missed this - congratulations Martha!!!!
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Good luck on your scans ,I have my colonoscopy next friday.I,m at my 14 month mark.My prayers will be with you.

    Hi shirlann--
    I want to wish you all the best on the colonoscopy--may you get all good news!
  • shirlann54
    shirlann54 Member Posts: 162
    mp327 said:

    Hi shirlann--
    I want to wish you all the best on the colonoscopy--may you get all good news!

    Thank you. Hope i do have good news on my colonoscopy i have it on the 16th this mo.Good luck on your colonoscopy too.How many years out of treatment do have to be before its every 3 years do you know?I,m 14 mo out of treatments.How many years out of treatment are you ? Mike had said hes is every 3 years. Shirley
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Thank you. Hope i do have good news on my colonoscopy i have it on the 16th this mo.Good luck on your colonoscopy too.How many years out of treatment do have to be before its every 3 years do you know?I,m 14 mo out of treatments.How many years out of treatment are you ? Mike had said hes is every 3 years. Shirley

    Hi shirlann--
    It's hard for me to answer your question, as my colorectal doctor told me at the time of my last colonoscopy that I would have my next one in 3 years. However, at the time of my visit in December 2011, she said she wanted one this coming June. My anoscopes and DRE's have been normal, so I think she is just being cautious. I also think she forgot she had originally told me 3 years. I am officially 3 1/2 years out of treatment as of March 9th. I think we are finding that doctors are all over the place on this topic. Follow-up varies from person to person. I think we just have to trust in our doctors.
  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559

    Thank you. Hope i do have good news on my colonoscopy i have it on the 16th this mo.Good luck on your colonoscopy too.How many years out of treatment do have to be before its every 3 years do you know?I,m 14 mo out of treatments.How many years out of treatment are you ? Mike had said hes is every 3 years. Shirley

    Best wishes!
    A lot of it probably depends on a person's individual circumstances - like whether there's colon cancer history in the family or whether or not there have been previous polyps found - that and the doctor's own preferences. Just my guess, but it sounds logical. My colo-rectal surgeon said I don't have to have another colonoscopy for 5 years, but she'll be doing an anoscopy every 6 months. Since the colonoscopy doesn't detect anal cancer and the anoscopy does, I'm cool with that - no history in my family of colon cancer and my previous 2 colonoscopies were clean.

    Sending you and everyone else prayers for good results.
  • shirlann54
    shirlann54 Member Posts: 162
    mp327 said:

    Hi shirlann--
    It's hard for me to answer your question, as my colorectal doctor told me at the time of my last colonoscopy that I would have my next one in 3 years. However, at the time of my visit in December 2011, she said she wanted one this coming June. My anoscopes and DRE's have been normal, so I think she is just being cautious. I also think she forgot she had originally told me 3 years. I am officially 3 1/2 years out of treatment as of March 9th. I think we are finding that doctors are all over the place on this topic. Follow-up varies from person to person. I think we just have to trust in our doctors.

    Thank you .Your right that would be hard to answer.I,ll ask my colorectal DR .And i trust my doctors They saved my life .I Thank God for them . Shirley
  • shirlann54
    shirlann54 Member Posts: 162
    RoseC said:

    Best wishes!
    A lot of it probably depends on a person's individual circumstances - like whether there's colon cancer history in the family or whether or not there have been previous polyps found - that and the doctor's own preferences. Just my guess, but it sounds logical. My colo-rectal surgeon said I don't have to have another colonoscopy for 5 years, but she'll be doing an anoscopy every 6 months. Since the colonoscopy doesn't detect anal cancer and the anoscopy does, I'm cool with that - no history in my family of colon cancer and my previous 2 colonoscopies were clean.

    Sending you and everyone else prayers for good results.

    Rose C
    Thank you too .It is so nice to have someone to talk to that understands.I will talk to my Dr about it. Theres no history of colon cancer in my family thank God.
  • lizdeli
    lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member

    Rose C
    Thank you too .It is so nice to have someone to talk to that understands.I will talk to my Dr about it. Theres no history of colon cancer in my family thank God.

    Good News
    I remain NED thank God. Of course I know much more about my body that I think I care to. cysts here, cystes there, noduals over there. I was told it was nothing to worry about, just part of the aging process. pooh to that! lol. New think popped up though. Athesceloric calicification on aorta which showed on adominal scan. I was so excited abuot the good news that I didn't see it and she didn't mention it. I sent an email back to MDA to ask about it. Sounds scary to me but we'll see.

    Glad to here the other good news!!!!
    Hugs to all,
  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    lizdeli said:

    Good News
    I remain NED thank God. Of course I know much more about my body that I think I care to. cysts here, cystes there, noduals over there. I was told it was nothing to worry about, just part of the aging process. pooh to that! lol. New think popped up though. Athesceloric calicification on aorta which showed on adominal scan. I was so excited abuot the good news that I didn't see it and she didn't mention it. I sent an email back to MDA to ask about it. Sounds scary to me but we'll see.

    Glad to here the other good news!!!!
    Hugs to all,

    Hi Liz!
    Congratulations on your continued NED status! That's wonderful! I know what you mean about knowing more about our insides than we'd really like to sometimes! I hope you get an answer about the aorta question. Hopefully, it can be easily explained as nothing of concern. Again, congrats--I'm so happy for you!
  • sephie
    sephie Member Posts: 650 Member
    lizdeli said:

    Good News
    I remain NED thank God. Of course I know much more about my body that I think I care to. cysts here, cystes there, noduals over there. I was told it was nothing to worry about, just part of the aging process. pooh to that! lol. New think popped up though. Athesceloric calicification on aorta which showed on adominal scan. I was so excited abuot the good news that I didn't see it and she didn't mention it. I sent an email back to MDA to ask about it. Sounds scary to me but we'll see.

    Glad to here the other good news!!!!
    Hugs to all,

    so glad for your NED. i do all my stuff this sunday and monday at MDA. i have bumps and swelling around my anus but perhaps nothing except radiation damage. also have had chronic diarrhea for the past 3 weeks . but i will know by Monday pm. sephie