Possible mets to lungs ?

Hi all, am new to this site, but not new to my husbands cancer and treatment. Condense version is stage IV colon cancer with mets to liver on diagnosis. This from a routine screening colonoscopy 3 years ago. Now a new concern.

Colon resection, chemo to shrink the liver mets, two staged liver resection so the liver could regenerate more tissue between surgeries. More chemo.
Apearance of a new tumor on the liver, RFA ablation, and the new and different chemo.

All through this they always said, there are these findings in the lungs, but they aren't changing, we will continue to watch them. And my husband has had one type of scan or another every 3 months. Including brain scans as he developed some changes from the chemo,

On this weeks scans the lung findings did change. They were referred to as nodules,and when I asked how many the answer was "innumerable".
The oncologist says they can't be biopsied at this point and every scan has been done. And will I to follow w another scan in 3 months.

So,,,here's the real question. The doctor says its possible that this is inflammatory in nature. He is a top dog in a major hospital in a major city and I don't doubt his approach. Has anyone ever had findings like these that were NOT lung mets. My husband has been through so much , soldiers on, but won't talk about any this. It just seems pretty dire to me,,,and there is a question of whether his brain can take more chemo because of what has happened with his "posterior encephalopathy".

Grateful for any feedback, info. I am so tired.



  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    keep strong
    Hi Maureen,

    Keep strong. Caregiver is one of the hardest jobs. I am not knowledgeable with your husbands problem, but someone on this board might be and might answer your questions.
  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    keep strong
    Hi Maureen,

    Keep strong. Caregiver is one of the hardest jobs. I am not knowledgeable with your husbands problem, but someone on this board might be and might answer your questions.
  • Jamietesta
    Jamietesta Member Posts: 10
    I'm stage 4 colon also and
    I'm stage 4 colon also and they said it went to my lungs. However, there is some real doubt and they could be infections. One if highly prone to infection post surgery and seems your hubby has had his fair share. If there are unchanged then possible.
  • Bear23
    Bear23 Member Posts: 84
    Maybe Sarcoid
    I have numerous mets to lungs. They are cancerous but as they were being followed with uptake in various lymph nodes and suspicious activity in my spleen, I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis. Look it up, it's hard to explain.
  • Kenny H.
    Kenny H. Member Posts: 502 Member
    Bear23 said:

    Maybe Sarcoid
    I have numerous mets to lungs. They are cancerous but as they were being followed with uptake in various lymph nodes and suspicious activity in my spleen, I was diagnosed with sarcoidosis. Look it up, it's hard to explain.

    They found 6 small nodules.
    On my lungs to last scan. Ordered a PET scan for the 29th. Will find out then if benign or not.