5 years NED/upsc

Just wanted to check in to say that I was dx with UPSC on my birthday 5 years ago. Scan was clear yesterday. NED. I was one of the first on this board and am still winning the battle. Never give up. Linda my heart and soul I would trade for a miracle for you. Abundant Blessings Peggy


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Dancing with joy on


    Dancing with joy on your news and congratulations on your 5 year birthday!

  • daisy366
    daisy366 Member Posts: 1,458 Member
    Kaleena said:

    Dancing with joy on


    Dancing with joy on your news and congratulations on your 5 year birthday!


    thanks Peggy - best birthday present for you each year!!. It's so good to hear your story. I gives me hope.

    Mary Ann
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    daisy366 said:

    thanks Peggy - best birthday present for you each year!!. It's so good to hear your story. I gives me hope.

    Mary Ann

    So happy you dropped by to give us all the WONDERFUL and JOYFUL NEWS! Gives us all hope that we can endure. HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~

    Best to you alway,
  • sunflash
    sunflash Member Posts: 197 Member
    jazzy1 said:

    So happy you dropped by to give us all the WONDERFUL and JOYFUL NEWS! Gives us all hope that we can endure. HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~

    Best to you alway,

    Great news!!
    I'm so happy to hear your fantastic news! It certainly gives me hope..........as I'm sitting here recovering from my 5th chemo. I'm pretty new at this and have been looking for survivor stories..........they're hard to find.
    Would you mind sharing some of your story.....stage you were diagnosed and treatment protocol?
    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a HUGE celebration planned!
  • Pat51
    Pat51 Member Posts: 130
    Congratulations! What a great birthday present!! It is gives all of us hope to hear success stories like yours. What stage were you when you were diagnosed?

  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 1,561 Member
    Peggy congratulations on 5 years of NED
    It is so good to hear from you. 5 years of NED is wonderful. May you continue to dance with NED for many more years. Hope your husband and daughter are doing well, too. In peace and caring.
  • sleem
    sleem Member Posts: 92
    So happy for you 5 years out.
  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    sleem said:

    So happy for you 5 years out.

    Peggy, my dearest one! Dance on and on and on!
    I could never have gotton through this cancer journey without your experience and support and love! Please know how grateful I am to have had you there during the earliest days of my treatments. I still giggle when I go back to that old old long thread; easily the best resource on the web for a woman newly diagnosed with UPSC. You made it all so less scary. Love you, girl! Give NED a spin around the dance floor for me! ((((Peggy))))
  • norma2
    norma2 Member Posts: 479
    Thanks for sharing your great news!!
    So very glad for you!!
  • shortmarge
    shortmarge Member Posts: 291
    norma2 said:

    Thanks for sharing your great news!!
    So very glad for you!!

    Happy Birthday!!!!
    Peggy, it so wonderful to hear that you have been 5 years NED!!! What a wonderful birthday present!

    I hit my 3 year mark yesterday. Celebrated with my family...

