Maggie, how have you been?

Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
Hello Maggie:

I haven't seen much of your posts lately and was wondering how you were doing. I hope all is well and you are enjoying your summer.

Just thinking of you.



  • norma2
    norma2 Member Posts: 479
    Like Kathy I am wondering how you are doing. Sending you positive thoughts, my friend. Hope you are doing ok. Posting here to bump this up to the top so you will see it.
  • maggie_wilson
    maggie_wilson Member Posts: 596
    norma2 said:

    Like Kathy I am wondering how you are doing. Sending you positive thoughts, my friend. Hope you are doing ok. Posting here to bump this up to the top so you will see it.

    kathy and norma

    thank you for inquiring after me. i really appreciate your warm thoughts. i'm 1/2 way through chemo: 3 more cycles of two infusions each. then done for i hope for a longish while. it's a very effective chemo combination, but has been hard on me--exhausted and nauseated much of the time, bearable but sure not pleasant. otherwise, things are going as well as they can--lots of family around and friends, so if i'm up to it, there's always someone to talk to and snooze with. really, i can't wait for this chemo to be over; it's nearly twice as long as the first. it's kind of a day by day thing. the weather has been interesting here in berkeley, heavy rain the other day, now hot. geeze. watching alot of wimbledom, which always keeps me entertained.

    hope all is well with you two, let me know what's doing your way.

  • daisy366
    daisy366 Member Posts: 1,458 Member

    kathy and norma

    thank you for inquiring after me. i really appreciate your warm thoughts. i'm 1/2 way through chemo: 3 more cycles of two infusions each. then done for i hope for a longish while. it's a very effective chemo combination, but has been hard on me--exhausted and nauseated much of the time, bearable but sure not pleasant. otherwise, things are going as well as they can--lots of family around and friends, so if i'm up to it, there's always someone to talk to and snooze with. really, i can't wait for this chemo to be over; it's nearly twice as long as the first. it's kind of a day by day thing. the weather has been interesting here in berkeley, heavy rain the other day, now hot. geeze. watching alot of wimbledom, which always keeps me entertained.

    hope all is well with you two, let me know what's doing your way.


    Hi there,

    So sorry to hear that this treatment has been so hard on you. As usual you are always so upbeat. I hope you will soon have this behind you - and then maybe back to playing either tennis or poker - or both!!! Wonderful that you have such a wonderful network of loved ones - can't beat that for quality of life.

    God speed, my friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Maggie. Mary Ann
  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    daisy366 said:

    Hi there,

    So sorry to hear that this treatment has been so hard on you. As usual you are always so upbeat. I hope you will soon have this behind you - and then maybe back to playing either tennis or poker - or both!!! Wonderful that you have such a wonderful network of loved ones - can't beat that for quality of life.

    God speed, my friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Maggie. Mary Ann

    Bearable but sure not pleasant
    What a perfect description for many enduring chemotherapy. Thanks for letting us know your progress. You're on the downhill slope now. Hope it becomes more tolerable or you find ways to manage it better.

    Sending, hopes, prayers and positive thoughts for your time through chemo and after.
  • norma2
    norma2 Member Posts: 479

    kathy and norma

    thank you for inquiring after me. i really appreciate your warm thoughts. i'm 1/2 way through chemo: 3 more cycles of two infusions each. then done for i hope for a longish while. it's a very effective chemo combination, but has been hard on me--exhausted and nauseated much of the time, bearable but sure not pleasant. otherwise, things are going as well as they can--lots of family around and friends, so if i'm up to it, there's always someone to talk to and snooze with. really, i can't wait for this chemo to be over; it's nearly twice as long as the first. it's kind of a day by day thing. the weather has been interesting here in berkeley, heavy rain the other day, now hot. geeze. watching alot of wimbledom, which always keeps me entertained.

    hope all is well with you two, let me know what's doing your way.


    Glad you let us know how you are doing.
    I too am hoping for a very long remission for you. I found it hard to allow myself the luxury of taking nice long naps when having chemo. Enjoy those snoozes, dear.

    All is well with me. Have another check up at the end of Aug. CA slightly elevated (41) otherwise clean CAT scans. I feel great. Working 12 hr days. (I love working I have my own business after years of working for other people. It is heaven.) Family is all doing great. Grandbaby is now 6 mos old. Life is good.

    Send some of that rain to SE Texas. We are having a serious drought. Temp is 100 deg each day. Too hot. Looking forward to the fall. Hoping we don't have any hurricanes this year. Although, they bring the needed rain.

  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980 Member
    norma2 said:

    Glad you let us know how you are doing.
    I too am hoping for a very long remission for you. I found it hard to allow myself the luxury of taking nice long naps when having chemo. Enjoy those snoozes, dear.

    All is well with me. Have another check up at the end of Aug. CA slightly elevated (41) otherwise clean CAT scans. I feel great. Working 12 hr days. (I love working I have my own business after years of working for other people. It is heaven.) Family is all doing great. Grandbaby is now 6 mos old. Life is good.

    Send some of that rain to SE Texas. We are having a serious drought. Temp is 100 deg each day. Too hot. Looking forward to the fall. Hoping we don't have any hurricanes this year. Although, they bring the needed rain.


    ((((Maggie)))). Sounds like you're making the best of it!
    I lurk here daily, but rarely log in, as I feel I've said all I have to say pretty much already here. But I'm always looking for updates and news on my 'favorites' here, and am happy to know that you are surviving your chemo regime with style and grace, comforted by loving family & friends, and that the chemo is working. I know that you'll find the joy in each day and savor it. HAPPY 4TH!

    (I got up early to start making devilled eggs and spinach/cucumber/cream cheese mini whole-wheat wraps; and i need to stuff the chicken salad I made last night (the kind with grapes and walnuts) into tiny croissants. Evereyone is bringing something, and the main menu item for today's 4th of July cookout is tenderloin sandwiches, but I'm in charge of picnic-y hors d'oerves.) & here I sit at the computer! GET TO WORK, LINDA!
  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member
    Glad you are feeling well and staying happily busy. What business did you decide to open?
    Having your own business is a wonderful idea, challenging, rewarding uplifting and empowering. It's a great thing. Keeps your mind off of all the things that might ail you. Good for you.


  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member

    kathy and norma

    thank you for inquiring after me. i really appreciate your warm thoughts. i'm 1/2 way through chemo: 3 more cycles of two infusions each. then done for i hope for a longish while. it's a very effective chemo combination, but has been hard on me--exhausted and nauseated much of the time, bearable but sure not pleasant. otherwise, things are going as well as they can--lots of family around and friends, so if i'm up to it, there's always someone to talk to and snooze with. really, i can't wait for this chemo to be over; it's nearly twice as long as the first. it's kind of a day by day thing. the weather has been interesting here in berkeley, heavy rain the other day, now hot. geeze. watching alot of wimbledom, which always keeps me entertained.

    hope all is well with you two, let me know what's doing your way.


    "bearable but sure not pleasant"

    That thought gives one pause. Applies to so many things. The company of family and friends is something that offers such a warm fuzzy feeling in times of uncertainty.

    Raining in Berkeley in the summer is most interesting. I lived there, Bay Area, for nearly forty years and can barely remember a time or two that it rained between June and the end of August. Loved Berkeley, especially driving by the bay and looking at all the random wooden sculptures in the marshy areas. You live in a fantastic place indeed. Family. Friends. and culture all around you. Do they still have a merry go round in, Tilden Park-was it????

    Thinking about all that is around you, makes me really want to go back home to California. I've started painting again and I am considering limiting myself to one more year here and then gathering myself and my granddaughter up and heading back to California. Once you've lived in areas like the Bay Area and New York City, it's nearly impossible not to see how devoid of possibilities some areas can be.

    So, pardon me for the trip down memory lane, will picture you in that enriching environment and be happy for you.

    Love to you and yours,

  • norma2
    norma2 Member Posts: 479

    Glad you are feeling well and staying happily busy. What business did you decide to open?
    Having your own business is a wonderful idea, challenging, rewarding uplifting and empowering. It's a great thing. Keeps your mind off of all the things that might ail you. Good for you.



    Instead of retiring I jumped into the fire...hahah
    I am at the age where most folks buy that RV and travel. I read all the posts about the marvelous trips taken by the members. Took the road less traveled. With 20 yrs in an industry that is slow to say the least, hubby and I started our own harwood lumber company. We love it. Work from 5 am to 7 pm each day. I love figuring out how to make the business run. Pay the bills. Sell the product. Deal with the vendors and the customers. The whole ball of wax. Maybe I will retire but, not now. Having too much fun....thanks for asking, Claudia.

    Read where you are painting again. Good for you. Hope each of us is doing what we love. That is the secret, you know. Doing what you love.

    Wise thing is to remember we become what we think about the most. Focusing on what is good, true, productive. That is what I think makes life worth the living. I am running on, but you get the picture, dear heart.
    Again thanks for asking, Claudia, my friend. Every morning when I take my vitamins and turmeric I think of you and say a little prayer for your well-being.
  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member
    norma2 said:

    Instead of retiring I jumped into the fire...hahah
    I am at the age where most folks buy that RV and travel. I read all the posts about the marvelous trips taken by the members. Took the road less traveled. With 20 yrs in an industry that is slow to say the least, hubby and I started our own harwood lumber company. We love it. Work from 5 am to 7 pm each day. I love figuring out how to make the business run. Pay the bills. Sell the product. Deal with the vendors and the customers. The whole ball of wax. Maybe I will retire but, not now. Having too much fun....thanks for asking, Claudia.

    Read where you are painting again. Good for you. Hope each of us is doing what we love. That is the secret, you know. Doing what you love.

    Wise thing is to remember we become what we think about the most. Focusing on what is good, true, productive. That is what I think makes life worth the living. I am running on, but you get the picture, dear heart.
    Again thanks for asking, Claudia, my friend. Every morning when I take my vitamins and turmeric I think of you and say a little prayer for your well-being.

    How sweet, thanks, Norma. I think of you too. You picture just radiates the joy you feel in living.

    Heart hugs

    I love this from your post==Wise thing is to remember we become what we think about the most.

    Then I am destined to become and artist, because I think about art nearly all the time.

    Thank you so much.

    Your friend in spirit,

  • daisy366
    daisy366 Member Posts: 1,458 Member

    How sweet, thanks, Norma. I think of you too. You picture just radiates the joy you feel in living.

    Heart hugs

    I love this from your post==Wise thing is to remember we become what we think about the most.

    Then I am destined to become and artist, because I think about art nearly all the time.

    Thank you so much.

    Your friend in spirit,


    Here here Norma!!
    I agree with your statement about becoming what we think about. Reading Eckert Tolle's book the New Earth has helped me be more cognizant of being more AWARE of what I'm thinking so that I can take action to change it.

    Thank you for that. Mary Ann

    PS Claudia, I love your artwork - new pix I believe.
  • Songflower
    Songflower Member Posts: 608

    How sweet, thanks, Norma. I think of you too. You picture just radiates the joy you feel in living.

    Heart hugs

    I love this from your post==Wise thing is to remember we become what we think about the most.

    Then I am destined to become and artist, because I think about art nearly all the time.

    Thank you so much.

    Your friend in spirit,


    I'm struggling with chemo again too. Actually, they were going to zap my liver tumor but tumor board decided on chemo first. I don't think I was ready for it. Thanks for your great attitude. We have heat, heat, heat!

    Love you all,
  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member
    daisy366 said:

    Here here Norma!!
    I agree with your statement about becoming what we think about. Reading Eckert Tolle's book the New Earth has helped me be more cognizant of being more AWARE of what I'm thinking so that I can take action to change it.

    Thank you for that. Mary Ann

    PS Claudia, I love your artwork - new pix I believe.

    Mary Ann
    Not a new painting, but my son's favorite and I thought it rather reflected my rosey view of life. There are people on the cliff and a dog and some people walking by the ocean. This painting just makes me feel good.


    So very glad you are feeling not only better but highly optimistic.

    Your friend,

  • maggie_wilson
    maggie_wilson Member Posts: 596

    I'm struggling with chemo again too. Actually, they were going to zap my liver tumor but tumor board decided on chemo first. I don't think I was ready for it. Thanks for your great attitude. We have heat, heat, heat!

    Love you all,

    maryann, diane, suzanne and norma
    thanks again for your dear wishes for me, and checking in. i can't say how much i appreciate all of you. diane, sorry you're in chemo again, what kind? it is a struggle for most of us, i think. ugh! it's odd, but i never feel i have a good attitude; maybe i feel more skeptical in general than i convey. all i think is about forging on and getting through whatever is in front of me in the moment. i am thankful for family and friends, and especially my partner who does everything for me, lovingly. but feeling yucky does take a lot of pleasure out of things.

    norma, your new business sounds great; i know exactly how you feel about being your own boss and not working to make someone else rich. that's so wonderful that you and hubby have found something that makes you both happy,

    again, thanks for warm wishes for me. it's so good to know you're all there.

  • maggie_wilson
    maggie_wilson Member Posts: 596

    ((((Maggie)))). Sounds like you're making the best of it!
    I lurk here daily, but rarely log in, as I feel I've said all I have to say pretty much already here. But I'm always looking for updates and news on my 'favorites' here, and am happy to know that you are surviving your chemo regime with style and grace, comforted by loving family & friends, and that the chemo is working. I know that you'll find the joy in each day and savor it. HAPPY 4TH!

    (I got up early to start making devilled eggs and spinach/cucumber/cream cheese mini whole-wheat wraps; and i need to stuff the chicken salad I made last night (the kind with grapes and walnuts) into tiny croissants. Evereyone is bringing something, and the main menu item for today's 4th of July cookout is tenderloin sandwiches, but I'm in charge of picnic-y hors d'oerves.) & here I sit at the computer! GET TO WORK, LINDA!

    linda and claudia
    again, thank you both for your comments. linda, i sure don't feel like i'm surviving chemo with style and grace--just surviving. but that's all i need to do, get through it. i have moments of joy nearly every day, mostly around my grandkids, but sadly, doesn't last that long. still, good to know it's still there.

    your fourth menu sounds so delicious! every mouth-watering part of it. i feel like i want to party crash. we're having my sister and brother-in -law over for dinner, they're bringing salmon steaks, and we're making brushetta and corn on the cob. and watermelon, greens and mozzerella salad. then maybe check out the fireworks off the berkeley marina if i'm up to it. thanx for lurking, linda, and keep us posted on what's going on. no detail too small.........


    i'm not sure where you live now, but after 40 year in the bay area, i can imagine no where else, except maybe new york, could really make you happy. and yes, the merry-go-round in tilden part is still there. this morning my daughter just came by with our 3 year old granddaughter, the love of our lives, on their way to lake anza in tilden. gorgeous day for it. it's true, just about everything you could want in the way of beauty, food, culture is here, plus overall the bay area is more progressive than most. i was born in l.a., but really grew up in the bay area.

    i really like the two paintings that i've seen, claudia, of course you're an artist.

    stay well.

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    maryann, diane, suzanne and norma
    thanks again for your dear wishes for me, and checking in. i can't say how much i appreciate all of you. diane, sorry you're in chemo again, what kind? it is a struggle for most of us, i think. ugh! it's odd, but i never feel i have a good attitude; maybe i feel more skeptical in general than i convey. all i think is about forging on and getting through whatever is in front of me in the moment. i am thankful for family and friends, and especially my partner who does everything for me, lovingly. but feeling yucky does take a lot of pleasure out of things.

    norma, your new business sounds great; i know exactly how you feel about being your own boss and not working to make someone else rich. that's so wonderful that you and hubby have found something that makes you both happy,

    again, thanks for warm wishes for me. it's so good to know you're all there.


    So nice to hear from you!

    It was so nice to hear from you. I have been busy. We just moved and now are moving our office. I have been stressed (Yuck) but try not to be. It is finally starting to settle down.

    I was to get my port out a couple of weeks ago, but insurance denied my out of state physcian. They also denied my PET Scan. I have applied for an appeal.

    Anyway, a friend of mine found a local doctor who will take out my port. I think it will be scheduled for July 14th. This is exciting since I have had it in since 2005. I need it out now since it has not been flushed since January because the hospital refused to do it since my physician is in another state. (Nice, huh).

    Other good news is that my recent check-up was good and my pap was good.

    Sorry you feel yucky and hope that soon goes away! Sending you hugs and good feelings.

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    Mary Ann
    Not a new painting, but my son's favorite and I thought it rather reflected my rosey view of life. There are people on the cliff and a dog and some people walking by the ocean. This painting just makes me feel good.


    So very glad you are feeling not only better but highly optimistic.

    Your friend,


    Claudia, I can see why this
    Claudia, I can see why this is your son's favorite!
  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    I'm struggling with chemo again too. Actually, they were going to zap my liver tumor but tumor board decided on chemo first. I don't think I was ready for it. Thanks for your great attitude. We have heat, heat, heat!

    Love you all,

    Ugg. I am sorry you


    Ugg. I am sorry you are struggling with chemo again. Sending my well wishes to you and hugs to make you feel better!

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    norma2 said:

    Instead of retiring I jumped into the fire...hahah
    I am at the age where most folks buy that RV and travel. I read all the posts about the marvelous trips taken by the members. Took the road less traveled. With 20 yrs in an industry that is slow to say the least, hubby and I started our own harwood lumber company. We love it. Work from 5 am to 7 pm each day. I love figuring out how to make the business run. Pay the bills. Sell the product. Deal with the vendors and the customers. The whole ball of wax. Maybe I will retire but, not now. Having too much fun....thanks for asking, Claudia.

    Read where you are painting again. Good for you. Hope each of us is doing what we love. That is the secret, you know. Doing what you love.

    Wise thing is to remember we become what we think about the most. Focusing on what is good, true, productive. That is what I think makes life worth the living. I am running on, but you get the picture, dear heart.
    Again thanks for asking, Claudia, my friend. Every morning when I take my vitamins and turmeric I think of you and say a little prayer for your well-being.

    I am glad you are


    I am glad you are jumping! Send me some of that energy! Glad you are having fun. Way to go Norma!

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    ((((Maggie)))). Sounds like you're making the best of it!
    I lurk here daily, but rarely log in, as I feel I've said all I have to say pretty much already here. But I'm always looking for updates and news on my 'favorites' here, and am happy to know that you are surviving your chemo regime with style and grace, comforted by loving family & friends, and that the chemo is working. I know that you'll find the joy in each day and savor it. HAPPY 4TH!

    (I got up early to start making devilled eggs and spinach/cucumber/cream cheese mini whole-wheat wraps; and i need to stuff the chicken salad I made last night (the kind with grapes and walnuts) into tiny croissants. Evereyone is bringing something, and the main menu item for today's 4th of July cookout is tenderloin sandwiches, but I'm in charge of picnic-y hors d'oerves.) & here I sit at the computer! GET TO WORK, LINDA!

    What a woman! Glad


    What a woman! Glad you had a joyous 4th. Once I get all moved in (both home and office) I am planning one of those "tea" parties. You made it sound so wonderful.

    Yesterday was a yucky day for me because my stress level was over the top so much that no matter what anyone said I could have easily cried for no apparent reason. I think my younger son was going through some stuff too and he indicated to me he was quitting some things that I know he loves to do. I couldn't talk to him when he brought it up because of my stress level. So later on last night we had one of those late late night talks until 2:00 a.m. and everything is back to normal, except now I am at work tired!

    My best to you, Linda. You are remarkable. Sending hugs yourway.
