Looking for a tasty, healthy, megavitamin smoothie recipe

One thing I have decided as I head into this continuing chapter of my treatment is to eat BETTER! I can not believe that with all the meds I put in my body that my nutrition isn't better but today is a NEW DAY! Someone told me that Vemma is really good but you can only buy it through Amway. I am trying to cut back on sugar (SO HARD) and looking for some ways to make smoothies and incorporate some cancer kicking ingredients....anybody have anything? I could go to our local Juice Stop and get a wheat germ or something everyday but that seems pricey and I'd dare to think that a McDonald's smoothie doesn't have anything but sugar in it...but they are lower in calories than I thought. Has anyone contacted a Natural Path Doc? My oncologist eyes glazed over when I mentioned it. Would appreciate any ideas :)

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