Fighting Cancer Without God Would Be Terrible



  • Angela_K
    Angela_K Member Posts: 374 Member
    Good medicine, strong faith
    For me, a combination of good medicine and strong faith have been vital in my recovery. Both, I feel, are equally important. I am far from being religious, but my faith in my God has grown significantly, even to the point of a 're-birth' of sorts, in the past six months and I can't imagine facing this battle without the calming, healing force of my higher power. Knowing that I have been lifted up in prayer by literally hundreds, perhaps thousands of people with various spiritual beliefs is powerfully moving ~ and healing ~ bringing an indescribable positive emotional effect that doctors, friends and family could never accomplish alone.

    But our spiritual (or non spiritual) beliefs are just as personal and individualized as our cancers. I would never criticize or judge others, only find joy in what they feel works best for them.