Stage 4 anal cancer

pattiannw Member Posts: 3

I was diagnosed in June of 2017, did 12 fulfox treatments with my last one being January 3rd. I started radiation on Feb 8 and today was my 13th treatment, i am battling the painful anus area, i put on ointment that they recommended it helps but not totally, i do the sitz bathes they help while doing it. Just wondering if anyone has any tips for me as i have 12 treatments left. I am also battling dirrehea, i have taken a few imodium, hate to because of fear of going in the opposite direction. I have no desire to eat, not really hungry but know I should eat.


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited February 2018 #2

    I'm sorry that you are starting to experience some pain and diarrhea.  Those are all common side effects of this treatment, as you know, however, not easy to deal with.  It was difficult for me to eat too, but I knew I had to.  You might try the BRAT diet (bananas, white rice, applesauce, white toast) so that you can get some food intake.  Also, those foods may help with the diarrhea.  You might also ask your doctors for a prescription for Lomotil.  As for the burning in the treatment area, I was given Silver Sulfadiazine ointment, which was very soothing.  However, it has to be completely removed from the skin prior to getting radiation treatment (then can be reapplied afterwards).  However, I found it hard to get off and when my skin became very irritated, it was quite painful to remove it.  Many people get relief from Aloe so you might try that.  There is also something called Domeboro soaks which has been recommended by others.  There is also another product called Radiaplex gel.  All you can really do it try things until you find something that gives you some relief.

    My heart goes out to you.  I vividly remember how it was for me during treatment, even though that was almost 10 years ago.  Hang in there--you will get through this. 

  • HeatherApril14
    HeatherApril14 Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2018 #3
    Butt Burns

    I just finished my 30 rounds of radiation in January.  I ended up taking long baths instead of short sitz baths.  Lathered on Aquafor and the CeraVe cream that comes in a jar - the real thick stuff, and generously used it on anal area, butt cheeks and groin area.  Used 100% cotton men's undies - nothing that rides close to skin like polyester - keep it very loose.  Also do not be afraid of using the Immodium - I just regularly using it once per day and never became constipated.  Make sure the radiation techs and doctor inspect your nether regions - if you are too burned or, as in my case, my lady bits became swollen and burned also - they will stop treatment for a few days to keep it under control.  This will not affect the impact of the treatment.  Bought a great gel donut for my office chair.  Good luck, we all care.  

  • Shoultz
    Shoultz Member Posts: 2
    I had the same issue.  I

    I had the same issue.  I usedAquaphor but that didn't seem to help.  Another Dr. prescribed Medihoney..a wound and burn dressing.  That seemed to help.  It's an awful time..I used Depends which sort of helped me mentally.  At least I didn't have to worry about accidents as much.  I only had 17 radiation treatments and had to take a week break.  Hope this helps.

  • Wisteria83
    Wisteria83 Member Posts: 160
    edited March 2018 #5

    I know that some people have used aquaphor mixed with lidocaine.  It's a prescription and you need to ask for it.  I didn't know it was available when I went through treatment or I would have asked for it.