Basically disintegrating alone ...


Smell that apparently only I can smell...

by kelsOH on Sun Nov 12, 2017 07:24 PM

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I'm mid diagnosis of what I strongly feel is cervical or ovarian cancer that has spread to my lymph nodes and stomach.

So far I've had ultrasound ct and endoscopy done; where they discovered lymphadenopathy w no infection in my blood, stomach wall thickening and a polyp on my gallbladder. The endoscopy results I am still waiting for. Also had a pap due to the extreme amounts of discharge I've had for over 5 months now. Which is beginning to be more caraml color tinged w blood more than it is the thick white blueish tint..all was normal. 

I have oncoming pain in my upper right and lower left abdominal area. Once I go pee when using br I will after push the discharge out for about an HR while feeling like I'm holding a huge pee that is about to release but doesn't. Pressure I guessvwould be a more appropriate reference but anyways.. there's a smell that I smell quite strongly , in the cook ie  area, armpits, and sometimes evenbreathem oresooo when I sweat ..ive asked friends and family and none can smell what I do.. it's almost like in the b.o. family but not gross . Has almost a sweet smell but not quite sweet. Maybe fermented fruit similarity.. hard to explain.. my hands are extremely dry and the creases on my knuckels are Browning??? My eyes are turning yellowish along w my skin.. all my blood panels and tests that would expect not to be normal have been... I feel I'm not going to get diagnosed in time to beat this battle.. I need to being I'm 26 w a two year old babygirl w basically no family..I'm left to think about this alone and told I'm just crazy n everything is fine. Just wait for results is what all loved ones say rather cherish our time n emotionally support me.. not sure what I'm looking for or asking on here , I guess just reassurance that I'm not crazy so my mind can focus on healing myself while awaiting confirmed diagnosis so I'm able to know what homeopathic regimand and diet willl be neede