Incidental finding of Renal Cell Carcimnoma

ACS1957 Member Posts: 12

What started off as a pain in my knee and leg, led to the discovery that I had renal cell carcinoma.  I am now starting week 4 after having had cryoablation of a tumor that was about 3.5 cm, Furman Nuclear Grade 2.  Am doing great now, just still getting naps in the afternoon.  Follow-up CT scan in Jan.  In November I will get to start working on the herniated discs that led me to the XRAY and MRI which found the tumor.   Long story short - listen to your body.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Lucky you


    Assuming you were born in 1957, I too had Rcc when I was 59 years young some 14 years ago. The reason I say " Lucky you" is that it was discovered relatively early compared to a lot of members in our club leaving more options for the sugeon and a chance for a strong chance for a full recovery cyro alone.




  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

    I agree with Iceman you caught it early that is a great sign and the odds are in your favor.





  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    Funny how it's good when...

    ACS, funny how it's good when some part in our body acts up and instead of complaining we can ultimately say, "Well THAT was a good thing," because they discovered something else that they can treat but it could've become way worse. Glad it was still small, as others have said. More options.