Caphosol and/or Muguard?

LiseA Member Posts: 266

For those who used these products, were they helpful? Did you use both?  Or is only one necessary?

I was trying to find the ingredients to make sure I'm not allergic to anything in them. 

Please share your experiences. Also, did insurance cover these Meds? 



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    edited May 2016 #2
    At the time I was getting treatment...

    which was in 2012, MuGard had just come out so my Dr. was handing out samples.  Within the first week, I had a sore starting on my bottom lip....the MuGard cleared it, and I never had a single mouth sore during radiation.  I had a feeding tube, and didn't use it once during rads. 

    So worked for me.


  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    Sounds amazing, and I

    Sounds amazing, and I definitely want to try that. Does it heal because it's protecting the area? 

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263

    Hi LiseA,    Lisa here.  I was given free samples of the MuGuard.  My Insurance ( very good policy) did NOT cover MuGuard.  From what I have read you have to call the company and wheel and deal with them for a price.  If you can get a free sample so you can at least try it, do so.  I did not know that I was to start taking it a couple days before radiation/ chemo started and everyday from there on.  Though it needed.  Only really works if you use it religiously, all day everyday.  By the time I began using it, was too late, sores/Muscosis was raging in my mouth.  I do think it did help some to coat my mouth.  Another woman going through treatment used it religiously from the beginning and didn't have mouth problems through treatment and now after treatment is doing better eating.  She did not need a feeding tube where I did.  Worked for Phrannie and my friend, I say "Go for It".

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Check online....

    I talked to the Mugard company and ended up paying out of pocket $40 or $50 a bottle...I used a total of 3 bottles during treatment....then another person also talked to them and was getting it for $10 a bottle....LOL.  If only I'd known it was a bidding thing...I would have bid lower.  I ended up with 5 bottles, and gave one away on here a year later.  Religiously for me was three times a day....once in the morning....once after rad treatment....and once before I went to bed.  A bottle can last quite a while. 

    You do need it before sores get doesn't work after they are established in your mouth.  I had adjuvent chemo of 5FU for nine weeks after rads were over.  The mouth sores came fast and furious, and MuGard didn't work for me after rads.


  • Kapital
    Kapital Member Posts: 52 Member

         My husband used Caphosol during treatment for tonsil CA about a year and a half ago. He had 3 Carboplatin treatments along with 6.5 weeks of radiation. He started to develope sores in his mouth after the second week of treatment. I had read about some success others had with Caphosol online. I asked his radiation oncologist if he would order it, which he did. Our insurance did pay for it. My husband started using it and by the third day the ulcer had resolved. He used it routinely for the rest of his treatments and never had a problem with mouth ulcers after that. I'm not saying he didn't have a sore throat from the radiation treaments, but that he didn't have ulcers which had started to form on the side of his tongue in the third week of treatment. We were very happy with the result he had with Caphosol. Everyone has a different experience, but for him it made a difference. Anything that makes treatment even slightly more bearable is certainly worth it. Good luck.



  • osmotar
    osmotar Member Posts: 1,006
    edited May 2016 #7

    i had heard about Caphosol from another cancer patient , I then asked my rad doctor for a script , he said my insurance might not pay for it , fortunately it did, I used it 4xs a day and in between swished with salt & baking soda water ... Never had any mouth sores or any other issues....I was very pleased with the outcome in using it.

