Has anyone tried Reiki for helping side effects?


I have a chance to buy a Reiki session at half price ($50 instead of $100).  Has anyone ever tried it and if so did you think it helped with the neuropathy?  That's what I struggle most with.  I can't do it every week, but maybe once a treatment would be doable although at full price, it would be expensive.  I just hate to waste money on things that don't really help.  Hugs Nancy


  • Gardena
    Gardena Member Posts: 102

    Hey Nancy, I've used Reiki many times over the years and have found the ability of your practioner and your intention for the session will determine the success of the session.  I am a believer in energy work so would be open to using it for the neuropathy.  Or you might want to use the money for a full body massage? After my 3rd infusion I went and had a massage that focused on hands and feet, legs and arms, as opposed to back /shoulders. It was fantastic and I am planning on returning to same person for a healing massage after my 6th infusion in mid February.  That said, I'm having energy work done tomorrow for my spirit!

    Have you tried using L - glutamine?  I have it in powder form (Thorne brand) and stir it into a glass of water or juice a couple times a day and it has really helped diminish the tingling in my feet and hands. I read about it in a book called Thriving Cancer. My oncologist endorsed it. Good luck, and enjoy your decision! 

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    If you try it, let me know

    If you try it, let me know how it works.  I'd be willing to try it too to help with the neuropathy and night pain in my feet.

