Raw bleeding nose


Hello everyone, I am a two time nesopharngeal cancer survivor, pateient, sufferer, whatever it is called.  Being a two timer (total of 14 weeks radiation to the head, not to mention all the fun chemo) basically everything above the shoulders is functioning at 20% except the brain, at least I think so. Smile

Anyway to make a long story short, of all the miserable sideaffects there is one that I just cant seem to get a handle around.

The inside of my nose gets raw as in like an open sore and it will not go away unless I do sinus rinses with Levofloxacin.

The more I use the antibiotic the more tolerant my problem becomes of the antibiotic so I need a another solution.

I use the netipot twice a day and have tried running numerous crazy things through there without success.

So if somone has any ideas I am all ears (actually only one ear Undecided)

Thank you


  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    Maybe dryness is the culprit. Have you tried Aquaphor? It seems to be the treatment of choice for lots of skin issues. You might also want to run a vaporizer in your room at night. Hope you find something that works.