My pets are so smart ..

hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member

I am sure other pet owners out there can relate to this .. I am sure my pets knew my cancer was back before I or the scans did!  I thought my cat was going through something strange .. she kept sleeping on my chest with her face practically in mine for months .. my dog won't let me out of her sight and insists on following my every step until she is completely exhausted and falling asleep sitting up.  Poor little things ... they are amazing creatures though.

I am so thankful I have them to get me through those rough days .. they always seem to understand. So different from humans ... most of them seem to scatter. LOL  


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Aw, that's so sweet! Our

    Aw, that's so sweet! Our chocolate lab/cocker cross has designated himself as my little guardian. He follows me everywhere and watches me all the time. He even goes in the bathroom with me and watches me deal with my ostemy bag. Sometimes I think if I did something wrong he'd tell me. He even deals with the other dogs for me. If one gets too close to me he'll get between us and kind of herd them off and he barks at the one that will scratch his ear until it bleeds. I used to have to tell that dog to stop but now he does it for me. The day I came home from the hospital after almost four months in it they were all so happy. My husband had been having some issues with them acting up while I was gone. Like piddling in the house or barking at nothing. As soon as I got home they all settled back to normal. I don't know what I'd do without all of them.

    The other three are two pitbull crosses and one pitbull. All four are rescues.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    Great story. I think pets

    Great story. I think pets know. The night before my last liver surgery I couldn't sleep so I stayed on the couch and watched TV. One of my dogs stayed with me the whole night to comfort me. I know this because the dogs always sleep with us on the bid and he didn't want to leave my side to sleep on the bed with my wife.

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    JanJan63 said:

    Aw, that's so sweet! Our

    Aw, that's so sweet! Our chocolate lab/cocker cross has designated himself as my little guardian. He follows me everywhere and watches me all the time. He even goes in the bathroom with me and watches me deal with my ostemy bag. Sometimes I think if I did something wrong he'd tell me. He even deals with the other dogs for me. If one gets too close to me he'll get between us and kind of herd them off and he barks at the one that will scratch his ear until it bleeds. I used to have to tell that dog to stop but now he does it for me. The day I came home from the hospital after almost four months in it they were all so happy. My husband had been having some issues with them acting up while I was gone. Like piddling in the house or barking at nothing. As soon as I got home they all settled back to normal. I don't know what I'd do without all of them.

    The other three are two pitbull crosses and one pitbull. All four are rescues.

    So cute!! My little girl

    So cute!! My little girl (dog) now holds the title of tattletale at my house, she most definitely "tells" on all the other pets. She even "tells" on my children if they are doing something she thinks they shouldn't.  

    We have 3 cats and 2 other dogs.  She is very busy keeping up with all their behaviors,  making sure I am ok and all that is going on outside!!

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member

    Great story. I think pets

    Great story. I think pets know. The night before my last liver surgery I couldn't sleep so I stayed on the couch and watched TV. One of my dogs stayed with me the whole night to comfort me. I know this because the dogs always sleep with us on the bid and he didn't want to leave my side to sleep on the bed with my wife.

    How sweet!! He WAS comforting

    How sweet!! He WAS comforting you!!

    True, they certainly are mans best friend. 

    I have actually seen a show about training dogs to use them as colon cancer early detection tools.  Apparently they can "smell" our breath to be different from those with no cancer.  The study thought it had something to do with it being a GI issue ... it was very interesting.

    oh ... here ya go .. found this link

  • John212
    John212 Member Posts: 116 Member
    A pet rock would have remained stone-faced

    For years, our children begged for a new dog to replace the one who'd been a part of the family until our youngest was 1 year old. I kept saying that I wanted to get a pet rock instead because they don't shed, eat much less than a regular pet, and don't bark in the middle of the night. I guess this sensitivity that you discovered is the one argument in favor of getting a real dog that never occurred to me.

    Oh, we did eventually get a second dog, and the kids loved her for 11 years.

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    I'm a

    dog person and our little guy has stuck by my side throughout my cancer journey. I called him my "chemo-sabi" during my 12 rounds of folfox. He still hops on the bed now every time I'm on it. I believe part of our healing is psychological and he's definitely good for my mind and spirit. I owe him big time.


  • Steve444
    Steve444 Member Posts: 105 Member

    You have probably seen this already, but it has been making the rounds again the last couple of days and reminded me of this post.



  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    When I was really sick

    (actually before I got dx'ed) I was on the couch for several months.  My dog slept on the floor next to me the whole time, which is not something he usually does.  He's a northern breed, known for being independent, and usually just does his own thing, but not in this case.  Now that I'm reasonably healthy again, he no longer does that, so I have to think he could smell my illness or something.

    Or I guess he might have just been waiting in the best possible position to catch dropped food!