Oh what a month. In 2004, while working construction I fell 44 feet shattering my right side and survived and returned to work. But was forced to retire because my shattered ribs on right have never healed so I have been waiting for a 3rd attempt at a pain pump. I was giving my self a hair cut when I noticed a slightly swollen posterior cervical lymph nobe ans did want a infection to delay another attempt at pain pump. Went to family Dr. and he said it may be cyst so he tried to drain it but it was soft moveable AND NO WAY CANCER.
This was 5 weeks ago. Went back in 2 weeks when it was still there and bigger, he gave me an antibiotic and said get a chest xray and next morning got the bad news, a mass in right middle lobe and swollen lymph nodes so did ct scan. luckily my ex brother in law is a heart surgeon and knew I was probably going nuts waiting on call and he broke news and share radiologist report. 5cm mass right lung suspect lymph nodes and one adrenal gland....liver heart etc look good. I HAD NO SYMPTOMS... MAYBE PAIN FROM RIBS AND OTHER INJURIES HID THEM. No cough, no weight loss, night sweats. Had pet scan and biopsy of lymph node on neck. Saw Oncologist and asked about pet scan he said let's not even worry about that. The biopsy of node on neck is cancer and small cell.....and as my heart sunk I said it figures so the 10 month average is what cut in half now......HE GOES WHEN STAGE IV EXTENSIVE SMALL CELL IS BETTER BECAUSE LARGE CELL WHICH GROWS SLOWER WOULD BE MUCH WORSE......I guess small cell responds very well to Chemotherapy... Initially... And short term remission, I have seen is possible, I know it recurs. I am okay with death, I knew I was dead when I fell and as I laid dying on the flight for life I asked God to spare me so my son wouldn't have to grow up without a Dad and I lost an older brother when he was 18 in auto accident and a nephew same way same age, and not to have my parents endure the loss of another child. I succeeded in both son will soon be 22, mom passed 2 years ago from lung cancer on 8/23 same date I fell and Dad in 09.
I am not going to fight cancer, I am going to squeezed every bit of of use of this body which will break down some day anyway. I am going to fight for live and enjoy every moment. I am coming up on 4 years sober and have been happy for the first time in my life. When I fell people said God had plans for me. Maybe it is to be cured or the key to others to be cured. I have strong faith. And their is a fellow alcoholic who died in the early 1800s and asked if God cured his alcoholism he would dedicate his life to him. Which he did. And has been venerated. He needs two miracles directly attributable to him to reach Sainthood and to my patron Saint Jude....I have been a hopeless case since birth coming almost 8 weeks early in 1967.....and just under 4lbs and making it. 24 months would be a dream come true....I know 5 year outlook is dim. I start Chemo Wednesday, Thursday Friday. I have an uncle that is a Monsignor and fellow recovering alcoholic who made me aware of Matt Talbot's story. So I asked him to write a prayer for me.
Venerable Matt Talbot ,you sobered up through a simple daily program of complete reliance on God after pledging yourself to live without alcohol. You did this with the encouragement and guidance of two spiritual directors. You lived your Catholic faith after the example of Mary our mother and her beloved Son\, Jesus our Savior. You began each day with Mass and Holy Communion. You prayed and fasted constantly. You gave what little you possessed or earned through your hard work to the poor.
We come to you, Dear Matt, on behalf of our beloved Robert who has suffered so much since his fall. We are asking you to intercede for a miracle of healing for Robert from the cancer that threatens to take his life. Please go to Jesus and Mary and plead with them for this great favor. We will be grateful to you for all our lives. Conclude with 3 our Fathers, 3 Hail Marys and conclude with: O Sacred Heart of Jesus, we place our trust in you. Immaculate Heart of Mary we hope in you. Venerable, Matt Talbot, please hear our prayers. AmenAmen
I know prayer works. Prayer helped me recover from my fall and become sober.....once your mind is clear I have seen hopeless gutter bums literally wander into an AA meeting and become sober and are living a happy full life with good job and wife and kids. That is a miracle. EACH ONE OF US IS A MIRACLE......I STRUGGLED WITH MY FAITH..I HAD NONE..UNTIL MY SON WAS BORN AND I HELD HIM AND LOOKED INTO HIS EYES AND AS THAT FEELING OF UNCONDITIONAL LOVE FILLED MY HEART AND SOUL...... I KNEW SOMETHING SOME MYSTERY I CHOOSE TO CALL GOD HAD A HAND IN THE CREATION OF SOMETHING SO PERFECT.
I wish to extend gratitude, love, and will include all who take a moment of their precious time and respond in my prayers....I really need.some hope and stories to strive for.
God Bless you all and what ever the outcome may he ease the suffering of the sick and comfort those who have lost love ones to this disease. I lost my mom dad and uncle all to cancer...... In one sense I am relieved as the youngest of huge extended family I maybe spared mourning the loss of all my loved ones but still want that miracle.
Thanks Bob
Hello Bob,
It is funny how IHello Bob,
It is funny how I am reading this post, just posted today, as my heart mourns the loss of my mother to small cell lung cancer Oct. 24th of this year. I must say that I am a believer in miracles even sfter seeing her suffer so. Bob, my mother had always been a worry wart from the moment I was a baby. She was constantly worried about petty things that didn't matter, but that was her. My sister and I were used to that. She suffered from breast cancer (stage III), just 6 years prior and fought hard and survied. Although my mom did not attend church regularly, the light of Christ really showed through her at the end of her final days. I tought her to pray the rosary and when she wasn't strong enough to respond, I continued to pray for her because that what she said she wanted the most. I didn't think of it that mom "lost" the fight to cancer, but rather won. She showed us the true meaning of life and the values God has given us just by her leaving this physical world. I miss her dearly. There is no other love like a mother's love for her child, and no one on this earth can fill that void. I will also pray for the intercession to our blessed mother Mary that she will give you peace as my mother had.
I want to let you know that I too will be praying for you as you go through this special journey. God has plans for you, either by miraculous healing, or by parting this physical world as a true example of God's grace. God has pulled you through so much and has answered your prayers. Keep on praying with diligence and great faith and know that if it is indeed in God's will for you to heal from this cancer, He will do it. In the meantime, I would focus on forgiving others of any mishaps you may have had with them in the past. Make past wrongs, rights and spend most of your time contemplating God's will for you. He will speak to you. Never give up hope. God will never leave you nor forsake you. He is with you always. Tell everyone you love them. My mom said how blessed she was to have this time to prepare for whatever God had in store for her, now it is your opportunity Bob. Let it be done according to God's will.
You are in my thoughts and prayers Bob!
God bless,
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Thank you for your support and prayerscytomill said:Hello Bob,
It is funny how IHello Bob,
It is funny how I am reading this post, just posted today, as my heart mourns the loss of my mother to small cell lung cancer Oct. 24th of this year. I must say that I am a believer in miracles even sfter seeing her suffer so. Bob, my mother had always been a worry wart from the moment I was a baby. She was constantly worried about petty things that didn't matter, but that was her. My sister and I were used to that. She suffered from breast cancer (stage III), just 6 years prior and fought hard and survied. Although my mom did not attend church regularly, the light of Christ really showed through her at the end of her final days. I tought her to pray the rosary and when she wasn't strong enough to respond, I continued to pray for her because that what she said she wanted the most. I didn't think of it that mom "lost" the fight to cancer, but rather won. She showed us the true meaning of life and the values God has given us just by her leaving this physical world. I miss her dearly. There is no other love like a mother's love for her child, and no one on this earth can fill that void. I will also pray for the intercession to our blessed mother Mary that she will give you peace as my mother had.
I want to let you know that I too will be praying for you as you go through this special journey. God has plans for you, either by miraculous healing, or by parting this physical world as a true example of God's grace. God has pulled you through so much and has answered your prayers. Keep on praying with diligence and great faith and know that if it is indeed in God's will for you to heal from this cancer, He will do it. In the meantime, I would focus on forgiving others of any mishaps you may have had with them in the past. Make past wrongs, rights and spend most of your time contemplating God's will for you. He will speak to you. Never give up hope. God will never leave you nor forsake you. He is with you always. Tell everyone you love them. My mom said how blessed she was to have this time to prepare for whatever God had in store for her, now it is your opportunity Bob. Let it be done according to God's will.
You are in my thoughts and prayers Bob!
God bless,
I am so sorry of the loss of you mother. It is tough for us left behind but they are always with us. Like I said I met my goals after surving my 45 ft fall. In 2007-2009 my Dad was treated in the same Cancer Center, he had MDA, myosdysplayic anemia, his bone marrow just stopped producing mature cells. It is five years later and they still recognized the name and how he kept track of how many pints of blood product he received, we all donate and he was popular retired union official a carpenter, I am the oddball ironworkwer, but he respected that because I never wanted anyone to say my success was because of my Dad. He fought for life with grace and knew when his time was coming and sent them special treats and even lined up pall bears. In late 2010 or early 11. I had saved enough money to buy my perfect home for cash and was going to take my Mom to go see it before I wrote check because although I had kept my appartment. I had stayed almost exclusively at their home to help with Dad. As we were about to walk out the door the phone rang and she found out she had a 10 cm mass and lung cancer. So I said OH well the house wasn't to be. I am single, on disability and done with lease and we are friends and good roommates especially when I became sober so I will stay and help her. So I was able to be her primary care giver, my one sister was a help, and so was other but she was really handicapped at time, she had her knees replaced doing well. Mom lived out her time with humility and grace and continued all her normal activities like attending Mass most days and singing in choir. The people in Cancer center rembered her also but she was not treated there. She was just able to do radiation to shrink tumor. Mom died the day after her birthday in 2012 AUGUST 23.....SAME DAY AS MY FALL....I HATE THAT DAY.
My family has a dark sense of humor, maybe from all the tragedy. But when Dad was sick his only brother (7 years younger...there was seven years between me and each of mine)..found out he had esophageal cancer late late stage and dad was in the hospital for an infection. And he had to tell Dad....his way of telling him was to say "Come on Lew you have to get out of here?" ..."Why?" ..."So we can go coffin shopping together, I have esophagus cancer and its all over and I don't have long."
So he had to loss his younger brother. But talk about miracles, Dad was of full Quebecois Ancestry so we celebrate Xmas eve and I would do something small and informal like a small turkey for who ever stopped bu Xmas day and my uncle (moms brother) was there and we were talking about how sick Gene was. And he asked if he had had the last rights and because of pastor changes NO. So Mom and Dad and Uncle Monsignor Bill went and visited him and he received the sacrament of the sick and communion. He was so thankful and at ease and was aware. He was able to let go in less than a day. They were friends had known eachother since since kids. And my moms brother said my Uncle's Funeral mass, and since the new pastor didn't know him or my grandparents who were instramental in raising the funds and organizing building of that parish or that my grandparents were from Quebec and the pride of French Canadian American Roots.
Uncle Bill gave the most beautiful sermon and mass and eulogy.... Talking about my entire French side,I learmed things about my Grandpa who died on my 4th birthday. So I learned so much and so many stories. It was a miracle in itself.
Two times I needed a ride to a job site from my dad, first time, my clutch went out, he got me to work and made it back in time to attend abuilding trades meeting just to hear an ironworker had gotten killed at the mill. He had just dropped me off there. I cut a weld under a pipe that was "empty" and asked the journeyman I was working with if he wanted me to finish. He said they day I need an apprentice to do my job I might as well be dead. Well he cut in farther or may lost ground when it came loose and electricity back fed and killed him right next to me. The second time I spent the weekend at lake, was working nearby, so I cooked birthday dinner for my Mom on Sunday Aug 22, 2004....and Dad dropped me off and I was going to ride home with by best friend who I had been riding with. And I fell. When I first saw them in hospital I apologized for falling and then said Dad don't take this wrong I never riding to work with you again.
I am fine with Gods plans, I just hope I can make it a year to two so I can see my son graduate and he not be stuck with dealing with my estate before he is done with school. Luckily, my fall finally left me unable to work in 2010 so I have medicare and for some reason I got the most expensive but most complete medigap policy where I do not have to pay anything. So he will not be left with bills. Everything is paid for. So he will be okay. But was I not as close to my father as my son and I are and it was devastating at 42 lose my father. I can't image at 22 or 23 or 24.
If you do not mind answering, how long from when your mom found out to the time you lost her? I will keep your family and your mothers soul in my prayers.
God Bless and thank you for your thoughtful reply and prayers
Eternally Grateful
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Hi Bobbob1967 said:Thank you for your support and prayers
I am so sorry of the loss of you mother. It is tough for us left behind but they are always with us. Like I said I met my goals after surving my 45 ft fall. In 2007-2009 my Dad was treated in the same Cancer Center, he had MDA, myosdysplayic anemia, his bone marrow just stopped producing mature cells. It is five years later and they still recognized the name and how he kept track of how many pints of blood product he received, we all donate and he was popular retired union official a carpenter, I am the oddball ironworkwer, but he respected that because I never wanted anyone to say my success was because of my Dad. He fought for life with grace and knew when his time was coming and sent them special treats and even lined up pall bears. In late 2010 or early 11. I had saved enough money to buy my perfect home for cash and was going to take my Mom to go see it before I wrote check because although I had kept my appartment. I had stayed almost exclusively at their home to help with Dad. As we were about to walk out the door the phone rang and she found out she had a 10 cm mass and lung cancer. So I said OH well the house wasn't to be. I am single, on disability and done with lease and we are friends and good roommates especially when I became sober so I will stay and help her. So I was able to be her primary care giver, my one sister was a help, and so was other but she was really handicapped at time, she had her knees replaced doing well. Mom lived out her time with humility and grace and continued all her normal activities like attending Mass most days and singing in choir. The people in Cancer center rembered her also but she was not treated there. She was just able to do radiation to shrink tumor. Mom died the day after her birthday in 2012 AUGUST 23.....SAME DAY AS MY FALL....I HATE THAT DAY.
My family has a dark sense of humor, maybe from all the tragedy. But when Dad was sick his only brother (7 years younger...there was seven years between me and each of mine)..found out he had esophageal cancer late late stage and dad was in the hospital for an infection. And he had to tell Dad....his way of telling him was to say "Come on Lew you have to get out of here?" ..."Why?" ..."So we can go coffin shopping together, I have esophagus cancer and its all over and I don't have long."
So he had to loss his younger brother. But talk about miracles, Dad was of full Quebecois Ancestry so we celebrate Xmas eve and I would do something small and informal like a small turkey for who ever stopped bu Xmas day and my uncle (moms brother) was there and we were talking about how sick Gene was. And he asked if he had had the last rights and because of pastor changes NO. So Mom and Dad and Uncle Monsignor Bill went and visited him and he received the sacrament of the sick and communion. He was so thankful and at ease and was aware. He was able to let go in less than a day. They were friends had known eachother since since kids. And my moms brother said my Uncle's Funeral mass, and since the new pastor didn't know him or my grandparents who were instramental in raising the funds and organizing building of that parish or that my grandparents were from Quebec and the pride of French Canadian American Roots.
Uncle Bill gave the most beautiful sermon and mass and eulogy.... Talking about my entire French side,I learmed things about my Grandpa who died on my 4th birthday. So I learned so much and so many stories. It was a miracle in itself.
Two times I needed a ride to a job site from my dad, first time, my clutch went out, he got me to work and made it back in time to attend abuilding trades meeting just to hear an ironworker had gotten killed at the mill. He had just dropped me off there. I cut a weld under a pipe that was "empty" and asked the journeyman I was working with if he wanted me to finish. He said they day I need an apprentice to do my job I might as well be dead. Well he cut in farther or may lost ground when it came loose and electricity back fed and killed him right next to me. The second time I spent the weekend at lake, was working nearby, so I cooked birthday dinner for my Mom on Sunday Aug 22, 2004....and Dad dropped me off and I was going to ride home with by best friend who I had been riding with. And I fell. When I first saw them in hospital I apologized for falling and then said Dad don't take this wrong I never riding to work with you again.
I am fine with Gods plans, I just hope I can make it a year to two so I can see my son graduate and he not be stuck with dealing with my estate before he is done with school. Luckily, my fall finally left me unable to work in 2010 so I have medicare and for some reason I got the most expensive but most complete medigap policy where I do not have to pay anything. So he will not be left with bills. Everything is paid for. So he will be okay. But was I not as close to my father as my son and I are and it was devastating at 42 lose my father. I can't image at 22 or 23 or 24.
If you do not mind answering, how long from when your mom found out to the time you lost her? I will keep your family and your mothers soul in my prayers.
God Bless and thank you for your thoughtful reply and prayers
Eternally Grateful
That is so true God does answer prayers, not always the way we want but always the best way for us. I was giving only 6 months to a year at best back in 2006, I am still here. I have a lot of problems from side effects of radiation but I am still able to work full time and make a living. God has been very good to me and my family and I have been able to be a part of my grandchildren’s lives. All I can do is to give Him all the parse and glory for what He has done for me.
God Bless
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