Post Treatment Blues

Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member

i finally finished my treatment. I'm almost three weeks post treatment and am experiencing some depression and anxiety. 

During treatment, my focus was so much on things like eating, staying hydrated, pain control,  coping with radiation and chemo. I was in and out of the hospital for treatment. The entire treatment took about 14 weeks with seven rounds, 35 radiation and 5FU / Hydrea chemo. 

Now that I've finished, I'm experiencing some depression and anxiety. I'm wondering if this is common?

when your in treatment, your suited up for battle. Then when your finished, your left on your own to deal with recovery. I'm not exactly sure what to expect. I'm relatively new to recovery so that may be it. I still have mouth sores although that's improving but I feel no where near any sort of normal. While in treatment, I never thought about recovery. Now that it's here I want to feel better. I guess it takes time. Please help if you can. 


  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710

    BM, When you are going through treatment you have a focus and your days are filled by managing symptoms. Getting to treatment becomes a job. You have daily contact which becomes reassuring.I found having purpose, getting fit and moving towards a return to work helped. I think it is impoertant to see people and socialize. You have done really well. You have identified the post treatment challenge - there will be lots of great advice forthcoming from better minds than this one!


    Keep at it, Gary

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    bm, depression is part of the

    bm, depression is part of the recovery for MANY.  i had it bad and was put on meds, so i'm doing much better.  i know of others here who have also started meds.  think about it, you've been through so much for the past 7 or 8 weeks, no time to stop and think, you haven't felt well, you're running here and there, life has not been yours, that is a lot to deal with and then you're done and you have all this time on your hands.  that gives you time to reflect on what the hell you just went thru, the thought "yes, I really had cancer", the worry of it coming back, dealing with the side affects of tx and everything else!  depression is to be expected.  you should talk to your doc about this.  try to get it under control before it gets too bad.  i let mine get so bad i spent 3 months in bed not doing anything that did not have to be done.  please don't let yours get like that.  you are on the road to recovery now and you will get better with time but you must give yourself MONTHS!  don't count days or weeks, it takes a little more than that.  your body has really been thru hell, you must allow it time to heal.  Congrats on finising tx!!!  That is a HUGE and one of the BEST steps in this illness so now take it easy and let your body heal.  Praying for you.

    God bless you,


  • Bunnymom
    Bunnymom Member Posts: 212 Member

    bm, depression is part of the

    bm, depression is part of the recovery for MANY.  i had it bad and was put on meds, so i'm doing much better.  i know of others here who have also started meds.  think about it, you've been through so much for the past 7 or 8 weeks, no time to stop and think, you haven't felt well, you're running here and there, life has not been yours, that is a lot to deal with and then you're done and you have all this time on your hands.  that gives you time to reflect on what the hell you just went thru, the thought "yes, I really had cancer", the worry of it coming back, dealing with the side affects of tx and everything else!  depression is to be expected.  you should talk to your doc about this.  try to get it under control before it gets too bad.  i let mine get so bad i spent 3 months in bed not doing anything that did not have to be done.  please don't let yours get like that.  you are on the road to recovery now and you will get better with time but you must give yourself MONTHS!  don't count days or weeks, it takes a little more than that.  your body has really been thru hell, you must allow it time to heal.  Congrats on finising tx!!!  That is a HUGE and one of the BEST steps in this illness so now take it easy and let your body heal.  Praying for you.

    God bless you,



    thank you. I'm trying to cope. I'm feeling a little better today. I just want to be better. I want this so bad but I know I have to be patient. 

    Thank you for your prayers. 


  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428

    I had it and didn't even know it.  I changed my primary doctor about a month after treatment was over.  I was still going to the hospitial every day getting fluids, still not eating or drinking.

    He put me on anit-depressants right away - it took a coupe of weeks before I actualy took them.  Once I did, I started to recover quickly (its all relative)  After a month, I was able to return to work part-time.

    That was in 2008.

    This time (in January 2014), they put me on anti-depressants while I was still in the hospital.  I worked with my doctor to wean myself off of them this summer.  Now I'm starting to rethink that.  THis surgery (totall laryngectomy) affected me much more physically and emotionally.  I am switching primary care doctors again - for a couple of reasons.  One, I also need to see an endo doc, and my new one will do both.  Also the new one probably has a few more laryngectomy patients than mine.


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    I think it's normal....

    When you are doing the TX you are fighting so hard and a lot of up and downs and the traveling to the doctors. Now that the TX is over, you go in recovery and now have the time to think what the heck you just went through, and the scare is not behind you yet. Felling sad or a little depressed I fell is very normal fellings. You fought the beast for a long time and won. It takes time to put some of this behind you, it is a slow process. I have a lot of anxiety to deal with, and at times guilt that I had it better than so many. Give it time, you will start felling better with the "New Normal", your a Survivor, and we're proud of you.

    I hated the nose feed tube, mine went past my stomach to the intestines and I could not get down more than 150cc and would get sick. Soooo Glad when it came out. They said I took in over 2 liters that night.


  • Time Bandit
    Time Bandit Member Posts: 23
    You can say it's part of the

    You can say it's part of the new normal everyone mentions. Try not to dwell upon it. For me it comes and goes. Need to keep busy and get you mind off of it.

  • Goyca
    Goyca Member Posts: 220
    It's normal I guess... I'm 3

    It's normal I guess... I'm 3 weeks post treatment, i felt lost once the treatment is done. Maybe because during treatment i had a clear cut goal "manage side effects and finish treatment" ... Then when its done i was bit depressed and lost. Not feeling comfortable and like I'm in a static phase... But i tried to exercise as much as i can and get out of the house one bit at a time.. And now I'm feeling better .

    exercise , read nice books,try to go out, and its ok if it takes time cz u deserve a break:)

    stay positive:) remember its over :)