
g041579 Member Posts: 18


 My name is Phil and I had surgery on April 9, 2010 for esophagael cancer. Four years

later I'm cancer free. I was lucky that I didn't need chemo or radiation treatment.

I just wanted to post this link on the cannabinoid system and how it reacts to cancer.

Cannabinoids can be found in marajuana and industrial hemp. THC and CBD are the well

known cannabinoids but there are others. Hemp also has Omega 3 and Omega 6 which

are a plus. Because cannabis is illegal research is difficult in the US. I hope this

imfo will help some folks on this forum.




  • Joel C
    Joel C Member Posts: 174
    Thanks Phil

    Like you I had my surgery in 2010 but unfortunately I had a stage 4 recurrence in 2011.  Five different types of chemo, 28 rounds of radiation and three radical surgeries could not stop this cancer.  In September of 2011 I was told I had 6 -9 months to live and all treatment going forward would be palliative.  I have been treating myself with cannabis since then and I’m still here.  I have been scanned every six months there has been no evidence of progression of disease.  There is no doubt in my mind that the ONLY reason I’m still here is because of the cannabis.  Unfortunately for me I live in a state that medical cannabis is illegal so I never know if I will be able to get cannabis on the black market and in turn have no idea how much longer I’ll be able to keep myself alive.   I wish the people that pass laws in my state had a clue of what a cancer patient has to endure before they vote on laws based on their personal beliefs and not on medical evidence.  Perhaps if they spent and afternoon hooked up to a chemo drip it would change their mind.

  • g041579
    g041579 Member Posts: 18

    Here's another link on this subject.


  • g041579
    g041579 Member Posts: 18
    g041579 said:


    Here's another link on this subject.



    Joel C thanks fot the reply. I have been wanting to post this for some time. I just didn't think people would accept this, but

    I know this imformation will help others with this terrible disease .

  • g041579
    g041579 Member Posts: 18
    g041579 said:


    Joel C thanks fot the reply. I have been wanting to post this for some time. I just didn't think people would accept this, but

    I know this imformation will help others with this terrible disease .

    Industrial hemp

    Industrial hemp is legal to grow again in the US and I'm seeing cbd products on line.

    My dog Sadie had a cancerous growth remove from her colon and I found a product

    for animals called canna-pet. It's high in cbd and I got my puppy back. Joel C, Oregon

    allows out of state patents medical marajuana cards and your post made my day.





  • Joel C
    Joel C Member Posts: 174
    g041579 said:

    Industrial hemp

    Industrial hemp is legal to grow again in the US and I'm seeing cbd products on line.

    My dog Sadie had a cancerous growth remove from her colon and I found a product

    for animals called canna-pet. It's high in cbd and I got my puppy back. Joel C, Oregon

    allows out of state patents medical marajuana cards and your post made my day.





    Thank you Phil, I really

    Thank you Phil, I really appreciate seeing your post too.  It’s a shame that more research has not gone into cannabis but I think in time people will realize the benefits.

  • slpmom
    slpmom Member Posts: 34
    Joel C said:

    Thank you Phil, I really

    Thank you Phil, I really appreciate seeing your post too.  It’s a shame that more research has not gone into cannabis but I think in time people will realize the benefits.

    Hi Joel

    HI Joel C - I know this is an old post but are you still using the cannibinoids?