its been awhile-2 years since last recurrance

joannaw81 Member Posts: 185 Member
edited February 2014 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello everyone, I dont post much but I read almost everyday. On march 1st it will be 2 years since my moms last surgery. I am so greatfull becauce she really went throuh a lot and I believe its Gods miracle that she is here and well. For those who know my moms story: since nov of 2010 she had tonsil surgery with left neck dissection, tongue surgery for recurrance, right neck dissection and more tongue surgery. Radiation once , no chemo. At some point we felt like giving up but we didnt. All of u have been such an inspiration and  help. For those who fight recurrance dont ever give up, there is always hope in God. Anyway mom was supposed to have her 6 month scan and insurance denied it. Said because she has no symptoms and because it has been almost 2 years since last surgery they feel no need for a scan. Anyway mom feels some pain when she touches left side of her neck where she had neck dissection. Its not all the time, only sometimes when she touches it. Can it be scar tissue? Im worried because she didnt have this before. When doctor examined her he said its nothing to worry about however last time when she had lymph node involved on the right side she also had pain. Dont want to freak out but you all now that with her history its hard not to freak out. After cancer everything and nothing is always alarming. Does anyone have scar tissue pain so long after surgery and rad, on that side surgery was in nov of 2010 and rads completed in february of 2011. Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated, thank u and prayers for all of u. 


  • jim and i
    jim and i Member Posts: 1,788 Member
    Scar tissue can continue to

    Scar tissue can continue to build for years and the treatment can cause new problems for years. That is why some of us call cancer the gift that keeps on giving. My husband is three years out from treatment and still develops new problems from treatment. As for the scan, the insurance typically doesn't allow them after two years without symptom. But I wonder why the doctor didn't put the neck pain as a symptom? You might ask him /her that question. I understand the anxiety though. All of us worry any time there is a new symptom in the area of our head and neck. I pray God continues to keep your mom cancer free and that her pain goes away.


  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    Scar tissue

    It's probably scar tissue, I had a neck dissection and when the numbness wore off, I ve had a painful neck and jaw when I touch it? Some of the feeling is like neurelgia some just painful. 

  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    Don't want to be a pessimist

    I don't want to be a pessimist, but, 5 years out I started developing issues with radiation scar tissue - at least that is what the doctors said for 18 months - its just effects of scar tissue from the radiation in 2007.

    It wasn't.  It was a new primary cancer - growing for 18+ months.  I did have at least one CT scan during that time, and 2 barium swallows - and nothing showed up.  I keep wondering now, if I had pushed for a PET scan, how much different this would have turned out.

    At 2 or 3 years out, I begged for a PET scan, and the nurse convinced the insurance company to cover it.  I never did find out what she said to them.  So, maybe the doctor's office can push a little more to get it?

    Note: I did find a doctor what would operate - the first one I saw wouldn't touch it.  He got all the cancer, the margins were clear, but close, so I will probably have radiation as well. But, I did have a total laryngectomy.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    my neck dissection was

    my neck dissection was 2/28/12 and it is still sore to touch sometimes.  not only that but when i touch it, it makes me cough real bad.  so maybe your mom's pain is just from scar tissue.  praying it is anyway.

    God bless you,
