Help! Ive been on disabality for 11 months,my job might not be there..


Hello every one,Ive had a tumor removed from my neck stage 4 patroid cancer,and 33 radation treatments 4 months ago.....I live in Southern Calif,I drive for a nonemergency medical service,Ive been there 4 years.....Ive been off 11 months on state disability....Im released to return to wk Feb job says "there has been changes since u left we replaced u'....What the heck!   can they do that to me?


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Nichol


    Sorry to hear this, I am not sure what the state law is there, but if I was you I would talk to someone about it. My daughter works for an attorney so I know Louisiana state law and here in Louisiana yes they can. But they will never use the reason that you were sick, they always have something else as the reason.


    It don’t hurt to look into the labor laws of your State and maybe talk to a labor attorney as California has a lot of different laws to cove just about everything in life.


    I will keep you in prayer hoping for the best


    God Bless
