
debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
If any one has heard from Mosie and Tiggers Do Bounce. Just wanted to know if you two and pakb are ok. Best debrajo


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,679 Member
    I don't have an answer for
    I don't have an answer for you, Debrajo , but your post got me to finally get up my nerve to ask about someone I wonder about. When I first started this journey, I "met" Linda P, and Deanna 14. Linda's battle was over before I even started but I think about Deanna. Anyone know?
  • jazzy1
    jazzy1 Member Posts: 1,379
    ConnieSW said:

    I don't have an answer for
    I don't have an answer for you, Debrajo , but your post got me to finally get up my nerve to ask about someone I wonder about. When I first started this journey, I "met" Linda P, and Deanna 14. Linda's battle was over before I even started but I think about Deanna. Anyone know?

    See we all care for each other and worry....that's what darn cancer does to our minds.

    I will tell you, some people who fall off the message boards are doing well...none that you mentioned here do I know about, except Linda P. who passed last year. Think our lives change and some tend to find other venues to fill their needs. I for one was in a local cancer therapy group...started at beginning of my cancer journey in Jan. '09 and stopped Jan. '12. My needs had changed as many new members were starting at the beginning of treatments and here I was NED for almost 3 years. Our needs change!!!

    What's on my mind anyway....

  • Goldamillie
    Goldamillie Member Posts: 26
    ConnieSW said:

    I don't have an answer for
    I don't have an answer for you, Debrajo , but your post got me to finally get up my nerve to ask about someone I wonder about. When I first started this journey, I "met" Linda P, and Deanna 14. Linda's battle was over before I even started but I think about Deanna. Anyone know?

    linda p
    Hello, Connie SW

    I have wondered same and am sorry to read from Jazzy that Linda P has passed. I just asked this exact same question a little while ago because I wanted to make contact with her. She was so active and helpful on the discussion board but then I noted there were few Linda P posts after 2009. I liked her idea of a UPSC group as I have found that my local chemo and radiation counterparts are skittish about talking about UPSC because they have some other kind of cancer and the UPSC outlook, stories of battles fought, etc. are not as uplifting. I have been reminded it is a "death sentence" or "mine is curable" more than once and that is disheartening. However, as long as I do the "listening" and not mention my journey. It hurts, but being 66 I know how humans can project their own fear and understand. Sometimes it makes me angry for myself and others who are facing IIIc and drastic decisions even if there are just a couple of us.
  • daisy366
    daisy366 Member Posts: 1,458 Member

    linda p
    Hello, Connie SW

    I have wondered same and am sorry to read from Jazzy that Linda P has passed. I just asked this exact same question a little while ago because I wanted to make contact with her. She was so active and helpful on the discussion board but then I noted there were few Linda P posts after 2009. I liked her idea of a UPSC group as I have found that my local chemo and radiation counterparts are skittish about talking about UPSC because they have some other kind of cancer and the UPSC outlook, stories of battles fought, etc. are not as uplifting. I have been reminded it is a "death sentence" or "mine is curable" more than once and that is disheartening. However, as long as I do the "listening" and not mention my journey. It hurts, but being 66 I know how humans can project their own fear and understand. Sometimes it makes me angry for myself and others who are facing IIIc and drastic decisions even if there are just a couple of us.

    I connect with Deanna on FB and believe she is doing well. She still peaks in here from time to time.

    I'm wondering about BonnieP. She was facing some serious issues and I emailed her privately but no response.