
Hey there. I'm new to this board, but I have some questions for you guys. I've been having lots of pain in my abdomen and my lower back so much so that strong painkillers are barely even helping. It showed that there is no sign of infection in my urine but there is blood in my urine and my bladder is not emptying fully. I'm 33 years old I've had two children and a full hysterectomy. So I know the cramping and the pain is not coming from my ovaries or uterus etc. The doctor has done a renal ultrasound, an x-ray, and IVP, and is doing a Cysto on Monday. I'm also on the medication metformin and have been for eight years now. I'm not a smoker anymore but I was a smoker for about 10 years. I'm really starting to think that bladder cancer might be the problem. Do any of you here remember having any of the symptoms that I've listed above or have any of you been on the medication metformin or knowr anything about the correlation? I really appreciate your help. My heart goes out to you all as my 36 yr old cousin, my mother, her sister, and both of her parents have all had cancer in their life. Thank you for any help that you might offer.