OT - Lance Armstrong

Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
I guess I must be the last one to know, but, did you read where Lance Armstrong was banned for life from cycling and stripped of his titles?


  • jendrey
    jendrey Member Posts: 377
    No, I didn't know that... hmm guess that makes me the very last person!!! =)

  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Me too
    I had no idea either!?! What happened, why was he banned? The whole thing sounds so bizarre.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member

    Me too
    I had no idea either!?! What happened, why was he banned? The whole thing sounds so bizarre.

    The USADA banned him from
    The USADA banned him from cycling and took his 7 titles away for his usage of drugs during the cycling events he was in. Apparently, Lance Armstrong said he was going to fight this in court, but, said that he will not now. So, the USADA made this announcement a few hours ago.

    It is on the internet too. Just google Lance Armstrong and it talks about it there.

  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    jendrey said:

    No, I didn't know that... hmm guess that makes me the very last person!!! =)


    I knew he was being
    I knew he was being investigated and charged with doping, but, I didn't know a ruling had already been handed down. I will google it. Thanks Kylez!

    Hugs, Angie
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    This is a witch hunt and I
    This is a witch hunt and I am disgusted! Everything I have ever read states all of his tests have been neg. for doping so what is the problem. The sport caster on the news last night said he has never seen where there has ever been a positive doping test on Lance!

    Here is the link to Lance Armstrongs official statement: You will need to copy and paste it.

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    RE said:

    This is a witch hunt and I
    This is a witch hunt and I am disgusted! Everything I have ever read states all of his tests have been neg. for doping so what is the problem. The sport caster on the news last night said he has never seen where there has ever been a positive doping test on Lance!

    Here is the link to Lance Armstrongs official statement: You will need to copy and paste it.


    Not to be the devil's
    Not to be the devil's advocate here, but, from what I have read and seen on television, the evidence against Lance for doping and having blood transfusions was overwhelming. I think Lance realized that they were not going to drop the charges and were going to pursue it in court, where the truth would have come out and he didn't want that.

    I commend him for what he has done for cancer, but, I don't commend anyone that takes drugs to enhance their performance, if that is what he did.

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    Not to be the devil's
    Not to be the devil's advocate here, but, from what I have read and seen on television, the evidence against Lance for doping and having blood transfusions was overwhelming. I think Lance realized that they were not going to drop the charges and were going to pursue it in court, where the truth would have come out and he didn't want that.

    I commend him for what he has done for cancer, but, I don't commend anyone that takes drugs to enhance their performance, if that is what he did.



    I do agree with you. Lance has made a tremendous contribution to cancer, giving hope to so many young men. I don't approve of taking drugs to enhance any performance in anything.

    I do have a hard time to believe that Lance who had to endure such a difficult journey with chemotherapy that he be willing to take drugs to win a bike race.

    I can understand where he is with the never ending accusations are continued being made to say "enough is enough". I wonder about the team mates jealousy.

    I want to believe he didn't take anything to win those races.

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    SIROD said:


    I do agree with you. Lance has made a tremendous contribution to cancer, giving hope to so many young men. I don't approve of taking drugs to enhance any performance in anything.

    I do have a hard time to believe that Lance who had to endure such a difficult journey with chemotherapy that he be willing to take drugs to win a bike race.

    I can understand where he is with the never ending accusations are continued being made to say "enough is enough". I wonder about the team mates jealousy.

    I want to believe he didn't take anything to win those races.


    I think it's great what he
    I think it's great what he has done with his foundation too, but, it makes me think he is guilty of taking drugs etc. now, with this recent development.

    I don't know that just because of jealousy, which I don't know, that teammates would put themselves in the spot of perjuring themselves and facing federal charges.

    If he is innocent, he should have proven it.
  • jendrey
    jendrey Member Posts: 377
    DebbyM said:

    I think it's great what he
    I think it's great what he has done with his foundation too, but, it makes me think he is guilty of taking drugs etc. now, with this recent development.

    I don't know that just because of jealousy, which I don't know, that teammates would put themselves in the spot of perjuring themselves and facing federal charges.

    If he is innocent, he should have proven it.

    Re: If he is innocent, he should have proven it

    Hmm, is that like proving a negative..? 'just saying =)

    But yeah, seems to me too that teammates wouldn't want to find themselves facing perjury charges. More here than we, the public, will ever know about!

  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    I have read both sides of this debate and I have to say that I'm still not sure. I know I am not one to stand in judgement of him. He passed every one of his tests. If you watch the olympics now the bathing suits and caps as well as the water are all made to be able to break world records, does that mean it's wrong? I know what it's like to have everyone judging you and not knowing all the facts. Regardless what that man has done for the sport of cycling and cancer is the real testament to his true self. Sometimes it's just not worth the fight anymore if it's destroying your current life. He felt it was time to move on and I can respect that. By the way he can still hop on a bike anyday, he just can't race. I wish him all the best. We are not here to judge.
