Re: BMS93558* Votrient trial (*formerly MDX1106) Active dose question?

alice124 Member Posts: 896 Member
Re: BMS93558* Votrient trial (*formerly MDX1106)

In meeting with John's Dr. yesterday, he stated John was on the "active dose" in trial. I made a mental note to go back to that and ask what was meant by "active dose" but in the flurry of so much info being shared, I lost track.

Can someone tell me what "active dose" means?


  • Texas_wedge
    Texas_wedge Member Posts: 2,798
    Active dose
    Perhaps I shouldn't waste time and space with a mere guess, but ... it isn't a placebo study but it is a Phase 1 study so perhaps there are others in the trial on lower dose levels which are not proving to have a significant effect.