three cheers for the immune system

pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
edited May 2012 in Colorectal Cancer #1
Macrophages are large cells of the immune system that literally consume and digest tumor cells.

End quote. I am studying chlorella and cgf and read the above sentence.

It reminded me of Craig's post. It was simple I thought I would make this a pro immune system post as Craig's was negative
With regard to its ability to save our lives, where I have faith in mine.

I felt duty bound to share it, for anyone interested in the immune system.

We need all the help we can get beating this curse.

With the greatest respect to contrary opinions, the established facts about the immune system I accept.

Rely on your own investigations, even my onc got this wrong.
I still appreciate her.

The immune system is an essential part of our survival, as is our liver.


Ps we have to call a spade a spade, draw a line in the sand, and standup for our opinions and what they are based on.


  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Not Following You Pete
    "The immune system is an essential part of our survival, as is our liver"
    They sure are, as is our hearts, lungs, brains, pancreas, stomachs, and all the other stuff in us.

    I don't get your post Pete. Are you just stating the obvious?
    Something must get lost in translation because I find many posts hard to follow.
    My Australian isn't as good as it used to be!
  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member
    Craig's post was not negative. It simply stated a point of view. A long time ago I had a discussion with George's onc about anti-oxidents, supplements, etc. He listened, said they can't hurt but also said if you really boost your body's cells, what do you think that boost could do to a cancer cell in some people. Being a Stage IV is much different than a I, II or even III. Eat well, exercise or move about when you are able, get proper rest. His advise and care has kept George here much longer than expected.

    Take care - Tina
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    geotina said:

    Craig's post was not negative. It simply stated a point of view. A long time ago I had a discussion with George's onc about anti-oxidents, supplements, etc. He listened, said they can't hurt but also said if you really boost your body's cells, what do you think that boost could do to a cancer cell in some people. Being a Stage IV is much different than a I, II or even III. Eat well, exercise or move about when you are able, get proper rest. His advise and care has kept George here much longer than expected.

    Take care - Tina

    Thank YOU, Tina:)
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    "For Pete's Sake"
    My post was not negative, Pete.

    The opinion expressed came from my oncologist's medical point of view of 30-years experience.

    The jury is still out for me with regards to supplements in its role in curing or eradicating cancer...I've always indicated that the benefit may come in how one feels from taking them.

    My onc does not think this is the key, but links it to the genetic replication with the passing down of a cell's entire life imprint to the next copied cell...breakdown occurs here and he says this is where the issue is.

    Don't go putting words in my mouth, Pete....

    It wasn't 'negative', it was a serious discussion...and I think a very important one at that.

    And it seemed like the folks that did respond to the post seemed to enjoy the discussion and did not find it as negative as you did. I found the discussion overwhelmingly positive.

    I've done supplementation, good diet, exercise and recurred....I've done the opposite as a test for myself to see what would happen and recurred again.

    The question was whether supplementation "boosted" the immune system to be all it can be to cure or eradicate's a valid concern and one of merit...I'm living proof that diet, exercise, and supplemtation don't necessarily hold the key for everybody...if it was, I'd already have been dead upon diagnosis...and I sure as hell would not have made it 8-years further out.

    I've gone both ways with the same results and I used the analogy of two test cases to illustrate the point that I was trying to make - and that my onc backed me up on, which helped to reassure me.

    I listed my onc's responses into that post just to discuss what he told me so I could share that with the community....the same as you do when you post your stuff....

    It appears to me that your definition of NEGATIVE is any opinion expressed that you do not agree with...especially with regards to the stuff that you profess to.
  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Thank YOU, Tina:)

    I too did not find Craig's post in the slightest negative. I am sure no one on that thread would argue that eating well is bound to boost the immune system. Imagine a two week diet of fast food.....enough to make you sick? right?

    how bout this analogy....a quilt! a home-made, hand-stitched quilt constructed by every member of the forum. Each person adds their own pieces and the layers begin. Anything that I add does not diminish someone else's quilt all adds texture and interest to the whole.

    golly...(hahah) maggie aren't you just the poetic one.....

    I too am stage 4 ...I too have survived for eight years, and I too have never taken a supplement beyond a vitamin pill.....

    just sayin

  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    maglets said:

    I too did not find Craig's post in the slightest negative. I am sure no one on that thread would argue that eating well is bound to boost the immune system. Imagine a two week diet of fast food.....enough to make you sick? right?

    how bout this analogy....a quilt! a home-made, hand-stitched quilt constructed by every member of the forum. Each person adds their own pieces and the layers begin. Anything that I add does not diminish someone else's quilt all adds texture and interest to the whole.

    golly...(hahah) maggie aren't you just the poetic one.....

    I too am stage 4 ...I too have survived for eight years, and I too have never taken a supplement beyond a vitamin pill.....

    just sayin


    Congrats on being here for eight more years. Hope you have thirty more!! If I make it eight years beyond my resection. I'll be 86and have compleated most of my buckek list. May you also complete yours.
  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    PhillieG said:

    Not Following You Pete
    "The immune system is an essential part of our survival, as is our liver"
    They sure are, as is our hearts, lungs, brains, pancreas, stomachs, and all the other stuff in us.

    I don't get your post Pete. Are you just stating the obvious?
    Something must get lost in translation because I find many posts hard to follow.
    My Australian isn't as good as it used to be!

    NOT Negative
    Hi Pete,
    Craigs post was by any means NOT negative, but informative, He stated findings an d facts.
    Up to us to absorb and read and study for ourselfs.
    Without a decent immune system we become il. Re: HIV
    Without lungs we cannot breathe
    Without heart we have no life etc etc.

    With all the stuff you are taking and treatments you are participating in, I sometimes wonder if you are not overdoing it.

    Hugs, Marjan
  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    danker said:

    Congrats on being here for eight more years. Hope you have thirty more!! If I make it eight years beyond my resection. I'll be 86and have compleated most of my buckek list. May you also complete yours.

    Good to hear that something is eating up them tumors!

    Craig wasn't negative, just made us think.....
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    Craig, Negative?
    Nah, just thoughtful and thought provoking as usual,and he has a wonderful "to each their own" ideal, that sure is great to hear and see.
    Winter Marie
  • son of hal
    son of hal Member Posts: 117
    Lost in translation...
    Hi all- I can't speak for Pete but I believe the use of the word "negative" is being missunderstood. I saw this as a "pro" response to Craig's "con" post on immune system involvement. I don't think it was intended to say Craig was BEING negative in the sense of "bad attitude" or "lacking positive qualities" and I didn't read it that way. Every subject has a "pro and con", for and against, yes and no, thumbs up or thumbs down, and even "positive/negative" personal opinion assosiated with it and that's how I saw this. Craig's post, about his disscussion with his onc regarding immune system involvement with cancer, was in no way negative but it was a "con" vote in it's context. That much is clear. Some people seem upset as if Pete was claiming some terrible thing but I don't see where it makes such claims. Although, like Phil, I'm not sure of the rest of Pete's post I read the word "negative" as meaning "con" and not something bad. Remember, Pete doesn't have a history of knocking someone else's posts or opinions so I didn't think that was the intention here either. I think perhaps the issues here are as much with the subject matter as with the wording. I think everyone should relax a bit as no one was being attacked and no one was "putting words into others mouths". Re read the sentence and replace the word "negative" with "con" and it seems in proper context. The word negative doesn't even fit the context of the thought.
    This is just my opinion and I could be wrong but it would surprise me if Pete intended to imply Craig, of all people, was being negative about something.
    Take care, CJ
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    thanks for the comments everyone
    its just great we are all here, first i believe in the immune system as a primary way of beating my cancer. rather than argue in craigs wonderful post, which still is negative about the immune system. i just wanted to share what i read that macrophages eat tumour cells.

    Now that is sharing dam good news, whether you beleive it or not its a biological fact that's all. I read it, i remembered craigs post, and thought well hang on my impression was that he does not believe in the immune system.

    phil, my immune system is fundamental to my survival, i need mine to work a bit more.
    now someone reading craigs post would believe its not. i wanted a pro immune system post to say i believe it is. its what most alternative, wholeistic approachs are based on.

    marjan, craigs whole post is a wonderful example of debate and discussion. its negative only from the point someone reading it would think the immune system is not a way to fight cancer. I also wonder about all the things i am trying, i keep a close eye on my biology. Of course my gaol is to save my own life, so far so good. lots of challenges that would take to long to explain.

    craig, your post was a great discussion but largely negative about the immune system, diet and exercise. Things i have faith in. That I rest my hope in. That was just the overriding impression from your post for me. Is the immune system really the answer to fighting cancer ? well i think you and your onc and many said NO. Its just I say YES. We disagree, thats ok. Some new folks could read your post and be dissauded, i just thought the sentence at the top of my post about macrophages answered your question in the affermative. Mate we just do what we do, in our own ways, the best we can. I appreciate you discussion, everyones points and contributions. ironically one of my doctors is starting me on some immune system therapy in a month or so. the simple fact is our immune system has saved us all from countless cancers. thats my understanding from my research.

    tina, as i said craigs post is negative only in terms of the immune systems ability to save or lives. its a great well written well run post. Craig is great, we are all great. Now we don't have to agree on everything, thats impossible. I have faith in my immune system and i wanted to give it three cheers, thats all. It may save me yet from more chemo, i hope so.

    mags, craigs discussion was a lovelly quilt, i just wanted to focus on what i believe is a simple fact for me that my immune system one of many possible answers my cancer challenge.

    nana, it made me think as well. i am recently trying chorella to boost white blood cells, buts our immune system is so much more than blood counts. its a fascinating often misunderstood and underappreciated part of our biology. I hope any cancers cells we have get eaten tonight, in each of us, of course. whether you believe or not.

    winter, craigs post was very thought provoking and positive in terms of community value. I found found it challenging in a sense as diet, exercise, supplements and the immune were deemed failures and only time is what counts. i just disagree, thats all. not wanting to be agrumentative i just said lets agree to disagree and care and share.

    cj, thanks, i agree with you, thanks for clarifying my intentions. I am PRO the immune system. I vote YES. thats all.

    I quickly read the start of craigs post, its past my bedtime here.
    "Personally, I’ve always questioned the supplemental approach with regards to its role in policing our cancers. If it was that easy, we’d all be doing it. But, we’re not all doing it, are we?"

    I just wanted to say to this the supplemental approach, with an organic vegan diet, juicing, tcm, weight training, interval training, yoga, exercise, meditation , qigong, vitamin c, supplements is not easy. Its a very very difficult, confusing, challenging, expensive treatment path with no guarantees of success. i feel its worth the gamble as i have said often my oncologists odds are not as inspiring as my inspirational alternatives for me.

    I feel these modalities are are my choosen weapons to beat this curse. We are free to pick our weapons and share our experiences and conclusions. I am grateful for craigs post, i don't agree and i wanted to see if anyone else here has faith in their immune system to save their life. thats all.

    sweet dreams everyone, this is not personal, its just i believe in the immune system with all my heart. Many don't thats fine, my immune system just has to save one life. mine.


    ps i love you all in a csn kind of way! i am praying that your macrophages eat your tumour cells even if you don't believe they do. its only a good intention i am sending your way, which is always the purpose of my posting about my efforts to be well.

    pps i left off detox activities colonics, infar red sauna, steam baths, sunbaking enemas and i artemisinin, sulphoranphan, b17, mms, probiotics. the supplements list goes on and on. the most important at the moment is creon which boosts lipase to fight muscle loss by improving protein absorption in the small intestine.
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member

    thanks for the comments everyone
    its just great we are all here, first i believe in the immune system as a primary way of beating my cancer. rather than argue in craigs wonderful post, which still is negative about the immune system. i just wanted to share what i read that macrophages eat tumour cells.

    Now that is sharing dam good news, whether you beleive it or not its a biological fact that's all. I read it, i remembered craigs post, and thought well hang on my impression was that he does not believe in the immune system.

    phil, my immune system is fundamental to my survival, i need mine to work a bit more.
    now someone reading craigs post would believe its not. i wanted a pro immune system post to say i believe it is. its what most alternative, wholeistic approachs are based on.

    marjan, craigs whole post is a wonderful example of debate and discussion. its negative only from the point someone reading it would think the immune system is not a way to fight cancer. I also wonder about all the things i am trying, i keep a close eye on my biology. Of course my gaol is to save my own life, so far so good. lots of challenges that would take to long to explain.

    craig, your post was a great discussion but largely negative about the immune system, diet and exercise. Things i have faith in. That I rest my hope in. That was just the overriding impression from your post for me. Is the immune system really the answer to fighting cancer ? well i think you and your onc and many said NO. Its just I say YES. We disagree, thats ok. Some new folks could read your post and be dissauded, i just thought the sentence at the top of my post about macrophages answered your question in the affermative. Mate we just do what we do, in our own ways, the best we can. I appreciate you discussion, everyones points and contributions. ironically one of my doctors is starting me on some immune system therapy in a month or so. the simple fact is our immune system has saved us all from countless cancers. thats my understanding from my research.

    tina, as i said craigs post is negative only in terms of the immune systems ability to save or lives. its a great well written well run post. Craig is great, we are all great. Now we don't have to agree on everything, thats impossible. I have faith in my immune system and i wanted to give it three cheers, thats all. It may save me yet from more chemo, i hope so.

    mags, craigs discussion was a lovelly quilt, i just wanted to focus on what i believe is a simple fact for me that my immune system one of many possible answers my cancer challenge.

    nana, it made me think as well. i am recently trying chorella to boost white blood cells, buts our immune system is so much more than blood counts. its a fascinating often misunderstood and underappreciated part of our biology. I hope any cancers cells we have get eaten tonight, in each of us, of course. whether you believe or not.

    winter, craigs post was very thought provoking and positive in terms of community value. I found found it challenging in a sense as diet, exercise, supplements and the immune were deemed failures and only time is what counts. i just disagree, thats all. not wanting to be agrumentative i just said lets agree to disagree and care and share.

    cj, thanks, i agree with you, thanks for clarifying my intentions. I am PRO the immune system. I vote YES. thats all.

    I quickly read the start of craigs post, its past my bedtime here.
    "Personally, I’ve always questioned the supplemental approach with regards to its role in policing our cancers. If it was that easy, we’d all be doing it. But, we’re not all doing it, are we?"

    I just wanted to say to this the supplemental approach, with an organic vegan diet, juicing, tcm, weight training, interval training, yoga, exercise, meditation , qigong, vitamin c, supplements is not easy. Its a very very difficult, confusing, challenging, expensive treatment path with no guarantees of success. i feel its worth the gamble as i have said often my oncologists odds are not as inspiring as my inspirational alternatives for me.

    I feel these modalities are are my choosen weapons to beat this curse. We are free to pick our weapons and share our experiences and conclusions. I am grateful for craigs post, i don't agree and i wanted to see if anyone else here has faith in their immune system to save their life. thats all.

    sweet dreams everyone, this is not personal, its just i believe in the immune system with all my heart. Many don't thats fine, my immune system just has to save one life. mine.


    ps i love you all in a csn kind of way! i am praying that your macrophages eat your tumour cells even if you don't believe they do. its only a good intention i am sending your way, which is always the purpose of my posting about my efforts to be well.

    pps i left off detox activities colonics, infar red sauna, steam baths, sunbaking enemas and i artemisinin, sulphoranphan, b17, mms, probiotics. the supplements list goes on and on. the most important at the moment is creon which boosts lipase to fight muscle loss by improving protein absorption in the small intestine.

    I think this is sort of what Craig means, when he says that as long as you believe in something, then its a good thing for you mentally.
    I believe and I can be assured I think that all of us believe that our immune system is necessary for our health, my brother Anthony passed away do to complications of AIDS because his immune system went awhack, so hurray for our immune system from all of us. Does that mean that we feel we have to spend all our time, effort and money on whatever is the next touted "cure all", chasing the rabbit down the hole? I think for the majority of us, the answer is no. Are we willing to try other things? Why, yes, I think because we don't plunge off into the deep end doesn't mean we don't, I think it just means that we see things in a more "sensible" light for ourselves, not going after everything touted as the next best cure all in order to take the last of our money from our pockets by people who have no scruples.
    Pete, I do have to say it astounds me the h@ll you put yourself through, I wonder that you have time for enjoying anything such as the birds singing, the wind blowing gently it's ocean breeze because you are so busy chasing after that rainbow cure, I often feel sorry for your body if the truth be told, having to go through all the above you listed. But I still love and care about you, and often don't respond to your posts, because this is what you believe in, and if it helps you mentally to fight your cancer, then so be it.
    Winter Marie
  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member

    thanks for the comments everyone
    its just great we are all here, first i believe in the immune system as a primary way of beating my cancer. rather than argue in craigs wonderful post, which still is negative about the immune system. i just wanted to share what i read that macrophages eat tumour cells.

    Now that is sharing dam good news, whether you beleive it or not its a biological fact that's all. I read it, i remembered craigs post, and thought well hang on my impression was that he does not believe in the immune system.

    phil, my immune system is fundamental to my survival, i need mine to work a bit more.
    now someone reading craigs post would believe its not. i wanted a pro immune system post to say i believe it is. its what most alternative, wholeistic approachs are based on.

    marjan, craigs whole post is a wonderful example of debate and discussion. its negative only from the point someone reading it would think the immune system is not a way to fight cancer. I also wonder about all the things i am trying, i keep a close eye on my biology. Of course my gaol is to save my own life, so far so good. lots of challenges that would take to long to explain.

    craig, your post was a great discussion but largely negative about the immune system, diet and exercise. Things i have faith in. That I rest my hope in. That was just the overriding impression from your post for me. Is the immune system really the answer to fighting cancer ? well i think you and your onc and many said NO. Its just I say YES. We disagree, thats ok. Some new folks could read your post and be dissauded, i just thought the sentence at the top of my post about macrophages answered your question in the affermative. Mate we just do what we do, in our own ways, the best we can. I appreciate you discussion, everyones points and contributions. ironically one of my doctors is starting me on some immune system therapy in a month or so. the simple fact is our immune system has saved us all from countless cancers. thats my understanding from my research.

    tina, as i said craigs post is negative only in terms of the immune systems ability to save or lives. its a great well written well run post. Craig is great, we are all great. Now we don't have to agree on everything, thats impossible. I have faith in my immune system and i wanted to give it three cheers, thats all. It may save me yet from more chemo, i hope so.

    mags, craigs discussion was a lovelly quilt, i just wanted to focus on what i believe is a simple fact for me that my immune system one of many possible answers my cancer challenge.

    nana, it made me think as well. i am recently trying chorella to boost white blood cells, buts our immune system is so much more than blood counts. its a fascinating often misunderstood and underappreciated part of our biology. I hope any cancers cells we have get eaten tonight, in each of us, of course. whether you believe or not.

    winter, craigs post was very thought provoking and positive in terms of community value. I found found it challenging in a sense as diet, exercise, supplements and the immune were deemed failures and only time is what counts. i just disagree, thats all. not wanting to be agrumentative i just said lets agree to disagree and care and share.

    cj, thanks, i agree with you, thanks for clarifying my intentions. I am PRO the immune system. I vote YES. thats all.

    I quickly read the start of craigs post, its past my bedtime here.
    "Personally, I’ve always questioned the supplemental approach with regards to its role in policing our cancers. If it was that easy, we’d all be doing it. But, we’re not all doing it, are we?"

    I just wanted to say to this the supplemental approach, with an organic vegan diet, juicing, tcm, weight training, interval training, yoga, exercise, meditation , qigong, vitamin c, supplements is not easy. Its a very very difficult, confusing, challenging, expensive treatment path with no guarantees of success. i feel its worth the gamble as i have said often my oncologists odds are not as inspiring as my inspirational alternatives for me.

    I feel these modalities are are my choosen weapons to beat this curse. We are free to pick our weapons and share our experiences and conclusions. I am grateful for craigs post, i don't agree and i wanted to see if anyone else here has faith in their immune system to save their life. thats all.

    sweet dreams everyone, this is not personal, its just i believe in the immune system with all my heart. Many don't thats fine, my immune system just has to save one life. mine.


    ps i love you all in a csn kind of way! i am praying that your macrophages eat your tumour cells even if you don't believe they do. its only a good intention i am sending your way, which is always the purpose of my posting about my efforts to be well.

    pps i left off detox activities colonics, infar red sauna, steam baths, sunbaking enemas and i artemisinin, sulphoranphan, b17, mms, probiotics. the supplements list goes on and on. the most important at the moment is creon which boosts lipase to fight muscle loss by improving protein absorption in the small intestine.

    As you know I am heavily
    As you know I am heavily into diet an exercise as well. I didnt take Craigs post as negative. As much as i believe in what i am doing nutrition wise will make a difference i know that it is hit or miss just like modern medecine. I like craig did the nutrition thing the first time around and recurred after 18 months. I started out hardcore nutrition again after my first recurrence but eventually slipped into my old habbits as the years past by. This time it took 4 years for my second recurrence. I am going at it harder than ever as you know. Mostly vegan but that is just for my piece of mind.

    Bottom line is cancer and the human body is a very complicated and individual thing. It is all a guessing game to a certain extent no matter what approach we take. I think the most powerful weapon is for us to fully believe in what we are doing and be at peace with our decisions. Although peace seems to be impossible to achieve with the grey cloud called cancer looming above our head.
  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member

    As you know I am heavily
    As you know I am heavily into diet an exercise as well. I didnt take Craigs post as negative. As much as i believe in what i am doing nutrition wise will make a difference i know that it is hit or miss just like modern medecine. I like craig did the nutrition thing the first time around and recurred after 18 months. I started out hardcore nutrition again after my first recurrence but eventually slipped into my old habbits as the years past by. This time it took 4 years for my second recurrence. I am going at it harder than ever as you know. Mostly vegan but that is just for my piece of mind.

    Bottom line is cancer and the human body is a very complicated and individual thing. It is all a guessing game to a certain extent no matter what approach we take. I think the most powerful weapon is for us to fully believe in what we are doing and be at peace with our decisions. Although peace seems to be impossible to achieve with the grey cloud called cancer looming above our head.

    Where do you get your recipes from? I've decided to try vegan a couple of nights a week, but I need something tasty to keep me interested in it, and so far, I'm not finding a lot of vegan goodies. Any ideas?
    Winter Marie
  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member

    Where do you get your recipes from? I've decided to try vegan a couple of nights a week, but I need something tasty to keep me interested in it, and so far, I'm not finding a lot of vegan goodies. Any ideas?
    Winter Marie

    There is not much that i
    There is not much that i find interesting either. I eat a LOT of salads and rice. I lime to mix rice and quinoa together with some soy sauce green onions and garlic. I also make burritos with rice and black beans. I have been making gazpacho lately. It is basically a cold vegetable soup. Lots of re ipies on line but i like to do my own variation with lots of cilantro.
  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member

    There is not much that i
    There is not much that i find interesting either. I eat a LOT of salads and rice. I lime to mix rice and quinoa together with some soy sauce green onions and garlic. I also make burritos with rice and black beans. I have been making gazpacho lately. It is basically a cold vegetable soup. Lots of re ipies on line but i like to do my own variation with lots of cilantro.

    for Janderson.... spices
    Hi, If you can use spices then rice and quinoa wil taste a lot better, cinnamon, cardamon,garlic, ginger,onions all this will make the dishes taste better. My naturopath told me to stay away from green and red and yellow peppers and tomatoes because of acid forming. I use a lot of green apples for taste and ofcourse almonds. I drink almond milk and use often blueberries in the rice, or guinoa. Use your imagination.
    Twice a day I juice vegetables and put a scoop of protein powder in it.
    Anyway it works for me.
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    thingy45 said:

    for Janderson.... spices
    Hi, If you can use spices then rice and quinoa wil taste a lot better, cinnamon, cardamon,garlic, ginger,onions all this will make the dishes taste better. My naturopath told me to stay away from green and red and yellow peppers and tomatoes because of acid forming. I use a lot of green apples for taste and ofcourse almonds. I drink almond milk and use often blueberries in the rice, or guinoa. Use your imagination.
    Twice a day I juice vegetables and put a scoop of protein powder in it.
    Anyway it works for me.

    sounds nice
    i was doing a similar juice and protein powder in a shake.
    i slackened off as i hoped the vegan diet would compensate, trying to get the protein from whole foods.

    it turns out my muscle levels have halved in the last 4 months despite weight training.
    thats measured by creatinin levels.

    given that i have been eating enough protein, the question is why i have not been absorbing it ? and why therefore my body had to go chasing it down from the next most accessible form muscle.

    well i got an interesting test result from 6 weeks ago yesterday that said lipase the digestive enzyme responsible from protein absorption in my low is dangersously low. the test was from doctors data, called parasitology x 3 and a few others.

    i now qualify for creon which is an enterically coated digestive enzyme with lipase in it. i guess i am flagging this as something to check.

    just thought i would mention it, as i was taking the protein powder but not taking the enzyme with it. if its not an issue for you then don't worry, but if it is, then ask your doctor about digestive enzyme support.

    lipase being difficient in cancer and pancreatic distress is associated.

    also keep in mind that a good supply of protein is essential for good detox from heavy metals, drugs like chemo, other toxins being ingested or stored. its used in stage 2 or 3 of the liver detox process.

    i am erring on the side of excess enzymes as no side effects by going over, but significant issues going under with digestive enzymes and then running into the old muscle catabolism cycle.

    i hope this makes some sense. it does to me, alas. the benefit of having all these tests, and lots of doctors to discuss them with means i get answers and explanations with real insight based on previous experience. I ordered most of these tests myself, of which i am proud as they backup my intuition about aspects of my digestion and metabolism that even my doctors miss. now they have the test results it makes lots of sense.

    I might pop this into another post about digestive enzymes and protein for cancer patients as its something i am closely monitoring.
