bonniep, I am bringing up an article because you asked questions about things to discuss with your d

treatment. This study discusses how turmeic can make Taxol work better with fewer adverse effects. Hope this helps you find the answers you are looking for.

The best news is that the doctors at M.D. Anderson are fully aware in some cancer departments, pancreatic cancer for one, about the benefits of turmeric. And have had some great successes using it to treat pancreatic cancer, which is usually considered more lethal than UPSC.

It could be a great place to start a discussion with your doctor about turmeric's ability to make Taxol more effective.

I have had contact with the doctor who headed the study on turmeric and pancreatic cancer. Maybe you could ask your doctor to talk to her about it.

So, here's the post. Study was done by the Department of Defense or funded by them.

The Good. If you read the entire article, you will understand that this information is information that will help you not only tolerate Taxol better, but have it be BOTH LESS TOXIC AND MORE EFFECTIVE. I have posted this article before and for some reason, most miss that this article conveys good news for those taking Taxol. I am trying to help you have a more favorable outcome.

We all need to get well by using whatever means works, that's works, for us as individuals.

Because Taxol is the main chemo agent used for uterine cancer, it is good to know all one can about it.

Taxol appears to be highly effective in those cancers that are ER/PR +, but not nearly as effective for those cancers like uterine papillary serous carcinoma, which is ER/PR-.

The following article talks of how to make Taxol more effective-AND LESSEN ITS TOXICITY-- for those taking it over time usually after recurring by using turmeric (curcumin).

The study was funded by the United States Department of Defense. Co-authors include Shishir Shishodia, Ph.D.; Yasunari Takada, Ph.D.; Sanjeev Banerjee, Ph.D.; Robert A. Newman, Ph.D.; Carlos Bueso-Ramos, M.D., Ph.D.; and Janet E. Price, Ph.D.

The study, to be published in the Oct. 15 issue of the journal Clinical Cancer Research, reports that the spice appears to shut down a protein active in the spread of breast cancer to a major target for metastasis.Though the study results are early, researchers found that the nontoxic natural substance not only repelled progression of the disease to the lungs, but also appeared to reverse the effects of paclitaxel (Taxol TM ), a commonly prescribed chemotherapy for breast cancer that may trigger spread of the disease with use over a long period of time. Because Taxol is so toxic, it activates a protein that produces an inflammatory response that induces metastasis. Curcumin suppresses this response, making it impossible for the cancer to spread.In fact, researchers found that adding curcumin to Taxol actually enhances its effect.Curcumin breaks down the dose, making the therapy less toxic and just as powerful while delivering the same level of efficacy."We are excited about the results of the study and the possible implications for taking the findings into the clinic in the next several years," says Bharat Aggarwal, Ph.D., professor of cancer medicine in M. D. Anderson's Department of Experimental Therapeutics. "At this time, advanced breast cancer is a difficult foe to fight with few proven treatments available after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy."Taxol is currently used as the front-line chemotherapeutic agent in breast cancers, but because the drug frequently induces drug resistance after prolonged use, it is not effective in treating metastatic breast cancer, says Aggarwal.Researchers studied 60 mice with breast cancer, which were randomly assigned to one of four groups: control group, Taxol only, curcumin only and the combination of Taxol and curcumin. After the tumors grew to 10 mm (about the size of a pea), they were surgically removed, and the mice were fed a powdered curcumin diet.Macroscopic lung metastasis, or metastasis that is visible to the naked eye, was seen in 96 percent of the mice in the control group. Treatment using Taxol alone only "modestly reduced" the incidence of metastases, while the group using curcumin alone and curcumin plus Taxol "significantly reduced" both the incidence and numbers of visible lung metastases. Microscopic metastasis, or metastasis that is visible only when using a microscope, was found in the lungs of 28 percent of mice treated with the combination of curcumin and Taxol, and there was no macroscopic disease present. The micrometastases present consisted of only a few cells, suggesting that the combination inhibited the growth of breast cancer tumor cells that were in the lung before the tumors were removed. In a previous study published in the Aug. 15 issue of the journal Cancer, M. D. Anderson researchers found that when the nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) (a powerful protein known to promote the inflammatory response necessary to cause breast cancer to spread) is shut down, cancer strains are unable to grow and cells are pushed to commit suicide. The mechanism in this curcumin study works the same way. Taxol activated the NF-kB in breast cancer cells, while curcumin stopped this activation by blocking the protein known as "IKK" that switched on the NF-kB, demonstrating how curcumin and Taxol work against one another. Taxol produced the inflammatory response, triggering metastasis, and curcumin suppressed it, causing cell death. Extracted from the roots of the curcuma longa plant, curcumin is a member of the ginger family. While it is not used in conventional medicine, it is widely prescribed in Indian medicine as a potent remedy for liver disorders, rheumatism, diabetic wounds, runny nose, cough and sinusitis. Traditional Chinese medicine uses curcumin as a treatment for diseases associated with abdominal pain, and it is used in ancient Hindu medicine as a treatment for sprains and swelling. According to the American Cancer Society, the chance of a woman having invasive breast cancer sometime during her life is one in eight. About 211,240 women in the United States will be diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2005, and approximately 40,410 women will die from the disease this year.###The study was funded by the United States Department of Defense. Co-authors include Shishir Shishodia, Ph.D.; Yasunari Takada, Ph.D.; Sanjeev Banerjee, Ph.D.; Robert A. Newman, Ph.D.; Carlos Bueso-Ramos, M.D., Ph.D.; and Janet E.

Price, Ph.D. I AM ADDING TO THIS BECAUSE I'M NOT SURE THAT THE GIST OF THE INFO WAS CLEAR SO:They are talking about taxol and breast cancer, but they are talking about taxol, which I do believe can initially be very effective in treating non pap serous endo cancers.Then they go on to discuss -TaXOL USED OVER TIME: They say: Because Taxol is so toxic, it activates a protein that produces an inflammatory response that induces metastasis.But and here's the good news-talking about curcumin(an ingredient in easily obtainable turmeric): researchers found that the nontoxic natural substance not only repelled progression of the disease to the lungs, but also appeared to reverse the effects of paclitaxel (Taxol TM ), a commonly prescribed chemotherapy for breast cancer that may trigger spread of the disease with use over a long period of time. It mentions that curcumin lessens the toxicity of taxol by specifically breaking the dose into more manageable size, thus giving cancer less of a target to respond to negatively.Article further states: In fact, researchers found that adding curcumin to Taxol actually enhances its effects.and this:Curcumin breaks down the dose, making the therapy less toxic and just as powerful while delivering the same level of efficacy.I had read this before in regard to the combo.Honestly, what's not to love about this news.So, all in all, I read this as very good news potentially. I am sure that other universities will be picking up on this and adding their research findings either in support or not. But basically it could potentially help those with recurrences have a far better response to Taxol.Anyone wishing further information or critique would be well advised to contact the original researchers or M.D.Anderson directly for current status, it is not my study, I'm just putting it out there. TRULY HOPE SOME OF YOU BRING THE INFO TO THE ATTENTION OF YOUR DOCTORS. BEST WISHES TO YOU ALLTHE ABOVE EDITS WERE ADDED ON SEPT 30, 2011-since it appears that some are highly sensitive to edits.Early Study Shows Spice Stunts Deadly Spread To LungsScienceDaily (Oct. 16, 2005) — HOUSTON - Curcumin, the main ingredient of turmeric and the compound that gives curry its mustard-yellow color, inhibits metastasis to the lungs of mice with breast cancer, report researchers at The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center. [My comments: I do think this is worth reading. Talks of turmerics beneficial use in conjunction with Taxol. the spaces in the article were put there by me so it would be easier to see why you might be interested, everything else in the same. I thought I had posted this but didn't see it anywhere. Might be something to bring to the attention of your doctors.]--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

So, there's that.

This references another post titled Turmeric, the good, the bad, and the


  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member
    I posted the article on turmeric where I mentioned the doctor who ran the study at M.D. Anderson, who was kind enough to answer my questions re the study on pancreatic cancer treatment using turmeric. I emailed her voicing some concerns with the study's methodology. She answered all of my concerns thoroughly but, there was a paragraph on the bottom of the email that all information concerning the study was to remain confidential.

    However, here is her contact info: In case you do decide to bring her to the attention of your doctor.

    Best to you, things will get better soon.

    Razelle Kurzrock, M.D., FACP
    Chair and Professor
    Department, Investigational Cancer Therapeutics
    [Phase I Program]
    Anderson Clinical Faculty Chair for Cancer Treatment and Research
    Division of Cancer Medicine
    M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
    Postal Address: Unit 455, P.O. Box 301402, Houston, TX 77230-1402
    Physical Address: Room FC8.3044, 1400 Holcombe Blvd., Houston TX 77030-3722

    Phone 713-794-1226
    Fax 713-563-0566
    Clinic 713-563-1930