Dopamine added to 5-FU?.....interesting article

coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
edited December 2011 in Colorectal Cancer #1

"Neurotransmitter might improve cancer treatment:study"

and two similiar articles on tumor/genetic sequencing:



  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    I find this article very interesting. A while ago, there was discussion here about how the supplement Sam-e, which is a mood enhancer and is available over the counter without a prescription, boosts dopamine & how it can actually be helpful for those with cancer. Another over the counter mood enhancer is 5-HTP- it enhances serotonin levels. Interesting about the Sam-e and dopamine. I take a Sam-e each morning to help keep my mood up (there seems to be no side effects) and especially now ever since I read that it can be helpful in fighting cancer.

  • laurettas
    laurettas Member Posts: 372
    I read the first article and it sounded as though this was advocating doing the exact opposite of what Avastin does. Is that correct? Very interesting if that is true.
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    very very interesting

    thankyou again,

    i have read the research and am applying it to my treatment.

    i will ask the lab in greece to the full genetic analysis of my ctc's

    dear lisa,

    here is a discussion about SAMe benefits.

    i am on it still, and now will continue it forward when i restart chemo.

    my brute force approach with a range of these botanicals and supplements has benefits and risks. the level of uncertainty with all these supplements is scary. i am still glad i have been on SAMe it may save the day yet! here is hoping.

    Dear laurettas,
    I too am also often confused, but i am suspect crc is trying to comeback and kill me,, that said if i so will chemo, now if i inadvertly succumb to some other mix of alternative and chemo then so be it.

    to cope with confusion i am building up a team of specialists who have a better scientific understanding of the genetic pathways and drug therapies.
