My Dad just diagnosed Stage IV Colon Cancer, also tumor on Liver and malignant polyps in stomach...

Now my Mom and Dad are waiting in distress to discuss the treatment plan. The Onc. will see him Wed. Morning. They gave no other news over the phone. He is 66 years old, they only found the cancer because he fell off tractor and broke 6 ribs 2 weeks ago. Since then had 4 blood transfusions because of how low his blood level was..a 7! He is a tough guy, and has a high tolerance for pain. He didnt even go to hospital until 2 days later! Now he is back home and gets news today that the polyps in stomach are malignant. The Onc. actually gave him hope before this was found, but now we are all worried. My Dad has all day Tuesday to worry and break down. He thinks they are going to tell him he doesnt have long to live. They were suppose to get him in for surgery asap if the polyps were benign. Im just wondering if anyone can give me any hope for his situation? Wednesday morning is a long time to sit and think the worst. If this isn't bad enough my younger sister was diagnosed with Non-Hodkins in the same week!


  • laurettas
    laurettas Member Posts: 372
    A full plate
    I am so sorry to hear about all of the burdens that your family has been dealt with all at once. I can add no advice since I know nothing about your dad's problem but just wanted you to know how sad I am to hear about all that you are dealing with. Just take one day at a time, try not to anticipate too much and wait for what the doctors have to say. If you are not happy with what your doctors tell you, it is possible and often advisable to get another opinion, especially from a major cancer center. Someone else with knowledge about your particular situation may chim in soon with some helpful advice.

    My husband had Hodgkin's lymphoma 34 years ago and now has colon cancer, so we have traveled both paths but just at separate times!
  • Brenda Bricco
    Brenda Bricco Member Posts: 579 Member
    I know too well the shock
    I know too well the shock and torment that you feel while waiting, I am so sorry for your dad's diagnoses but you have found the right support group. Read around here and I don't know how you could see anything other than hope. There are many that got the "get your affairs in order" talk that are doing well and living way beyond what they were told, many NED (no evidence of disease). My husband was very insensitively told by a local doc that it was just a matter of time. We started chemo and found that he responded very well to treatment. He has since had RFA , rectum resection and is currently gunning for the liver tumors (UW MADISON), not the local doctor. Keep your Dad positive, attitude seems to make all the difference! There is hope! You will have good days and bad days so make sure to start new everyday new and know that what ever you are told is just one opinion. Lot's of options out there so keep your chin up!
    GOd bless you!
  • buckeye2
    buckeye2 Member Posts: 428 Member
    Waiting is the worst. It
    Waiting is the worst. It almost is inhumane to make people wait for life and death information. I am hoping your dad will get good news. Fell off a tractor makes me think he's a farmer. Farmers are tough so he will be able to deal with any cards dealt to him. If I am right in my assumption, then you and your sister are probably also very mentally strong. I pray for good news for your family this week. Lisa
  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    Sorry to Hear This...
    It's VERY important to get him to the best cancer center possible. Like Brenda mentioned, many local doctors have no idea how to handle something like cancer and you could likely get a dire prognosis. It's almost always best to get a second opinion too.
    It sounds like your Dad has a very strong will, that will get him very far in his battle.
    Sorry about your sister too. Like one isn't enough.
    Diagnosed Feb 2004 with stage IV colon cancer
  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Sorry to hear about your dad and sister. All your heads have to be reeling right now. Sorry can't give you any info about the polyps in the stomach or how they would deal with this. Waiting is a hard thing to do and something that this disease makes you do a lot of. While it will be a roller coaster of tests and appointments, you will be given a lot of info to take in. Please bring a notebook and write questions in it to take with you to the doctor's office and write things down while there. It is always recommended to get a second opinion also. Good luck to both your dad and sister. Please come here and ask away of any questions you might have. There is usually someone that can help you.

  • steveandnat
    steveandnat Member Posts: 886
    Hang in there waiting is torture
    Most of us have gone through the same problem of being told and then have to wait to get more information. I was told six months after the stage 4 dx and now it's almost 2 years later. Attitute and willing to fight it and a strong support group really helps. Your dad is still young and strong it sounds like and that really helps. Let us know how it goes. Praying for your dad and his family for the best!
  • Thanks everyone!
    Thank you so much for all of your blessings and words of encouragement! I can't imagine what all of you have gone through so far, but If I were to guess I'd say that for my Dad and Sister, its going to be a never ending fight to overcome the evilness of cancer. Ovbiously, the entire family will feel some of the pain and have to be strong for them as much as possible. Thanks again. Im home with my baby girl awaiting word from my Dads Oncologist apt. this morning. My parents are meeting with the Oncologist as we speak. I asked them if I could drive them to the apt., but they both wanted to go alone. I suppose its hard enough to hear what the doctor has to say with your spouse by your side. He didn't want any of us girls to be there this morning. We can only wait, yet again and pray for the best. I will get back to all of you soon.