Time to introduce myself

TLCsRock Member Posts: 1
edited October 2011 in Caregivers #1
My wife found this site and suggested that I start getting help with our journey. Tracie is a stage 3 endometrial cancer patient. She has had her hysterectomy and we are waiting to start treatment. We are in the beginning our journey now and are trying to get information. It has been a frustrating journey starting with how we learned of her diagnosis, which happened on the phone. It has been fights with doctors on getting information and pain control. It would take an hour to document the fights we have had with various "doctors in training" which is what we have to deal with.

I will try not to complain too much here. I just feel kind of lost. I know that I am her advocate and with what has happened, will not be easy. We know that she will have radiation and chemo. She also probably has Lynch Syndrome (which means that she has an 80% colon cancer risk also). We did not expect endometrial cancer. I know that it will be a long road and I hope to find coping skills and some tips on what to expect. She is already having problems eating and with nausea.

I will lurk a lot here and pick up as much information and advice as I can. I have not really been involved in many boards so I will try to be polite and use proper etiquette. Again, I appreciate any information and support that I can. When she is in the hospital, I notice the faces of the s/o's in the GYN ONC unit and realize that I am in a club that no one wants to join.


  • jimwins
    jimwins Member Posts: 2,107
    Hello David
    Hi David,

    Sorry you have to be here. Please know there is hope and
    that exists in abundance here. You and Tracie might want to
    consider the Uterine cancer board as well.

    I am a Diffuse B Cell Lymphoma patient who recently finished
    chemotherapy and am doing well so far. I just wanted you to
    know we are listening and welcome you to the site.

    You will find wonderful and supportive people here
    and soon others will be chiming in.

    Big hugs and positive thoughts to you and Tracie,
