A couple of items on potential mCRC drugs in trial (plus some other articles for the curious):

coloCan Member Posts: 1,944 Member
edited September 2011 in Colorectal Cancer #1
medicalnews today.com/articles/235298.php on BIBF1120

medpagetoday.com/MeetingCoverage/ECCO-ESMO/28800 on Aflibercept

newswise.com (and other sites)now have article "Knockout of Protein Prevents Colon Tumor Formation in Mice."

(which i had posted yesterday but deserves reading if you have difficulty with appetite)

pharmiweb.com/Features/feature.asp?ROW_ID=1368 last item, on Velour study, is on CRC

on how certain fruit/veg affect different parts of colon-fruit juice NO GOOD.....

nature.com/nm/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nm.2457.html brief but technical

Hope typing is correct as I'm leaving library where I used computer as mine is acting up.....

Always remember, while nothing seems available by tomorrow.......one of these days............