Do An Act of Kindness

Patti1 Member Posts: 109 Member
Hello All,
Sometimes we need to take a step back and take a look at ourselves.Do a Act of Kindness for Someone. The last 3 weeks have been crazy with bring Dennis home from the hospital and making the decision to do Hospice in or home. During the last 3 weeks I have even questioned myself, can I do this? But in my heart I know its the best gift I can give my husband. The last 3 weeks have been strange,its like we have the plague, friends have stopped coming by the phones calls are almost nill, I just dont understand. This week I was working in back of our property and saw a large mower go by, later that nite I went to get garbage bins and a strange man was walking up driveway with bins, he stated he heard husband was ill so he mowed my front property,had 2 movies for us and a bag of handpicked grapes (what a act of kindness) Sunday we got hit by lightning, took out our electric gates, they are at end of road, repair people asked where hubby was, i told them about him being ill. They said they knew the importance of gates to Hospice Nurses and took care of it at 2009 prices (another act of kindness) Although my heart is heavy and breaking these people managed to make us smile this week.Bottom line Do SOmething,A Act of Kindness for Someone, even just a simple Thank You to someonce. How beautiful a day can be. When kindness Touches It!!!! Your Friend Patti


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dear Patti
    Thank you for sharing your experiences with folks who are still willing to do an act of kindness for others and for reminding us to reach out and help someone else.

    I am sorry to hear that your friends are hanging back. It most likely is their own fear and lack of knowing what to say or do. Sometimes we have to help them by taking that first step.

    When you have a few minutes, give one a call. If/when they ask if there is anything they can do for you have a list ready. It could be something as simple as calling regularly to let you know what is going on in the neighborhood. It could be something like picking up a few things for you at the grocery store.

    Most often folks really do want to help, but are at a loss as how to go about it. They don't want to intrude or to cause you undue stress by asking how things are or by acting as if nothing is wrong. If you open the door I think you will find the friends are still there.

    My prayers are with your husband, you and your family during this difficult time.

    Marie who loves kitties
  • buckeye2
    buckeye2 Member Posts: 428 Member
    Patti, I think it speaks of
    Patti, I think it speaks of your character that you still see the kindness in others. Sometimes I just feel angry and can't see beyond the anger. Your example will make me try harder. Keep taking good care of the hubby. He's a lucky man. Lisa
  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    It's a tough thing...
    I have a VERY dear friend, 2 time breast cancer survivor, a true lightness of spirit warrior, who is down for the count. She has so many things going wrong physically right now, and her hubby is also having heart trouble. He called to tell us all of this, but then said he won't call again until things are better. I respect that, and will only do as he wishes, ask for status from his daughter.

    I think if you find one of your friends as the touch point, who can field all calls, so you don't need to repeat yourself when you are busy, is a good thing. When my beau was in the hospital, so sick from a bad heart that we didn't think he would survive, that is what I did. I then got updates, at my convenience (he was in cell phone available) from my friend.

    BIG hugs to you both...and yes, people really do want to help, they often just don't know how...and don't want to bother you...

    Hugs, Kathi
  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    Your ability to reach out at this time humbles me and brings tears to my eyes. You are so, so right. Those acts of kindness between fellow human beings is the key. Thank you for the reminder.

    My prayers are with you.

  • Buzzard
    Buzzard Member Posts: 3,043 Member

    Your ability to reach out at this time humbles me and brings tears to my eyes. You are so, so right. Those acts of kindness between fellow human beings is the key. Thank you for the reminder.

    My prayers are with you.


    Patti..............You are in my thoughts and prayers tonight...
    May there be a calm come over you where you are at peace and remember that all of us hold you and yours in our hearts now and forever..........Love and hugs, Clift
  • lisa42
    lisa42 Member Posts: 3,625 Member
    dear Patti
    Hi Patti,

    Just wanted to let you know that I am praying for both you and Dennis- that you can get through this tough time, that Dennis' pain will be minimal, and that all will work out well with the hospice nurses.
    That's wonderful that people are being so kind- and thanks for sharing it with us!

    Hugs to you,
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    "thankyou to someone"
    dear patti,

    i was touched by your kindness, its a simple and beautiful message.

    I hope denis and you have some good moments over the coming weeks.

  • herdizziness
    herdizziness Member Posts: 3,624 Member
    I'm sure that your friends are hanging back because they don't want to intrude, they're scared of calling at the wrong moment, that stopping by, will take time away from you and your husband.
    If you can hun, pick up the phone and start calling them, mentioning it would be great if they wanted to stop by at such and such a time, and as already suggested, if they ask what they can do for you, don't hesitate to ask for what you need, have the list ready, even if the list only has one item "stop by and let us know you care".
    So many people just don't know what to do and they want to do something, they just don't do anything because they're scared of doing the wrong thing. Make the calls.
    Thinking of you and Dennis.
    Winter Marie