Hello !!! Remember me??

mark440 Member Posts: 63
Its been a while.... I finished my 6 mts of folfox6 in Sept. I was not medically cleared to return to work for the State of Michigan as a corrections officer ( officer of the year 2009)..the state SEPERATED me nice word for fired... the state is denying my disability retirement, I had 24 1/2 years in... they say I can be a security guard at Walmart 20 hrs a week..... My wife divorced me... had to file for bankruptcy... had scans done a few weeks ago and found a spot under my heart.. aortic bifurcation.. Im stage 3 rectal cancer 12-23-2009... everyone here helped me through Chemo and surgery... Even with all Ive been through Im still thankful for everyday!!! keep fighting my friends ... It could be worse...


  • pepebcn
    pepebcn Member Posts: 6,331 Member
    Mark ,got not the pleasure to meet you but feel sorry for
    all the troubles you had to deal with, but like your positiveness and optimism , just take care of you my friend, I will keep you on my prayers!.
  • northernlites
    northernlites Member Posts: 96
    Mark, i am sorry to hear
    Mark, i am sorry to hear about all your troubles... I have a similar situaation with my work as well. I received a letter today from my HR department saying my FMLA is up Friday and my job is in jeopardy... As if i am not stressed enough about having to deal with this cancer! I also work for a state agency. I am to young to apply for my retirement benefits. I don't know what to do. I love your positive energy though!

  • Kathryn_in_MN
    Kathryn_in_MN Member Posts: 1,252 Member
    Hi Mark,

    It is nice to hear from you, but not so nice to year you've had a rotten year. All the big things at once - cancer, divorce, bankruptcy - yikes! I'm sorry you've gone through all this.

    I'm self-empoyed and haven't "seperated" myself yet, but I sure can't work like I used to. I wonder if you have a lawsuit there? Have you talked to an attorney? I am not usually the type to suggest suing, but this seems so wrong.

    We are lucky in that we live on 10 acres and a few years back they changed the zoning to allow 2.5 acre lots here. I hate to do it - the land was my retirement fund - but we are in the process of platting so we can sell 2 lots. We cannot sell 3 because we give up .48 acres that were considered easement when rezoning residential and platting. They are treating me like a big-time developer, rather than a long-time resident with cancer that just wants to sell off a little land to keep from filing bankruptcy. It is costing us over $25,000 upfront to have the land ready and approved for sale due to all the township, county, and state requirements - totally insane. My parents loaned us that money and will get it back off the top as soon as we sell a lot. We will lose our space and privacy, but hopefully won't have to file bankruptcy. So while this really hurts (my husband has nurtured 100's of trees here the last 10 years and it is just getting really nice), we are still lucky. The process has been very stressful for me so far. It will be better when it is all done and the first lot sells and the financial burden here is lightened a bit. Hopefully we don't have to sell the middle lot right next to our house for a little while longer.

    I'm not aware of what aortric bifucation is? Can you fill us in?

    I finished my FOLFOX mid-April 2009, but I was right back into chemo September 2009. Distant node involvement, not operable. No organ involvement though. The only treatment is chemo for life. Loads of fun... I'd like a break from treatments, but I progress when I do not stay on Irinotecan. So I plug away, one day at a time. It is all any of us can do. Right now it sounds like you need to just keep plugging away one day at a time until things turn around a bit for you. I hope that is sometime very soon!
  • daBeachBum
    daBeachBum Member Posts: 164
    Hi Mike

    I am so sorry that you have had all this piled on your plate this year. That *really* sucks. Its great that you have maintained a positive attitude in the face of all this adversity. Lesser men might have folded up.

    I hope that you get a handle on these new health issues easily and quickly and that the remainder of 2011 and 2012 are banner years for you. I send caring and healing thoughts your way.

    At least the Tigers are playing good ball this year...

  • marqimark
    marqimark Member Posts: 242 Member
    What the heck
    Federal law says anyone with cancer is considered disabled.
    How can a state deny your claim.

    This kind of treatment is not right!!!!

    Fight the good fight and kick their butt.

    Is your union helping??
    You paid all those dues all those years.
    Have they abandoned you now that they aren't going to get any more money out of you.
    Kick their butt TOO!!

    Sorry, I get upset easily.

    Prayers and good wishes to you.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    Oh, me! I certainly do remember you! I'm glad to see you on here again, but so very sorry about all that has happened. I will be praying that your life will take a sharp turn SOON. Hang in there and know that we're here for support always.

  • idlehunters
    idlehunters Member Posts: 1,787 Member
    tootsie1 said:

    Oh, me! I certainly do remember you! I'm glad to see you on here again, but so very sorry about all that has happened. I will be praying that your life will take a sharp turn SOON. Hang in there and know that we're here for support always.


    Hey Mark!
    Of course I remember you! Great to see you again. Yep....sounds like your year has been far from perfect but it sure is nice to see ou still have an outstanding attitude and outlook........ Take care

  • buckeye2
    buckeye2 Member Posts: 428 Member
    I think you need to consult with a lawyer who specializes in disability claims. Even though you are a state employee, couldn't you apply for social security. I admire your good attitude in the face of so much adversity.
  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member
    buckeye2 said:

    I think you need to consult with a lawyer who specializes in disability claims. Even though you are a state employee, couldn't you apply for social security. I admire your good attitude in the face of so much adversity.

    Hi Mark I remeber U
    Hoping for better days ahead

    take care

  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member
    How can they deny you??? No
    How can they deny you??? No accommodation? What stage are you?
  • pete43lost_at_sea
    pete43lost_at_sea Member Posts: 3,900 Member
    you got spirit mate
    only 23 1/2 years, those basstards.

    focus on the good, be healthy, come here for a chat.
