New -- need advice on results

kkirsits Member Posts: 11
Hi -- I was diagnosed three years ago with papillary thyroid cancer. I also was diagnosed about 6 years ago with ulcerative colitis. due to way too many medical bills and I finally had a colonoscopy in June this year due to some issues. this is what the doctor said in his letter to me (he removed about 5 polyps)

The polps did include several adenomas. No actual cancer was seen. However, in one of the larger polyps there were some early changes suggesting that cancer transformation was imminent (high grade dysplasia)

My colon should be carefully monitored in the future I need follow up examination in one year.

This is all new to me and I am very worried (I follow up with the doctor in a few weeks) What do I need to ask him, etc. I had an aunt and uncle (my dad's siblings) who had colon cancer and died from it

Thanks for any and all help in understanding this



  • Buckwirth
    Buckwirth Member Posts: 1,258 Member
    Stay on top
    of your colonoscopies. If you get an annual checkup, any carcinoma will be caught early and you will be fine.

    You might want to ask if getting an annual CEA test (this is a blood marker for colon cancer) is warranted. It is not 100%, so it is not usually used as a preventative, but it is used for those who have a CRC diagnoses. Establishing a baseline and checking once a year might be a good thing in your case.