Just diagnosed, First Treatment Done ABVD

I was just diagnosed with Stage 2 Hodgkins Lymphoma on May 21. I got married June 4th and had my first treatment of ABVD last Thursday the 16th. I am not reacting very well to the chemo at all. I'm constantly having nausea and can barely hold any food down, my body is so weak and painful I can barely make it up and down the stairs or even get out of bed. I know I've always had a weak stomach but was never expecting it to feel this bad. The doctors and nurses make it sound like it's not going to be that bad and how people go right back to work and live their normal lives. I don't know if I see this happening for me?

Not only is the physical pain way worse that I even imagined, I'm also really worried about staying mentally healthy. I am on anti-depressants and have been on them for years, but I am wondering how people can remain positive when they feel like this? I have major self-esteem issues and am really struggling with the fact that I'm going to lose my hair. I am scheduled to have 12 treatments and this is only the start. Any words of wisdom or advice? Is it normal for some people to just react this way to the chemo? Any advice for how to deal with the hair loss?

God Bless.


  • michelleb1064
    michelleb1064 Member Posts: 53
    I also have Hodgkins
    I also have Hodgkins Lymphoma stage 2b and was I needed 12 treatments of ABVD. I am having my 12th treatment tomorrow and hopefully I am done. ABVD is really hard on the stomach. I remember at first I would go in the day after chemo to get hydration, months later I started going in for a second dose of hydration 2-3 days later and it helped a lot. I also had body aches and joint pain, my oncologist gave me meds to help with the pain. Your oncologist should have given something for the nausea. If it's not working ask your oncologist for something else, there are many differant kinds. The chemo treatments did seem harder to handle at first but they did get easier as time went on.
    It is perfectly natural to go through depression when you have cancer. Make sure you stay on your meds. Don't worry about losing your hair. It does grow back! I actually didnt lose all of my hair, it did thin though. Go online to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, they have programs for financial assistance, transportation assistance and I think help paying for a wig. The transportation assistance gives you gas money or rides. The financial program pays for things like putting in a port and chemo.
    Take Care, hope this helps
  • cookingirl
    cookingirl Member Posts: 183 Member
    Just diagnosed
    Hello and welcome to the CSN website. You're so young and beautiful - how tragic to receive the Hodgkins diagnosis just a few weeks before your wedding - I'm so very sorry!

    I have NHL, not your type, but one of my very dear friends sons is 21 and was diagnosed two years ago with Hodgkins. He had to drop out of his college for a semester for the same chemo you mentioned. Like you, the nausea was THE worst symptom. His Mom told me on Wed. when he went to chemo, as soon as he walked in the door the nurses said, "Here comes the guy who vomits all day." And it was true - they could not find anything to help that part of his treatment. He felt sick at home for a few days and then it got better until his next treatment. He returned to school in Jan. and has been cancer free since - just graduated and has had several very good job offers! So hang in there - the success rate for someone your age with Hodgkins is very, very high for a full cure.

    With my chemo for NHL because of the bag of anti-nausea meds they gave me along with Benadryl before the chemo went in, I never had one moment of feeling sick or queezy. I'm so sorry it's not working for you - have you asked them to keep trying different ones until one does work?

    My hair didn't fall out completely, but I lost about 90% due to thinning. It was hard to see it all over the pillow and filling the drain in the shower, but if that happens, you'll find it's not the worst thing in the world and there are beautiful wigs and scarfs to get you through that period. Chances are high it will grow back a completely different color and texture. Mine was thick and straight to my shoulders before - now it's coming back in curly and everyone says I should keep it short so maybe I will! Wishing you the best as you begin your journey - keep posting and let us know how you are. Sending prayers your way - Fran
  • Sherryf1
    Sherryf1 Member Posts: 4
    Hi Nin6411
    I also had HD

    Hi Nin6411
    I also had HD diagnoised in new year and just had my last chemo on 12 June. Darling just few advises in this journey, I too was very very upset about loosing hair but when it happens you just deal with it and keep focusing on positive side that the price you are paying to get your health back, hair is nothing it will all come back even better, I also took it hard but tried to stay as positive as possible. It seems long journey but believe it will all go so fast , my husband gave me a very good advise ; think that you are in the train and have no choice of getting off for 6 months you can either make it misrable for yourself and get fraustrated or just sit back and take the ride until you arrive at your destination' so your destination is your health and you will get there! it will all go fast attitude is so important. I did have also side effects, lost all my hair in 3 weeks and sick and stomach problem and also metal taste and after my last chemo in 3 weeks still having some nausea but have to stay positive and please focus on the end you will be healthy again, HD is one of the best to get so we still should be thankful, pray darling and keep your spirit up it will all be over sooner than you think! think of next year this time you are all healthy and happy! my prayers with you.
  • lmack
    lmack Member Posts: 21
    ABVD and coping
    Sorry to hear your were diagnosed right before your wedding! I hope you were able to enjoy the day.

    I was diagnosed with Stage 2 HL last October. I went through 6 rounds of chemo and 20 radiation treatments.
    Everyone reacts to the treatment differently. I didn't have any ill effects with the chemo except fatigue. I received the treatment on Thursday and on Sunday (sometimes Saturday night) I would be wiped out. Completely. I worked from home the Monday after treatment but otherwise kept my regular schedule. I never had a problem with nausea, but, as others have said, the Dr should give you meds for it.

    I had long, blond hair like yours when I started out. As treatment went on, it would gradually thin out. I would notice it a lot in the shower. And I would cry. The lower layers were falling out but for some reason the top stayed. I would pull it back in a low pony tail to mask the loss as well as I could. Then I started to wear hats with it pulled back. It eventually just got to the point where I knew I couldn't hide it forever, and I knew the part that was gone would just magically grow back to the length of what was still there. Cutting my hair was the LAST thing I wanted to do, but I finally did it, after all of my chemo. I loved my long hair, but it will grow back. You just have to deal with it as it goes, however you feel comfortable dealing with. There are no rules.

    Please stay on your anti-depressants. I stayed on mine. You'll need them. Its easier to let this take over and swallow you up than it is to stay positive. I was able to do that with good friends and family support. I certainly had bad, sad days and moments of crying alone. You need to have those times when you're sad, you're allowed to have as many as you want, but just know that you WILL get through this. It will not last forever and you'll be stronger than you were before it when you're through.
  • jenniferr1
    jenniferr1 Member Posts: 3
    I was also diagnosed in May
    I also have had issues with loosing my hair , I went out on Maternity leave on May 3rd when I had my daughter and found out I Hodgkins 2 weeks later, since my hair was thining so bad I went ahead and bought a wig so when I went back to work when my maternity leave was up , I would be used to wearing the wig, I am also on ABVD and when i have nausea I take zofran and some times take something for pain if needed. I seem people at work that dont even know that its not my long hair , since it looks very similar to my hair.When Im at home I usually wear a ball cap. I feel like my symptoms are not as bad as when I started the chemo. Hope yours gets better
    God Bless