Like this board but very much need help with the privacy settings....

I am thrilled I found this board, love looking at it, journaling and getting responses but this also to me is "private", my thoughts, my questions. I log in/out for a reason. Come to find out EVERYTHING I read look at is saved in my history on my computer with just click and anyone can read it and yesterday hubby did a Google search about the trial I looking into and my post about "not being able to turn things off" was the 3rd hit. That was story and anyone who knows me does not know every access of my business does not need to be reading that in just some random google search. I am writing these things to YOU ladies to get feedback not be out there for just anyone. It dicouraged me. Are there better privacy settings I am not finding because I want to continue to use it but find myself deleting the computer history everytime (again not ashamed this is just MY forum to get support and my husband and kids don't need to read it all cause it happens to be in the history of the computer) but dang if my posts are out there in google search land that freaks me out a little.

I am sure I am doing something wrong with the settings, etc. Again it's a username/password site so what gives? I always log out when I leave.

I can't even figure out how to mananage friend lists or just save my own entries! Ugh. I know we're here about cancer but can someone help me with technology today. I still love ya all and want to continue to join in.....HELP!!!! :) Hope this makes sense....


  • TraciInLA
    TraciInLA Member Posts: 1,994 Member
    You're not doing anything wrong
    This site is a public site, searchable by any search engine (such as Google), and there isn't anything that can be done to change that.

    Those of us who join CSN do have a username and password, that's true -- but that's only so we can post to the board and create our own pages. Anyone, without a username and password, can read the site -- as many of us did when we first found the site and were "lurking" before we worked up the courage to join. I'm sure there are many women and loved ones here who have never joined or posted, but get helpful information and support just by reading our posts.

    I think each of us decides for ourselves how we want to protect our privacy, and only share what we feel comfortable sharing. Many of us use a screen name that doesn't include our names, many don't ever share their real name, or post a photo.

    For myself, since I choose to post a photo and use my first name, I never post anything here that I would be uncomfortable having a co-worker or casual acquaintance see, if they were to ever stumble across a post of mine because they needed information on breast cancer for themselves or a loved one. And, since my girlfriend does know that I post here, I never post anything that I wouldn't want her to see.

    Don't know if that helps at all?

  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    I understand your frustration
    Anything you have posted will be so useful to someone else who is still in shock and doesn't feel comfortable expressing what is going on. It helps so much to know others are in the same boat, and takes the burden off of family members who have been hearing it over and over for days, weeks, or months. I don't know what to tell you about your hubby and kids since I am not tech savy but my own hubby is happy I have an outlet other than him.

    I understand your frustration, But I do think you have helped someone else.

    Hang in there,

  • Rague
    Rague Member Posts: 3,653 Member
    Not sure what you're asking/saying
    This is a public site - anyone who has access to the internet anywhere in the world can come on here and read anything that has been written. To post here, you have to become a member but to read it you don't. Our privacy comes from our user names and that unless we choose to reveal it ourselves, no one knows what part of the country (or what country) we are in.

    One also needs to remember that not everyone who signs up to be a member is on the 'up and up' either. Certainly most are exactly a they present themselves but in the recent past we have had several trolls and spammers. They always out themselves with just a little help.

  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Rague said:

    Not sure what you're asking/saying
    This is a public site - anyone who has access to the internet anywhere in the world can come on here and read anything that has been written. To post here, you have to become a member but to read it you don't. Our privacy comes from our user names and that unless we choose to reveal it ourselves, no one knows what part of the country (or what country) we are in.

    One also needs to remember that not everyone who signs up to be a member is on the 'up and up' either. Certainly most are exactly a they present themselves but in the recent past we have had several trolls and spammers. They always out themselves with just a little help.


    I understand your feelings
    I say a little to much. We all get personal on here.We talk about our journey, family, doctors, friends etc. I talk of my friends dx but that is all(it helps some of us).They are longer survivors than me and we've been friends for many many years.We stand by each other.

    For my family there has been problems. They know the problems.I confront them. I"m a honest person. I've thought about what I say sometimes like you but we lean on one another because we are all in the same boat.Fighting a disease that has changed our lives forever. No one knows till they have been dx with any type of cancer or life threatening disease.We live every day wondering if it will come back and if it does what will be done and how serious will it be. Our friends and family don't know what we are going through and sometimes they can be hurtful. There are times my husband says something that hurts me.I even get tears in my eyes.But I don't let him see the tears.Will I tell him later?? YES.In fact this week has been worse.We need to talk about 3 things.

    My husband wasn't supportive at first. I came right out and told him I need Support. Things aren't like they used to be and he has to understand.I feel the same way with others in the family.They need to change.

    Lynn Smith
  • stayingstrongfortoday
    stayingstrongfortoday Member Posts: 116

    I understand your feelings
    I say a little to much. We all get personal on here.We talk about our journey, family, doctors, friends etc. I talk of my friends dx but that is all(it helps some of us).They are longer survivors than me and we've been friends for many many years.We stand by each other.

    For my family there has been problems. They know the problems.I confront them. I"m a honest person. I've thought about what I say sometimes like you but we lean on one another because we are all in the same boat.Fighting a disease that has changed our lives forever. No one knows till they have been dx with any type of cancer or life threatening disease.We live every day wondering if it will come back and if it does what will be done and how serious will it be. Our friends and family don't know what we are going through and sometimes they can be hurtful. There are times my husband says something that hurts me.I even get tears in my eyes.But I don't let him see the tears.Will I tell him later?? YES.In fact this week has been worse.We need to talk about 3 things.

    My husband wasn't supportive at first. I came right out and told him I need Support. Things aren't like they used to be and he has to understand.I feel the same way with others in the family.They need to change.

    Lynn Smith

    I understand
    I was just surprised I figured only members could read other members posts and it wasn't such a public forum. I will still continue to use the support I just was so shocked one of my posts was google "hit" and my hubby read it and I really spoke ill of his family. I guess I need to monitor my behavior :). Also not be so specific that certain treatments I am doing trigger google searches. Thanks all for your help. I want to help other woman and I am happy to post and reply to posts because this site has helped me so much already. I am saddened by the "trolls" that get on and lie and make crap up....diguisting.