HIPEC Testimony

zenisthou Member Posts: 26
Dear Friends,

I have made my decision to go with HIPEC (please visit http://www.hipectreatment.com/ if you haven't studied this treatment) to treat my first recuurent OC. (Please read my profile for my desease history.) I will do it by end of July because I have booked Alaska Cruise and that is one of the "have to do with my kids" on my wish list.

I asked doctor to give me a reference with someone who have done HIPEC, and he did. It turned out to be a very intersting case that I would like to share with all of you.

This lady was diagnosed with OC stage III in April 2006. She had conventional surgery, debulk, total hysterectomy. After intensed researched done by her husband and herself, they decided NOT to go with standard chemo treatment. So, she didn't have any chemo, and there was recuurence (I forgot to ask her after how long of her first surgery.) She went ahead to have second conentional debulking surgery, and still did NOT get any chemo treatment, and there was another recurrence. She took my doctor's suggestion to do the HIPEC as her 3rd surgery. Please note that the HIPEC protocal requires patient to get on 6 round Carbo/Taxol after surgery. But she still did NOT get any chemo. And there was another recurrence. She took 2nd HIPEC as her 4th surgery, and still did NOT take any chemo after the surgery. Next week, she is going to have her routine check with my doctor. And it has been 2 years and 6 months sincer her 2nd HIPEC (4th surgery).

To summarize my conversation with her, here's her theory and believe:

1. She believes that total body chemo through blood system do nothing good to cure cancer, but only to damage and drag down overall physical condition. Which we all know and our oncologist told us that chemo does not cure our cancer.

2. She believes that surgery gives her body less damage than chemo. If there's another recurrence, she will have another HIPEC.

3. When she had first HIPEC, the cancer were on her right side of the cavity. And after she had 2nd HIPEC, doctor told her that her right side of the cavity was totally clean. I will need to discuss this with my doctor why total pelvic hot chemo wash will miss some spot. My guessing is doctor might have missed some spots that he supposed to debluk...

She sounds energetic and pleasant. She is planning her daughter's wedding and saying that she can't wait to see her grand baby... I am so happy for her...

I alaways thought that I am someone who is decisive. when I made my decision, I normally don't swing. But when it comes to the process to make a decision about this recurrence treatment, I realized that I am not as strong will as I thought. That is why I am so amazed by this lady, someone who had 3 recurrence so far, but never change her principle.

I will continue post whatever further finding about HIPEC, and hopefully I can share my good experience with all of you after July surgery.

Best wishes to all of you. You gals are super!!!



  • lindaprocopio
    lindaprocopio Member Posts: 1,980
    Go to UTERINE Cancer Discussion Board for another example...
    First off, Tracy, LOVE (LOVE!) that sweater!

    But I really logged in just to encourage you to go the the Uterine Cancer Discussion Board of this same website you are on, and Search on posts made by 'Songflower" (AKA Diane). She had HIPEC for a 'seeded' recurrance in her peritoneal cavity, and gave detailed reports of the process and her progress getting through it. She enjoyed a 6-month remission upon completing her HIPEC and her oncologist said if they would have done the HIPEC initially, he beleives she would have been CURED. (He actually used the word cured.) HIPEC isn't for the faint of heart; it's harsh and NOT fun and I think Diane was hospitalized 11 days to control pain and nausea following it. But she has no regrets other than wishing she'd tried it sooner.

    ps: I don't know about that "no systemic chemo" route, though. Some people think they know more than their oncologists, and maybe they do, ....and maybe they don't.
  • zenisthou
    zenisthou Member Posts: 26

    Go to UTERINE Cancer Discussion Board for another example...
    First off, Tracy, LOVE (LOVE!) that sweater!

    But I really logged in just to encourage you to go the the Uterine Cancer Discussion Board of this same website you are on, and Search on posts made by 'Songflower" (AKA Diane). She had HIPEC for a 'seeded' recurrance in her peritoneal cavity, and gave detailed reports of the process and her progress getting through it. She enjoyed a 6-month remission upon completing her HIPEC and her oncologist said if they would have done the HIPEC initially, he beleives she would have been CURED. (He actually used the word cured.) HIPEC isn't for the faint of heart; it's harsh and NOT fun and I think Diane was hospitalized 11 days to control pain and nausea following it. But she has no regrets other than wishing she'd tried it sooner.

    ps: I don't know about that "no systemic chemo" route, though. Some people think they know more than their oncologists, and maybe they do, ....and maybe they don't.

    Thanks for your information

    Thanks for your information. I searched the Uterine discussion board for all Sunflower post, I only saw a post when she made decision to do HIPEC and another one after the surgery when she got home. I didn't find any further post about her recovery and update. I will send her a private message to see if she can share more with me. Thanks for the lead.

    My doctor see HIPEC as the "target treatment" for OC as of now. He thinks the process of the surgery will be improved over the years so that it can "cure" the desease, not just prolong the patient life span. I bought his story, and sincerely wish this will become a hope of our teal sisters....
