ultasound okay!

Hi all:

Basketcase checking in here! I'm back from Ky for cousin's son's wedding. It was very nice and probably inexpensive compared to most weddings today! Went for breast ultrasound yesterday which they did some more mammogram pix before the ultrasound; but anyway turned out to be clump of tissue which they were able to shall I say flatten out and the other one was a cyst and so just have to report back in a year for follow-up mammogram as usual. Thanks for the prayers. My friend's Tamara's mom is doing okay at the moment and refuses to take pain medicine so she can get things in order as she wishes them to be and the family issues have been taken care of so to speak at least in the legal sense so the sisters will not be able to cause any trouble, hopefully!

I'm pretty emotional right now as this time last year is when things started to happen with Charlie. As a matter of fact it was a year ago today he went for his followup with ENT and was scoped and everything was great! Then in about 10 days or so from that things started happening and you know the rest of the story. The 28th of this month would have been our 36th anniversary and to top it all off when I got home Tuesday afternoon I had this anniversary card from a jewelry store at the mall with a certificate for a free pair of pearl earrings and just their way of saying, "We're glad you found each other!" So you can imagine what that did to me! However, my good friend Carol said, "See that's his anniversary present to you!" Hey, they're free and supposedly no strings attached. And then of course our birthday is coming up on July 27th and then Aug. 21 will be one year and it does not seem like it's been that long at all! I think I miss him more now than I did then, if that's possible! But I do have some things coming up. I'm helping out with Vacation Bible School at church which will be from 6 - 8:30 for four nights and is 6/27-6/30 so on the evening of our anniversary date I will be busy and my cousins want me to come to Louisville sometime this summer and I plan to do that. Don't know when I'll be back to NC. I don't know if I had posted about my father-in-law going off on a tangent about the dogs having been there or not. Not to me but to my brother-in-law and this was about 10 days after I had left but he does that sometimes about things and my brother in law told me my mother-in-law went on to my father-in-law about how you're not going to hurt that youngun's feelings. Tell me I'm not her connection! So now I guess I'm officially a homewrecker! (Just kidding of course) My father-in-law is 87 and is a wonderful person and he does say he bets those dogs are a lot of company to me, but he probably doesn't see it as they're more than that; they're my lifelines! Carol looks after them for me when I can't take them with me but I would have truly been a basketcase if they hadn't been with me in NC as that was when all the tornadoes were hitting around here and I did think to myself, "Okay, if something happens to my house, at least I've got Charlie, Blue, Rowdy and Sammy with me so, I've got what's most important to me with me." But fortunately everything was okay here at home. But boy, when I went to Chatt. for nephew's graduation I stopped in Ringgold, GA which I go thru to Chatt. and y'all it is totally different seeing that devastation up close and personal than when you see newspaper pix and footage on the news. Those people will need our prayers for sometime. It totally looks like a war zone there. My best friend said they had said that tornado stayed on the ground for 35 miles which is very rare. Kinda makes you wonder about this disastrous weather happenings doesn't it?

Well, I've go on enough now and need to read the paper, eat and get started with the day. Hope all is well with everyone. Love y'all and God Bless!

Jan (Basketcase)


  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    great news, Jan
    Congratulations on the "non-issues"!
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Stand Up Proud
    LOL, sorry, abi-normal sense of humor....

    My wife goes through the same thing each time she has her annual breast exams....seems to be pretty painful at times during that flattening out stage.

    Very glad all is well with you Jan,
  • Pumakitty
    Pumakitty Member Posts: 652
    I am so glad everything turned out to be okay. Also glad you are staying busy. I do not know where you get the energy. Talk with you later.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Pumakitty said:

    I am so glad everything turned out to be okay. Also glad you are staying busy. I do not know where you get the energy. Talk with you later.


    Hi Jan

    All I can say is take it like a Woman, Congratulation on the good report.
