Low iron

bdee Member Posts: 304
My last two blood counts has shown my WBC, HGB and HCT lower than the normal levels. My doctor is only talking about my HGB, though. He said if it was this low or lower next times, he would hang a bag of iron during my chemo.
Has anyone had a bag of iron? How is it? Does it make you sick or hurt? My doctor won't answer these questions, except to say, everybody is different.

Debbie in Arkansas


  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    I have low hemoglobin too
    I am getting a blood transfusion on Friday.
  • Sundanceh
    Sundanceh Member Posts: 4,392 Member
    Deb Deb....
    The doctor won't answer, because he probably doesn't know. I have not found one doctor that has done anything that we are asked to do.

    They know the textbook definitions but not how it actually feels. Even when we tell them what has happened to us, they stare at us like a deer in the headlights.

    I've never had this done, Debbie, so I could not say what your reaction will be (we're all different, LOL)

    I can't even guess as to how it would be - looks like you will be the one that will tell us. I'd go ahead with it as I'm sure you will benefit from it and your counts will reflect that.

    I hope all goes well for you - good to see you around:)

    From "Hook 'em Horns Land" to "Soooieee Land".....all the best!

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    Sundanceh said:

    Deb Deb....
    The doctor won't answer, because he probably doesn't know. I have not found one doctor that has done anything that we are asked to do.

    They know the textbook definitions but not how it actually feels. Even when we tell them what has happened to us, they stare at us like a deer in the headlights.

    I've never had this done, Debbie, so I could not say what your reaction will be (we're all different, LOL)

    I can't even guess as to how it would be - looks like you will be the one that will tell us. I'd go ahead with it as I'm sure you will benefit from it and your counts will reflect that.

    I hope all goes well for you - good to see you around:)

    From "Hook 'em Horns Land" to "Soooieee Land".....all the best!


    Iron Shots

    Eons ago I worked daily with a lot of freshly printed material. When I would get tired, I would rub my eyes and contracted a staph infection in both eyes, supposedly from the ink. After severe headaches, eyes swelling shut, almost going blind and visiting a high falootin' specialist, I found an old country doc who charged $3 a visit. He discovered the staph infection and also the fact that I was severely anemic. For about six weeks, I went to him every other day for serum shots and Vitamin B & Iron shots. I had black bruises on my hips for a year after that, which I think he said was caused by the iron. However ,this is a different delivery method than hanging a bag. The only discomfort I remember was a stinging sensation, but of course the Vitamin B was mixed in there too.

    The eyes cleard up. Now, I'm just going blind from cataracts and old age. LOL

    Hope this helps and that you will not have any reaction at all.


  • bdee
    bdee Member Posts: 304
    AnneCan said:

    I have low hemoglobin too
    I am getting a blood transfusion on Friday.

    Low iron
    Blood, not iron? My doctor has mention hanging a bag of blood along with the iron.

    Debbie in Arkansas
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    bdee said:

    Low iron
    Blood, not iron? My doctor has mention hanging a bag of blood along with the iron.

    Debbie in Arkansas

    They said blood but one other time I had a heme infusion so I will know for sure tomorrow.
  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    I don't know
    I was severely anemic before my colon resection. They gave me 2 units of blood and then I was on iron tablets for several months afterwards. Nobody mentioned iron through an IV. I'll be interested to know how this goes. Hoping it goes very well!

  • eibod
    eibod Member Posts: 160
    My husband is getting an
    My husband is getting an iron infusion tomorrow morning. They told him to be prepared
    to be there at least 5 hours. Do not know the results of this yet, or side effects.
    But will post back to you, after he has it.
    Good luck to you, Brenda
  • bdee
    bdee Member Posts: 304
    eibod said:

    My husband is getting an
    My husband is getting an iron infusion tomorrow morning. They told him to be prepared
    to be there at least 5 hours. Do not know the results of this yet, or side effects.
    But will post back to you, after he has it.
    Good luck to you, Brenda

    Iron infusion
    I am looking forward to hearing from you. My doctor told me it use to take up to three hours for an iron transfusion, but it now only takes 30 minutes. Which means, with all my other meds, I'll be there around 6 hours.

    Good luck to your husband,
    Debbie in Arkansas
  • smeburg
    smeburg Member Posts: 5
    tootsie1 said:

    I don't know
    I was severely anemic before my colon resection. They gave me 2 units of blood and then I was on iron tablets for several months afterwards. Nobody mentioned iron through an IV. I'll be interested to know how this goes. Hoping it goes very well!


    Same thing here
    I had the same treatment in January after my resection and I'm still taking daily iron with B complex. My iron is right on the border for low. I've up my iron rich foods and cook in a cast iron skillet.
  • eibod
    eibod Member Posts: 160
    bdee said:

    Iron infusion
    I am looking forward to hearing from you. My doctor told me it use to take up to three hours for an iron transfusion, but it now only takes 30 minutes. Which means, with all my other meds, I'll be there around 6 hours.

    Good luck to your husband,
    Debbie in Arkansas

    HiDebbie, Husband had an
    HiDebbie, Husband had an iron infusion today. I am not sure if he was given something
    different than your doctor is planning for you, but he was there from 10 am until 3:15pm.
    He did receive fluids when first there, but he said the iron infusion started around
    11:30. He has had a few cramps in his stomach, but nothing other than that, so far.
    He had his regular treatment this last Tuesday, so didn't get any of those drugs today. Will let you know if he has any other side effects from the
    iron, the nurse told him he could expect headaches and stomach cramps and to take
    tylenol if needed. Hope this info is helpful. Take care..Brenda
  • AnneCan
    AnneCan Member Posts: 3,673 Member
    AnneCan said:

    They said blood but one other time I had a heme infusion so I will know for sure tomorrow.

    Blood transfusion
    I had a blood transfusion today.
  • smokeyjoe
    smokeyjoe Member Posts: 1,425 Member
    eibod said:

    HiDebbie, Husband had an
    HiDebbie, Husband had an iron infusion today. I am not sure if he was given something
    different than your doctor is planning for you, but he was there from 10 am until 3:15pm.
    He did receive fluids when first there, but he said the iron infusion started around
    11:30. He has had a few cramps in his stomach, but nothing other than that, so far.
    He had his regular treatment this last Tuesday, so didn't get any of those drugs today. Will let you know if he has any other side effects from the
    iron, the nurse told him he could expect headaches and stomach cramps and to take
    tylenol if needed. Hope this info is helpful. Take care..Brenda

    Just curious, could all
    Just curious, could all this be avoided if you take Iron supplements and B vitamins on a regular basis. I know chemo. would depleat your red blood counts. I asked the nurse one day if I should be taking iron supplements and she said No, you don't need to do that. But, it didn't make any sense to me at the time. I do it anyway. My counts have all been good so far.
  • bdee
    bdee Member Posts: 304
    eibod said:

    HiDebbie, Husband had an
    HiDebbie, Husband had an iron infusion today. I am not sure if he was given something
    different than your doctor is planning for you, but he was there from 10 am until 3:15pm.
    He did receive fluids when first there, but he said the iron infusion started around
    11:30. He has had a few cramps in his stomach, but nothing other than that, so far.
    He had his regular treatment this last Tuesday, so didn't get any of those drugs today. Will let you know if he has any other side effects from the
    iron, the nurse told him he could expect headaches and stomach cramps and to take
    tylenol if needed. Hope this info is helpful. Take care..Brenda

    Please keep me posted. I'll be having my full regime of chemo drugs along with the iron (if I have it).

  • bdee
    bdee Member Posts: 304
    smokeyjoe said:

    Just curious, could all
    Just curious, could all this be avoided if you take Iron supplements and B vitamins on a regular basis. I know chemo. would depleat your red blood counts. I asked the nurse one day if I should be taking iron supplements and she said No, you don't need to do that. But, it didn't make any sense to me at the time. I do it anyway. My counts have all been good so far.

    My doctor is against all supplements. I had to quit taking all my vitamins except Calcium. He said anything that helps or heals ANY cells will help and keep cancer cells working.

    Debbie in Arkansas
  • tanstaafl
    tanstaafl Member Posts: 1,313 Member
    bdee said:

    My doctor is against all supplements. I had to quit taking all my vitamins except Calcium. He said anything that helps or heals ANY cells will help and keep cancer cells working.

    Debbie in Arkansas

    less advertised "speacials"
    There are vitamins, supplements and common generic drugs that have evidence of helping control cancers and to recover from surgery. I've used additional doctors for supplement advice, in addition to my own research.

    I have tried to find "regular" doctors who are least open minded about non-standard adjuvants, even if not particularly knowledgeable. My reaction toward toe-the-expensive-pharmaceutical-line-only doctors is, "Next".

    I've had little traction with "regular" oncologists, more luck with surgeons including some that do their own oncology. It is clear to me that the "party liners" are not familiar with a lot of their own literature.
  • eibod
    eibod Member Posts: 160
    bdee said:

    Please keep me posted. I'll be having my full regime of chemo drugs along with the iron (if I have it).


    Hi Debbie, Husband still
    Hi Debbie, Husband still hasn't had any side effects from his infusion on yesterday.
    He actually was able to do a little walking in the yard today. So hopefully your
    infusion will go well, with no ill effects either. Will keep you in my thoughts, Brenda
  • bdee
    bdee Member Posts: 304
    eibod said:

    Hi Debbie, Husband still
    Hi Debbie, Husband still hasn't had any side effects from his infusion on yesterday.
    He actually was able to do a little walking in the yard today. So hopefully your
    infusion will go well, with no ill effects either. Will keep you in my thoughts, Brenda

    Thanks, Brenda
    For keeping me informed. I've really been kind of concerned about the infusion because it doesn't seem like many people get it.

    Debbie in Arkansas
  • SisterSledge
    SisterSledge Member Posts: 332 Member
    bdee said:

    My doctor is against all supplements. I had to quit taking all my vitamins except Calcium. He said anything that helps or heals ANY cells will help and keep cancer cells working.

    Debbie in Arkansas

    Supplements during chemo
    We have a wealth of personal anecdotes on this website that show no harm, that we can tell, from taking minimal supplements during chemo, and likely derive positive results from. Everyone reacts differently to their cancer and the treatments prescribed, so it is hard to say what will be best for any one person.

    In general, I would say that if you're too sick for chemo, there is a need to take what will make you well enough for chemo...getting our treatments is a top priority! I'm not suggesting you should regularly disobey a doc, but sometimes they don't really know what they say they know, ya know???

    I'm having good results from my chemo regimen of gemcitabine+cisplatin and here's the minimal supplements I'm taking:
    Flax seed oil in capsule
    L-Lysine (suggested by onc for avoiding mouth sores)
    Vitamin D3
    B-Complex vitamin

    Be well,